module InventoryRefresh::SaveCollection module Saver module PartialUpsertHelper private # Taking result from update or upsert of the row. The records that were not saved will be turned into skeletal # records and we will save them attribute by attribute. # # @param hash [Hash{String => InventoryObject}>] Hash with indexed data we want to save # @param result [Array] Result from the DB containing the data that were actually saved # @param all_unique_columns [Boolean] True if index is consisted from all columns of the unique index. False if # index is just made from manager_ref turned in DB column names. def skeletonize_ignored_records!(hash, result, all_unique_columns: false) updated = if all_unique_columns { |x| { |key| x[key] } } else { |x| db_columns_index(x, :pure_sql => true) } end updated.each { |x| hash.delete(x) } # Now lets skeletonize all inventory_objects that were not saved by update or upsert. Old rows that can't be # saved are not being sent here. We have only rows that are new, but become old as we send the query (so other # parallel process saved the data in the meantime). Or if some attributes are newer than the whole row # being sent. hash.each_key do |db_index| inventory_collection.skeletal_primary_index.skeletonize_primary_index(hash[db_index].manager_uuid) end end # Saves partial records using upsert, taking records from skeletal_primary_index. This is used both for # skeletal precreate as well as for saving partial rows. # # @param all_attribute_keys [Set] Superset of all keys of all records being saved def create_or_update_partial_records(all_attribute_keys) skeletal_inventory_objects_index, skeletal_attributes_index = load_partial_attributes(all_attribute_keys) indexed_inventory_objects, hashes = process_partial_data(skeletal_inventory_objects_index, skeletal_attributes_index, all_attribute_keys) return if hashes.blank? processed_record_refs = skeletal_precreate!(hashes, all_attribute_keys) hashes_for_update = hashes_for_update(hashes, processed_record_refs) partial_updates!(hashes_for_update, all_attribute_keys) if inventory_collection.dependees.present? # We need to get primary keys of the created objects, but only if there are dependees that would use them map_ids_to_inventory_objects(indexed_inventory_objects, all_attribute_keys, hashes, nil, :on_conflict => :do_nothing) end end def load_partial_attributes(all_attribute_keys) skeletal_attributes_index = {} skeletal_inventory_objects_index = {} inventory_collection.skeletal_primary_index.each_value do |inventory_object| attributes = inventory_object.class.attributes_with_keys(, inventory_collection, all_attribute_keys, inventory_object) index = build_stringified_reference(attributes, unique_index_keys) skeletal_attributes_index[index] = attributes skeletal_inventory_objects_index[index] = inventory_object end if supports_remote_data_timestamp?(all_attribute_keys) all_attribute_keys << :resource_timestamps all_attribute_keys << :resource_timestamps_max elsif supports_remote_data_version?(all_attribute_keys) all_attribute_keys << :resource_counters all_attribute_keys << :resource_counters_max end # We cannot set the resource_version doing partial update all_attribute_keys.delete(resource_version_column) return skeletal_inventory_objects_index, skeletal_attributes_index end def hashes_for_update(hashes, processed_record_refs) indexed_hashes = hashes.each_with_object({}) { |hash, obj| obj[ { |x| hash[x] }] = hash } indexed_hashes.except!(*processed_record_refs) hashes_for_update = indexed_hashes.values # We need only skeletal records with timestamp. We can't save the ones without timestamp, because e.g. skeletal # precreate would be updating records with default values, that are not correct. { |x| x[:resource_timestamps_max] || x[:resource_counters_max] } end def skeletal_precreate!(hashes, all_attribute_keys) processed_record_refs = [] # First, lets try to create all partial records hashes.each_slice(batch_size_for_persisting) do |batch| result = create_partial!(all_attribute_keys, batch, :on_conflict => :do_nothing) inventory_collection.store_created_records(result) # Store refs of created records, so we can ignore them for update result.each { |hash| processed_record_refs << { |x| hash[x.to_s] } } end processed_record_refs end def partial_updates!(hashes, all_attribute_keys) results = {} (all_attribute_keys - inventory_collection.base_columns).each do |column_name| filtered = { |x| x.key?(column_name) } filtered.each_slice(batch_size_for_persisting) do |batch| partial_update!(batch, all_attribute_keys, column_name, results) end end inventory_collection.store_updated_records(results.values) end def partial_update!(batch, all_attribute_keys, column_name, results) fill_comparables_max!(batch, all_attribute_keys, column_name) result = create_partial!((inventory_collection.base_columns + [column_name]).to_set & all_attribute_keys, batch, :on_conflict => :do_update, :column_name => column_name) result.each do |res| results[res["id"]] = res end end def fill_comparables_max!(batch, all_attribute_keys, column_name) comparables_max_name = comparable_max_column_name(all_attribute_keys) # We need to set correct timestamps_max for this particular attribute, based on what is in timestamps batch.each do |x| next unless x[:__non_serialized_versions][column_name] x[comparables_max_name] = x[:__non_serialized_versions][column_name] end end def comparable_max_column_name(all_attribute_keys) if supports_remote_data_timestamp?(all_attribute_keys) :resource_timestamps_max elsif supports_remote_data_version?(all_attribute_keys) :resource_counters_max end end def process_partial_data(skeletal_inventory_objects_index, skeletal_attributes_index, all_attribute_keys) indexed_inventory_objects = {} hashes = [] create_time = time_now skeletal_inventory_objects_index.each do |index, inventory_object| hash = prepare_partial_hash(skeletal_attributes_index.delete(index), all_attribute_keys, create_time) next unless assert_referential_integrity(hash) hashes << hash # Index on Unique Columns values, so we can easily fill in the :id later indexed_inventory_objects[ { |x| hash[x] }] = inventory_object end return indexed_inventory_objects, hashes end def prepare_partial_hash(hash, all_attribute_keys, create_time) # Partial create or update must never set a timestamp for the whole row timestamps = if supports_remote_data_timestamp?(all_attribute_keys) && supports_column?(:resource_timestamps_max) assign_partial_row_version_attributes!(:resource_timestamp, :resource_timestamps, hash, all_attribute_keys) elsif supports_remote_data_version?(all_attribute_keys) && supports_column?(:resource_counters_max) assign_partial_row_version_attributes!(:resource_counter, :resource_counters, hash, all_attribute_keys) end # Transform hash to DB format hash = transform_to_hash!(all_attribute_keys, hash) assign_attributes_for_create!(hash, create_time) hash[:__non_serialized_versions] = timestamps # store non serialized timestamps for the partial updates hash end # Batch upserts 1 data column of the row, plus the internal columns # # @param all_attribute_keys [Array] Array of all columns we will be saving into each table row # @param hashes [Array] Array of InventoryObject objects we will be inserting # into the DB # @param on_conflict [Symbol, NilClass] defines behavior on conflict with unique index constraint, allowed values # are :do_update, :do_nothing, nil # @param column_name [Symbol] Name of the data column we will be upserting def create_partial!(all_attribute_keys, hashes, on_conflict: nil, column_name: nil) get_connection.execute( build_insert_query(all_attribute_keys, hashes, :on_conflict => on_conflict, :mode => :partial, :column_name => column_name) ) end def comparable_timestamp(timestamp) # Lets cast all timestamps to to_f, rounding the time comparing precision to miliseconds, that should be # enough, since we are the ones setting the record version in collector. Otherwise we will have hard time with # doing equality, since the value changes going through DB (DB. cuts it at 5 decimal places) if timestamp.kind_of?(String) Time.use_zone('UTC') { }.to_f.round(3) elsif timestamp.kind_of?(Time) timestamp.in_time_zone('UTC').to_f.round(3) else timestamp end end def skeletonize_or_skip_record(record_version, hash_version, record_versions_max, inventory_object) record_version = comparable_timestamp(record_version) record_versions_max = comparable_timestamp(record_versions_max) if record_versions_max hash_version = comparable_timestamp(hash_version) # Skip updating this record, because it is old return true if record_version && hash_version && record_version >= hash_version # Some column has bigger version than the whole row, we need to store the row partially if record_versions_max && hash_version && record_versions_max > hash_version inventory_collection.skeletal_primary_index.skeletonize_primary_index(inventory_object.manager_uuid) return true end false end def assign_partial_row_version_attributes!(full_row_version_attr, partial_row_version_attr, hash, all_attribute_keys) hash[comparable_max_column_name(all_attribute_keys)] = hash.delete(full_row_version_attr) return if hash[partial_row_version_attr].blank? # Lets clean to only what we save, since when we build the skeletal object, we can set more hash[partial_row_version_attr] = hash[partial_row_version_attr].slice(*all_attribute_keys) end end end end