require 'cul_scv_hydra/controllers/helpers/application_helper_behavior' module Cul::Scv::Hydra::Controllers module Datastreams extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do include Cul::Scv::Hydra::Controllers::Helpers::ApplicationHelperBehavior include Hydra::AssetsControllerHelper include Hydra::AssetsControllerHelper include Hydra::FileAssetsHelper include Hydra::RepositoryController include MediaShelf::ActiveFedoraHelper include Blacklight::SolrHelper before_filter :require_solr, :only=>[:index, :create, :show, :destroy] prepend_before_filter :sanitize_update_params end def index if params[:layout] == "false" # action = "index_embedded" layout = false end unless params[:asset_id].nil? # Including this line so permissions tests can be run against the container @container_response, @document = get_solr_response_for_doc_id(params[:asset_id]) # Including these lines for backwards compatibility (until we can use Rails3 callbacks) @container = ActiveFedora::Base.load_instance(params[:asset_id]) @ds = @container.datastreams(params[:id]) else # What are we doing here without a containing object? raise "called DatastreamsController#index without containing object" end render :action=>params[:action], :layout=>layout end def new render :partial=>"new", :layout=>false end # Creates and Saves a Datastream to contain the the Uploaded file def create if params[:asset_id].nil? raise "Cannot created a datastream without a containing object" else @container = ActiveFedora::Base.load_instance(params[:asset_id]) end if params[:id].nil? raise "Cannot created a datastream without a datastream id" end if params.has_key?(:Filedata) file_name = filename_from_params mime_type = params[:mime_type] || mime_type(file_name) @container.add_file_datastream(posted_file, :dsid=>params[:id], :label=>file_name, :mimeType=>mime_type, :size=>posted_file.size) # apply_depositor_metadata(@file_asset) flash[:notice] = "The file #{params[:Filename]} has been saved as #{params[:datastream_id]} in #{}." ## Apply any posted file metadata unless params[:asset].nil? # logger.debug("applying submitted file metadata: #{@sanitized_params.inspect}") # apply_file_metadata end # If redirect_params has not been set, use {:action=>:index} logger.debug "Created #{}##{params[:datastream_id]}." elsif params.has_key?(:Source) file_name = filename_from_url(params[:Source]) mime_type = params[:mime_type] || mime_type(file_name) ds_props = {:dsid=>params[:id], :label=>file_name, :mimeType=>mime_type, :dsLocation=>params[:Source]} @container.add_datastream( flash[:notice] = "#{params[:Source]} has been saved as #{params[:datastream_id]} in #{}." else flash[:notice] = "You must specify a file to upload or a source URL." end unless params[:container_id].nil? redirect_params = {:controller=>"catalog", :id=>params[:asset_id], :action=>:edit} end redirect_params ||= {:action=>:index} redirect_to redirect_params end # Datastream destroy method def destroy @container = ActiveFedora::Base.load_instance(params[:asset_id]) @container.datastreams[params[:datastream_id]].delete render :text => "Deleted #{params[:datastream_id]} from #{params[:asset_id]}." # Does the index need to be updated on delete here? end def update self.create end def show @container = ActiveFedora::Base.find(params[:asset_id]) if (@container.nil?) logger.warn("No such fedora object: " + params[:asset_id]) flash[:notice]= "No such fedora object." redirect_to(:action => 'index', :q => nil , :f => nil) return else # get array of parent (container) objects for this FileAsset @downloadable = false # A FileAsset is downloadable iff the user has read or higher access to a parent @response, @document = get_solr_response_for_doc_id(params[:asset_id]) if reader? @downloadable = true end if @downloadable if @container.datastreams_in_memory.include?(params[:id]) ds = @container.datastreams_in_memory[params[:id]] opts = {:filename => ds.label} if params[:mime_type].nil? opts[:type] = ds.attributes["mimeType"] else opts[:type] = params[:mime_type] end if params[:disposition].nil? opts[:disposition] = "attachment" else opts[:disposition] = params[:disposition] end logger.debug opts.inspect send_data ds.content, opts return end else flash[:notice]= "You do not have sufficient access privileges to download this document, which has been marked private." redirect_to(:action => 'index', :q => nil , :f => nil) return end end end end end