require({cache:{ 'url:dojox/calendar/templates/ExpandRenderer.html':"
\n"}}); define("dojox/calendar/ExpandRenderer", [ "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/event", "dojo/_base/window", "dojo/on", "dojo/dom-class", "dojo/dom-style", "dijit/_WidgetBase", "dijit/_TemplatedMixin", "dojo/text!./templates/ExpandRenderer.html"], function( declare, lang, event, win, on, domClass, domStyle, _WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, template){ return declare("dojox.calendar.ExpandRenderer", [_WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin], { // summary: // The default renderer display in MatrixView cells where some item renderers cannot be displayed because of size constraints. templateString: template, baseClass: "dojoxCalendarExpand", // owner: dojox/calendar/_ViewBase // The view that contains this renderer. owner: null, // focused: Boolean // Indicates that the renderer is focused. focused: false, // up: Boolean // Indicates that the mouse cursor is over renderer. up: false, // down: Boolean // Indicates that the renderer is pressed. down: false, // date: Date // The date displayed by the cell where this renderer is used. date: null, // items: Object[] // List of items that are not displayed in the cell because of the size constraints. items: null, // rowIndex: Integer // Row index where this renderer is used. rowIndex: -1, // columnIndex: Integer // Column index where this renderer is used. columnIndex: -1, _setExpandedAttr: function(value){ domStyle.set(this.expand, "display", value ? "none" : "inline-block"); domStyle.set(this.collapse, "display", value ? "inline-block" : "none"); this._set("expanded", value); }, _setDownAttr: function(value){ this._setState("down", value, "Down"); }, _setUpAttr: function(value){ this._setState("up", value, "Up"); }, _setFocusedAttr: function(value){ this._setState("focused", value, "Focused"); }, _setState: function(prop, value, cssClass){ if (this[prop] != value){ var tn = this.stateNode || this.domNode; domClass[value ? "add" : "remove"](tn, cssClass); this._set(prop, value); } }, _onClick: function(e){ // tags: // private if(this.owner && this.owner.expandRendererClickHandler){ this.owner.expandRendererClickHandler(e, this); } }, _onMouseDown: function(e){ // tags: // private event.stop(e); this.set("down", true); }, _onMouseUp: function(e){ // tags: // private this.set("down", false); }, _onMouseOver: function(e){ // tags: // private if(!this.up){ var buttonDown = e.button == 1; this.set("up", !buttonDown); this.set("down", buttonDown); } }, _onMouseOut: function(e){ // tags: // private var node = e.relatedTarget; while(node != e.currentTarget && node != win.doc.body && node != null){ node = node.parentNode; } if(node == e.currentTarget){ return; } this.set("up", false); this.set("down", false); } }); });