(function($){ (function () { if($.event.special.mousewheel){return;} var toFix = ['wheel', 'mousewheel', 'DOMMouseScroll', 'MozMousePixelScroll'], toBind = ( 'onwheel' in document || document.documentMode >= 9 ) ? ['wheel'] : ['mousewheel', 'DomMouseScroll', 'MozMousePixelScroll'], slice = Array.prototype.slice, nullLowestDeltaTimeout, lowestDelta; if ( $.event.fixHooks ) { for ( var i = toFix.length; i; ) { $.event.fixHooks[ toFix[--i] ] = $.event.mouseHooks; } } $.event.special.mousewheel = { version: '3.1.6', setup: function() { if ( this.addEventListener ) { for ( var i = toBind.length; i; ) { this.addEventListener( toBind[--i], handler, false ); } } else { this.onmousewheel = handler; } }, teardown: function() { if ( this.removeEventListener ) { for ( var i = toBind.length; i; ) { this.removeEventListener( toBind[--i], handler, false ); } } else { this.onmousewheel = null; } } }; $.fn.extend({ mousewheel: function(fn) { return fn ? this.on('mousewheel', fn) : this.trigger('mousewheel'); }, unmousewheel: function(fn) { return this.off('mousewheel', fn); } }); function handler(event) { var orgEvent = event || window.event, args = slice.call(arguments, 1), delta = 0, deltaX = 0, deltaY = 0, absDelta = 0; event = $.event.fix(orgEvent); event.type = 'mousewheel'; // Old school scrollwheel delta if ( 'detail' in orgEvent ) { deltaY = orgEvent.detail * -1; } if ( 'wheelDelta' in orgEvent ) { deltaY = orgEvent.wheelDelta; } if ( 'wheelDeltaY' in orgEvent ) { deltaY = orgEvent.wheelDeltaY; } if ( 'wheelDeltaX' in orgEvent ) { deltaX = orgEvent.wheelDeltaX * -1; } // Firefox < 17 horizontal scrolling related to DOMMouseScroll event if ( 'axis' in orgEvent && orgEvent.axis === orgEvent.HORIZONTAL_AXIS ) { deltaX = deltaY * -1; deltaY = 0; } // Set delta to be deltaY or deltaX if deltaY is 0 for backwards compatabilitiy delta = deltaY === 0 ? deltaX : deltaY; // New school wheel delta (wheel event) if ( 'deltaY' in orgEvent ) { deltaY = orgEvent.deltaY * -1; delta = deltaY; } if ( 'deltaX' in orgEvent ) { deltaX = orgEvent.deltaX; if ( deltaY === 0 ) { delta = deltaX * -1; } } // No change actually happened, no reason to go any further if ( deltaY === 0 && deltaX === 0 ) { return; } // Store lowest absolute delta to normalize the delta values absDelta = Math.max( Math.abs(deltaY), Math.abs(deltaX) ); if ( !lowestDelta || absDelta < lowestDelta ) { lowestDelta = absDelta; } // Get a whole, normalized value for the deltas delta = Math[ delta >= 1 ? 'floor' : 'ceil' ](delta / lowestDelta); deltaX = Math[ deltaX >= 1 ? 'floor' : 'ceil' ](deltaX / lowestDelta); deltaY = Math[ deltaY >= 1 ? 'floor' : 'ceil' ](deltaY / lowestDelta); // Add information to the event object event.deltaX = deltaX; event.deltaY = deltaY; event.deltaFactor = lowestDelta; // Add event and delta to the front of the arguments args.unshift(event, delta, deltaX, deltaY); // Clearout lowestDelta after sometime to better // handle multiple device types that give different // a different lowestDelta // Ex: trackpad = 3 and mouse wheel = 120 if (nullLowestDeltaTimeout) { clearTimeout(nullLowestDeltaTimeout); } nullLowestDeltaTimeout = setTimeout(nullLowestDelta, 200); return ($.event.dispatch || $.event.handle).apply(this, args); } function nullLowestDelta() { lowestDelta = null; } })(); (function(){ if($.event.special.mwheelIntent){return;} var mwheelI = { pos: [-260, -260] }, minDif = 3, doc = document, root = doc.documentElement, body = doc.body, longDelay, shortDelay ; if(!body){ $(function(){ body = doc.body; }); } function unsetPos(){ if(this === mwheelI.elem){ mwheelI.pos = [-260, -260]; mwheelI.elem = false; minDif = 3; } } $.event.special.mwheelIntent = { setup: function(){ var jElm = $(this).on('mousewheel', $.event.special.mwheelIntent.handler); if( this !== doc && this !== root && this !== body ){ jElm.on('mouseleave', unsetPos); } jElm = null; return true; }, teardown: function(){ $(this) .off('mousewheel', $.event.special.mwheelIntent.handler) .off('mouseleave', unsetPos) ; return true; }, handler: function(e, d){ var pos = [e.clientX, e.clientY]; if( this === mwheelI.elem || Math.abs(mwheelI.pos[0] - pos[0]) > minDif || Math.abs(mwheelI.pos[1] - pos[1]) > minDif ){ mwheelI.elem = this; mwheelI.pos = pos; minDif = 250; clearTimeout(shortDelay); shortDelay = setTimeout(function(){ minDif = 10; }, 200); clearTimeout(longDelay); longDelay = setTimeout(function(){ minDif = 3; }, 1500); e = $.extend({}, e, {type: 'mwheelIntent'}); return ($.event.dispatch || $.event.handle).apply(this, arguments); } } }; $.fn.extend({ mwheelIntent: function(fn) { return fn ? this.on("mwheelIntent", fn) : this.trigger("mwheelIntent"); }, unmwheelIntent: function(fn) { return this.off("mwheelIntent", fn); } }); $(function(){ body = doc.body; //assume that document is always scrollable, doesn't hurt if not $(doc).on('mwheelIntent.mwheelIntentDefault', $.noop); }); })(); (function(){ if($.event.special.mousepress){return;} var removeTimer = function(elem, full){ var timer = elem.data('mousepresstimer'); if(timer){ clearTimeout(timer); } if(full){ elem.off('mouseup.mousepressext mouseleave.mousepressext'); } elem = null; }; $.event.special.mousepress = { setup: function(){ var timer; $(this).on('mousedown.mousepressext', function(e){ var elem = $(this); var startIntervall = function(delay){ var steps = 0; removeTimer(elem); elem.data('mousepresstimer', setInterval(function(){ $.event.special.mousepress.handler(elem[0], e); steps++; if(steps > 3 && delay > 45){ startIntervall(delay - 40); } }, delay)); }; var target = $(e.target).trigger('mousepressstart', [e]); removeTimer(elem); elem.data('mousepresstimer', setTimeout(function(){ startIntervall(180); }, 200)); elem.on('mouseup.mousepressext mouseleave.mousepressext', function(e){ removeTimer(elem, true); target.trigger('mousepressend', [e]); elem = null; target = null; }); }); }, teardown: function(){ removeTimer($(this).off('.mousepressext'), true); }, handler: function(elem, e){ return $.event.dispatch.call(elem, {type: 'mousepress', target: e.target, pageX: e.pageX, pageY: e.pageY}); } }; })(); })(webshims.$); webshims.register('forms-picker', function($, webshims, window, document, undefined, options){ "use strict"; var picker = webshims.picker; var actions = picker._actions; var moduleOpts = options; var getDateArray = function(date){ var ret = [date.getFullYear(), moduleOpts.addZero(date.getMonth() + 1), moduleOpts.addZero(date.getDate())]; ret.month = ret[0]+'-'+ret[1]; ret.date = ret[0]+'-'+ret[1]+'-'+ret[2]; ret.time = moduleOpts.addZero(date.getHours()) +':'+ moduleOpts.addZero(date.getMinutes()); ret['datetime-local'] = ret.date +'T'+ ret.time; return ret; }; var today = getDateArray(new Date()); var _setFocus = function(element, _noFocus){ element = $(element || this.activeButton); this.activeButton.attr({tabindex: '-1', 'aria-selected': 'false'}); this.activeButton = element.attr({tabindex: '0', 'aria-selected': 'true'}); this.index = this.buttons.index(this.activeButton[0]); clearTimeout(this.timer); picker._genericSetFocus.apply(this, arguments); }; var _initialFocus = function(){ var sel; if(this.popover.navedInitFocus){ sel = this.popover.navedInitFocus.sel || this.popover.navedInitFocus; if((!this.activeButton || !this.activeButton[0]) && this.buttons[sel]){ this.activeButton = this.buttons[sel](); } else if(sel){ this.activeButton = $(sel, this.element); } if(!this.activeButton[0] && this.popover.navedInitFocus.alt){ this.activeButton = this.buttons[this.popover.navedInitFocus.alt](); } } if(!this.activeButton || !this.activeButton[0]){ this.activeButton = this.buttons.filter('.checked-value'); } if(!this.activeButton[0]){ this.activeButton = this.buttons.filter('.this-value'); } if(!this.activeButton[0]){ this.activeButton = this.buttons.eq(0); } this.setFocus(this.activeButton, this.opts.noFocus); }; var formcfg = webshims.formcfg; var curCfg = formcfg.__active || formcfg['']; var stopPropagation = function(e){ e.stopImmediatePropagation(); }; var steps = options.steps; var mousePress = function(e){ $(this)[e.type == 'mousepressstart' ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('mousepress-ui'); }; var getMonthNameHTML = function(index, year, prefix){ var dateCfg = curCfg.date; var str = []; if(!prefix){ prefix = ''; } $.each({monthNames: 'monthname', monthDigits: 'month-digit', monthNamesShort: 'monthname-short'}, function(prop, cName){ var name = [prefix + dateCfg[prop][index]]; if(year){ name.push(year); if(dateCfg.showMonthAfterYear){ name.reverse(); } } str.push(''+ name.join(' ') +''); }); return str.join(''); }; var widgetProtos = { _addBindings: function(){ var isFocused; var that = this; var o = this.options; var eventTimer = (function(){ var events = {}; return { init: function(name, curVal, fn){ if (!events[name]) { events[name] = { fn: fn }; $(that.orig).on(name, function(){ events[name].val = $.prop(that.orig, 'value'); }); } events[name].val = curVal; }, call: function(name, val){ if (events[name] && events[name].val != val) { clearTimeout(events[name].timer); events[name].val = val; events[name].timer = setTimeout(function(){ events[name].fn(val, that); }, 9); } } }; })(); var initChangeEvents = function(){ eventTimer.init('input', $.prop(that.orig, 'value'), that.options.input); eventTimer.init('change', $.prop(that.orig, 'value'), that.options.change); }; var step = {}; var preventBlur = function(e){ if (preventBlur.prevent) { e.preventDefault(); $(isFocused || that.element.getShadowFocusElement()).trigger('focus'); stopPropagation(e); return true; } }; var callSplitChange = (function(){ var timer; var call = function(e){ var val; clearTimeout(timer); val = that.parseValue(); if (that.type == 'color') { that.inputElements.val(val); } $.prop(that.orig, 'value', val); eventTimer.call('input', val); if (!e || e.type != 'wsupdatevalue') { eventTimer.call('change', val); } }; var onFocus = function(){ clearTimeout(timer); }; var onBlur = function(e){ clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(call, 0); if (e.type == 'ws__change') { stopPropagation(e); if (!o.splitInput) { call(); } } }; that.element.on('wsupdatevalue', call); that.inputElements.add(that.buttonWrapper).add(that.element).on({ 'ws__focusin': onFocus, 'ws__blur ws__focusout ws__change': onBlur }); setTimeout(function(){ if (that.popover) { that.popover.element.on('wspopoverhide', onBlur); that.popover.element.children().on({ 'focusin': onFocus, 'focusout': onBlur }); } }, 0); })(); var spinEvents = {}; var spinElement = o.splitInput ? this.inputElements.filter('.ws-spin') : this.inputElements.eq(0); var elementEvts = { ws__blur: function(e){ if (!preventBlur(e) && !o.disabled && !o.readonly) { if (!preventBlur.prevent) { isFocused = false; } } stopPropagation(e); }, ws__focus: function(e){ if (!isFocused) { initChangeEvents(); isFocused = this; } }, keypress: function(e){ if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) { return; } var chr; var stepped = true; var code = e.keyCode; if (!e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey && curCfg[that.type + 'Signs']) { chr = String.fromCharCode(e.charCode == null ? code : e.charCode); stepped = !(chr < " " || (curCfg[that.type + 'Signs'] + '0123456789').indexOf(chr) > -1); } else { stepped = false; } if (stepped) { e.preventDefault(); } }, ws__input: (this.type == 'color' && this.isValid) ? $.noop : (function(){ var timer; var check = function(){ var val = that.parseValue(true); if (val && that.isValid(val)) { that.setInput(val); } }; return function(){ clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(check, 200); }; })(), 'ws__input keydown keypress': (function(){ var timer; var isStopped = false; var releaseTab = function(){ if (isStopped === true) { isStopped = 'semi'; timer = setTimeout(releaseTab, 250); } else { isStopped = false; } }; var stopTab = function(){ isStopped = true; clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(releaseTab, 300); }; var select = function(){ var elem = this; setTimeout(function(){ elem.focus(); if(elem.select){ elem.select(); } }, 4); stopTab(); }; return function(e){ if (o.splitInput && o.jumpInputs) { if (e.type == 'ws__input') { if ($.prop(this, 'value').length === $.prop(this, 'maxLength')) { try { $(this).next().next('input, select').each(select); } catch (er) {} } } else if (!e.shiftKey && !e.crtlKey && e.keyCode == 9 && (isStopped === true || (isStopped && !$.prop(this, 'value')))) { e.preventDefault(); } } }; })() }; var mouseDownInit = function(){ if (!o.disabled && !isFocused) { that.element.getShadowFocusElement().trigger('focus'); } preventBlur.set(); return false; }; preventBlur.set = (function(){ var timer; var reset = function(){ preventBlur.prevent = false; }; return function(){ clearTimeout(timer); preventBlur.prevent = true; setTimeout(reset, 9); }; })(); if(o.splitInput && o.jumpInputs == null){ o.jumpInputs = true; } this.buttonWrapper.on('mousedown', mouseDownInit); this.setInput = function(value){ that.value(value); eventTimer.call('input', value); }; this.setChange = function(value){ that.setInput(value); eventTimer.call('change', value); }; this.inputElements.on(elementEvts); if (steps[this.type]) { ['stepUp', 'stepDown'].forEach(function(name){ step[name] = function(factor){ if (!o.disabled && !o.readonly) { if (!isFocused) { mouseDownInit(); } var ret = false; if (!factor) { factor = 1; } if(o.stepfactor){ factor *= o.stepfactor; } try { that.elemHelper[name](factor); ret = that.elemHelper.prop('value'); } catch (er) { if (!o.value && that.maxAsNumber >= that.minAsNumber) { ret = o.defValue; } } if (ret !== false && o.value != ret) { that.value(ret); if(o.toFixed && o.type == 'number'){ that.element[0].value = that.toFixed(that.element[0].value, true); } eventTimer.call('input', ret); } return ret; } }; }); if (!o.noSpinbtn) { spinEvents.mwheelIntent = function(e, delta){ if (delta && isFocused && !o.disabled) { step[delta > 0 ? 'stepUp' : 'stepDown'](); e.preventDefault(); } }; spinEvents.keydown = function(e){ if (o.list || e.isDefaultPrevented() || (e.altKey && e.keyCode == 40) || $.attr(this, 'list')) { return; } var stepped = true; var code = e.keyCode; if (code == 38) { step.stepUp(); } else if (code == 40) { step.stepDown(); } else { stepped = false; } if (stepped) { e.preventDefault(); } }; spinElement.attr({ 'autocomplete': 'off', role: 'spinbutton' }).on(spinEvents); } $(this.buttonWrapper).on('mousepressstart mousepressend', '.step-up, .step-down', mousePress).on('mousedown mousepress', '.step-up', function(e){ step.stepUp(); }).on('mousedown mousepress', '.step-down', function(e){ step.stepDown(); }); initChangeEvents(); } }, initDataList: function(){ var listTimer; var that = this; var updateList = function(){ $(that.orig) .jProp('list') .off('updateDatalist', updateList) .on('updateDatalist', updateList) ; clearTimeout(listTimer); listTimer = setTimeout(function(){ if(that.list){ that.list(); } }, 9); }; $(this.orig).onTrigger('listdatalistchange', updateList); }, getOptions: function(){ var options = {}; var datalist = $(this.orig).jProp('list'); datalist.find('option').each(function(){ options[$.prop(this, 'value')] = $.prop(this, 'label'); }); return [options, datalist.data('label')]; } }; $.extend($.fn.wsBaseWidget.wsProto, widgetProtos); $.extend($.fn.spinbtnUI.wsProto, widgetProtos); $(formcfg).on('change', function(e, data){ curCfg = formcfg.__active; }); webshims.ListBox = function (element, popover, opts){ this.element = $('ul', element); this.popover = popover; this.opts = opts || {}; this.buttons = $('button:not(:disabled)', this.element); this.ons(this); this._initialFocus(); }; webshims.ListBox.prototype = { setFocus: _setFocus, _initialFocus: _initialFocus, prev: function(){ var index = this.index - 1; if(index < 0){ if(this.opts.prev){ this.popover.navedInitFocus = 'last'; this.popover.actionFn(this.opts.prev); this.popover.navedInitFocus = false; } } else { this.setFocus(this.buttons.eq(index)); } }, next: function(){ var index = this.index + 1; if(index >= this.buttons.length){ if(this.opts.next){ this.popover.navedInitFocus = 'first'; this.popover.actionFn(this.opts.next); this.popover.navedInitFocus = false; } } else { this.setFocus(this.buttons.eq(index)); } }, ons: function(that){ this.element .on({ 'keydown': function(e){ var handled; var key = e.keyCode; if(e.ctrlKey){return;} if(key == 36 || key == 33){ that.setFocus(that.buttons.eq(0)); handled = true; } else if(key == 34 || key == 35){ that.setFocus(that.buttons.eq(that.buttons.length - 1)); handled = true; } else if(key == 38 || key == 37){ that.prev(); handled = true; } else if(key == 40 || key == 39){ that.next(); handled = true; } if(handled){ return false; } } }) ; } }; webshims.Grid = function (element, popover, opts){ this.element = $('tbody', element); this.popover = popover; this.opts = opts || {}; this.buttons = $('button:not(:disabled):not(.othermonth)', this.element); this.ons(this); this._initialFocus(); if(this.popover.openedByFocus){ this.popover.activeElement = this.activeButton; } }; webshims.Grid.prototype = { setFocus: _setFocus, _initialFocus: _initialFocus, first: function(){ this.setFocus(this.buttons.eq(0)); }, last: function(){ this.setFocus(this.buttons.eq(this.buttons.length - 1)); }, upPage: function(){ $('.ws-picker-header > button:not(:disabled)', this.popover.element).trigger('click'); }, downPage: function(){ this.activeButton.filter(':not([data-action="changeInput"])').trigger('click'); }, ons: function(that){ this.element .on({ 'keydown': function(e){ var handled, sKey; var key = e.keyCode; if(e.shiftKey){return;} sKey = e.ctrlKey || e.altKey; //|| e.metaKey if((sKey && key == 40)){ handled = 'downPage'; } else if((sKey && key == 38)){ handled = 'upPage'; } else if(key == 33 || (sKey && key == 37)){ handled = 'prevPage'; } else if(key == 34 || (sKey && key == 39)){ handled = 'nextPage'; } else if(e.keyCode == 36 || e.keyCode == 33){ handled = 'first'; } else if(e.keyCode == 35){ handled = 'last'; } else if(e.keyCode == 38){ handled = 'up'; } else if(e.keyCode == 37){ handled = 'prev'; } else if(e.keyCode == 40){ handled = 'down'; } else if(e.keyCode == 39){ handled = 'next'; } if(handled){ that[handled](); return false; } } }) ; } }; $.each({ prevPage: {get: 'last', action: 'prev'}, nextPage: {get: 'first', action: 'next'} }, function(name, val){ webshims.Grid.prototype[name] = function(){ if(this.opts[val.action]){ this.popover.navedInitFocus = { sel: 'button[data-id="'+ this.activeButton.attr('data-id') +'"]:not(:disabled,.othermonth)', alt: val.get }; this.popover.actionFn(this.opts[val.action]); this.popover.navedInitFocus = false; } }; }); $.each({ up: {traverse: 'prevAll', get: 'last', action: 'prev', reverse: true}, down: {traverse: 'nextAll', get: 'first', action: 'next'} }, function(name, val){ webshims.Grid.prototype[name] = function(){ var cellIndex = this.activeButton.closest('td').prop('cellIndex'); var sel = 'td:nth-child('+(cellIndex + 1)+') button:not(:disabled,.othermonth)'; var button = this.activeButton.closest('tr')[val.traverse](); if(val.reverse){ button = $(button.get().reverse()); } button = button.find(sel)[val.get](); if(!button[0]){ if(this.opts[val.action]){ this.popover.navedInitFocus = sel+':'+val.get; this.popover.actionFn(this.opts[val.action]); this.popover.navedInitFocus = false; } } else { this.setFocus(button.eq(0)); } }; }); $.each({ prev: {traverse: 'prevAll',get: 'last', reverse: true}, next: {traverse: 'nextAll', get: 'first'} }, function(name, val){ webshims.Grid.prototype[name] = function(){ var sel = 'button:not(:disabled,.othermonth)'; var button = this.activeButton.closest('td')[val.traverse]('td'); if(val.reverse){ button = $(button.get().reverse()); } button = button.find(sel)[val.get](); if(!button[0]){ button = this.activeButton.closest('tr')[val.traverse]('tr'); if(val.reverse){ button = $(button.get().reverse()); } button = button.find(sel)[val.get](); } if(!button[0]){ if(this.opts[name]){ this.popover.navedInitFocus = val.get; this.popover.actionFn(this.opts[name]); this.popover.navedInitFocus = false; } } else { this.setFocus(button.eq(0)); } }; }); //taken from jquery ui picker.getWeek = function(date){ var time; var checkDate = new Date(date.getTime()); checkDate.setDate(checkDate.getDate() + 4 - (checkDate.getDay() || 7)); time = checkDate.getTime(); checkDate.setMonth(0); checkDate.setDate(1); return Math.floor(Math.round((time - checkDate) / 86400000) / 7) + 1; }; picker.getYearList = function(value, data){ var j, i, val, disabled, lis, prevDisabled, nextDisabled, classStr, classArray, start; var o = data.options; var size = o.size; var max = o.max.split('-'); var min = o.min.split('-'); var cols = o.cols || 4; var currentValue = o.value.split('-'); var xthCorrect = 0; var enabled = 0; var str = ''; var rowNum = 0; if(data.options.useDecadeBase == 'max' && max[0]){ xthCorrect = 11 - (max[0] % 12); } else if(data.options.useDecadeBase == 'min' && min[0]){ xthCorrect = 0 - (min[0] % 12); } value = value[0] * 1; start = value - ((value + xthCorrect) % (12 * size)); for(j = 0; j < size; j++){ if(j){ start += 12; } else { prevDisabled = picker.isInRange([start-1], max, min) ? {'data-action': 'setYearList','value': start-1} : false; } str += '
'; lis = []; for(i = 0; i < 12; i++){ val = start + i ; classArray = []; if( !picker.isInRange([val], max, min) ){ disabled = ' disabled=""'; } else { disabled = ''; enabled++; } if(val == today[0]){ classArray.push('this-value'); } if(currentValue[0] == val){ classArray.push('checked-value'); } classStr = classArray.length ? ' class="'+ (classArray.join(' ')) +'"' : ''; if(i && !(i % cols)){ rowNum++; lis.push(''); } lis.push(''); } if(j == size - 1){ nextDisabled = picker.isInRange([val+1], max, min) ? {'data-action': 'setYearList','value': val+1} : false; } str += '
'+ (lis.join(''))+ '
'; } return { enabled: enabled, main: str, next: nextDisabled, prev: prevDisabled, type: 'Grid' }; }; picker.getMonthList = function(value, data){ var j, i, name, val, disabled, lis, prevDisabled, nextDisabled, classStr, classArray; var o = data.options; var size = o.size; var max = o.maxS; var min = o.minS; var cols = o.cols || 4; var currentValue = o.value.split('-'); var enabled = 0; var rowNum = 0; var str = ''; value = value[0] - Math.floor((size - 1) / 2); for(j = 0; j < size; j++){ if(j){ value++; } else { prevDisabled = picker.isInRange([value-1], max, min) ? {'data-action': 'setMonthList','value': value-1} : false; } if(j == size - 1){ nextDisabled = picker.isInRange([value+1], max, min) ? {'data-action': 'setMonthList','value': value+1} : false; } lis = []; if( !picker.isInRange([value, '01'], max, min) && !picker.isInRange([value, '12'], max, min)){ disabled = ' disabled=""'; } else { disabled = ''; } if(o.minView >= 1){ disabled = ' disabled=""'; } str += '
'; str += ' '; str += '
'; for(i = 0; i < 12; i++){ val = curCfg.date.monthkeys[i+1]; name = getMonthNameHTML(i); classArray = []; if(!picker.isInRange([value, val], max, min) ){ disabled = ' disabled=""'; } else { disabled = ''; enabled++; } if(value == today[0] && today[1] == val){ classArray.push('this-value'); } if(currentValue[0] == value && currentValue[1] == val){ classArray.push('checked-value'); } classStr = (classArray.length) ? ' class="'+ (classArray.join(' ')) +'"' : ''; if(i && !(i % cols)){ rowNum++; lis.push(''); } lis.push(''); } str += '
'+ (lis.join(''))+ '
'; } return { enabled: enabled, main: str, prev: prevDisabled, next: nextDisabled, type: 'Grid' }; }; picker.getDayList = function(value, data){ var j, i, k, day, nDay, name, val, disabled, lis, prevDisabled, nextDisabled, yearNext, yearPrev, addTr, week, rowNum; var lastMonth, curMonth, otherMonth, dateArray, monthName, fullMonthName, monthDigit, buttonStr, date2, classArray; var o = data.options; var size = o.size; var max = o.maxS; var min = o.minS; var currentValue = o.value.split('T')[0].split('-'); var dateCfg = curCfg.date; var enabled = 0; var str = []; var date = new Date(value[0], value[1] - 1, 1); var action = (data.type == 'datetime-local') ? 'setTimeList' : 'changeInput'; date.setMonth(date.getMonth() - Math.floor((size - 1) / 2)); yearNext = [ (value[0] * 1) + 1, value[1] ]; yearNext = picker.isInRange(yearNext, max, min) ? {'data-action': 'setDayList','value': yearNext.join('-')} : false; yearPrev = [ (value[0] * 1) - 1, value[1] ]; yearPrev = picker.isInRange(yearPrev, max, min) ? {'data-action': 'setDayList','value': yearPrev.join('-')} : false; for(j = 0; j < size; j++){ date.setDate(1); lastMonth = date.getMonth(); rowNum = 0; if(!j){ date2 = new Date(date.getTime()); date2.setDate(-1); dateArray = getDateArray(date2); prevDisabled = picker.isInRange(dateArray, max, min) ? {'data-action': 'setDayList','value': dateArray[0]+'-'+dateArray[1]} : false; } dateArray = getDateArray(date); str.push('
'); monthName = ['', '']; if(curCfg.date.showMonthAfterYear){ monthName.reverse(); } str.push( monthName.join(' ') ); fullMonthName = [dateCfg.monthNames[(dateArray[1] * 1) - 1], dateArray[0]]; if(dateCfg.showMonthAfterYear){ fullMonthName.reverse(); } str.push( '' ); str.push('
'); str.push(''); for(k = dateCfg.firstDay; k < dateCfg.dayNamesShort.length; k++){ str.push(''); } k = dateCfg.firstDay; while(k--){ str.push(''); } str.push(''); week = picker.getWeek(date); str.push(''); for (i = 0; i < 99; i++) { addTr = (i && !(i % 7)); curMonth = date.getMonth(); otherMonth = lastMonth != curMonth; day = date.getDay(); classArray = []; if(addTr && otherMonth && rowNum >= 5){ str.push(''); break; } if(addTr){ rowNum++; str.push(''); week++; if(week > 52){ week = picker.getWeek(date); } str.push(''); } if(!i){ if(day != curCfg.date.firstDay){ nDay = day - curCfg.date.firstDay; if(nDay < 0){ nDay += 7; } date.setDate(date.getDate() - nDay); day = date.getDay(); curMonth = date.getMonth(); otherMonth = lastMonth != curMonth; } } dateArray = getDateArray(date); buttonStr = ''); date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1); } str.push('
'+ dateCfg.weekHeader +''+ dateCfg.dayNamesShort[k] +''+ dateCfg.dayNamesShort[k] +'
'+ week +'
'+ week +'
'); if(j == size - 1){ dateArray = getDateArray(date); dateArray[2] = 1; nextDisabled = picker.isInRange(dateArray, max, min) ? {'data-action': 'setDayList','value': dateArray.date} : false; } } return { enabled: 9, main: str.join(''), prev: prevDisabled, next: nextDisabled, yearPrev: yearPrev, yearNext: yearNext, type: 'Grid' }; }; // var createDatimeValue = picker.getTimeList = function(value, data){ var label, tmpValue, iVal, hVal, valPrefix; var str = '
'; var i = 0; var rowNum = 0; var len = 23; var attrs = { min: $.prop(data.orig, 'min'), max: $.prop(data.orig, 'max'), step: $.prop(data.orig, 'step') }; var o = data.options; var gridLabel = ''; if(data.type == 'time'){ label = ''; } else { tmpValue = value[2].split('T'); value[2] = tmpValue[0]; if(tmpValue[1]){ value[3] = tmpValue[1]; } gridLabel = ' aria-label="'+ value[2] +'. '+ (curCfg.date.monthNames[(value[1] * 1) - 1]) +' '+ value[0] +'"'; label = getMonthNameHTML((value[1] * 1) - 1, value[0], value[2] +'. '); label = ''; valPrefix = value[0] +'-'+value[1]+'-'+value[2]+'T'; } str += '
'; str += '
'; for(; i <= len; i++){ iVal = moduleOpts.addZero(''+i) +':00'; hVal = valPrefix ? valPrefix+iVal : iVal ; if(i && !(i % 4)){ rowNum++; str += ''; } str += ''; } str += '
'; return { enabled: 9, main: str, prev: false, next: false, type: 'Grid' }; }; picker.isInRange = function(values, max, min){ var i; var ret = true; for(i = 0; i < values.length; i++){ if(min[i] && min[i] > values[i]){ ret = false; break; } else if( !(min[i] && min[i] == values[i]) ){ break; } } if(ret){ for(i = 0; i < values.length; i++){ if((max[i] && max[i] < values[i])){ ret = false; break; } else if( !(max[i] && max[i] == values[i]) ){ break; } } } return ret; }; picker.createMonthSelect = function(value, max, min, monthNames){ if(!monthNames){ monthNames = curCfg.date.monthNames; } var selected; var i = 0; var options = []; var tempVal = value[1]-1; for(; i < monthNames.length; i++){ selected = tempVal == i ? ' selected=""' : ''; if(selected || picker.isInRange([value[0], i+1], max, min)){ options.push(''); } } return options; }; (function(){ var retNames = function(name){ return 'get'+name+'List'; }; var retSetNames = function(name){ return 'set'+name+'List'; }; var stops = { date: 'Day', week: 'Day', month: 'Month', 'datetime-local': 'Time', time: 'Time' }; var setDirButtons = function(content, popover, dir){ if(content[dir]){ //set content and idl attribute (content for css + idl for IE8-) popover[dir+'Element'] .attr(content[dir]) .prop({disabled: false}) .prop(content[dir]) ; } else { popover[dir+'Element'] .removeAttr('data-action') .prop({disabled: true}) ; } }; $.each({'setYearList' : ['Year', 'Month', 'Day', 'Time'], 'setMonthList': ['Month', 'Day', 'Time'], 'setDayList': ['Day', 'Time'], 'setTimeList': ['Time']}, function(setName, names){ var getNames = names.map(retNames); var setNames = names.map(retSetNames); actions[setName] = function(val, popover, data, startAt){ val = ''+val; var o = data.options; var values = val.split('-'); if(!startAt){ startAt = 0; } $.each(getNames, function(i, item){ if(i >= startAt){ var content = picker[item](values, data); if( values.length < 2 || content.enabled > 1 || content.prev || content.next || stops[data.type] === names[i]){ popover.element .attr({'data-currentview': setNames[i]}) .addClass('ws-size-'+o.size) .data('pickercontent', { data: data, content: content, values: values }) ; popover.bodyElement.html(content.main); setDirButtons(content, popover, 'prev'); setDirButtons(content, popover, 'next'); setDirButtons(content, popover, 'yearPrev'); setDirButtons(content, popover, 'yearNext'); $(o.orig).trigger('pickerchange'); if(webshims[content.type]){ new webshims[content.type](popover.bodyElement.children(), popover, content); } popover.element .filter('[data-vertical="bottom"]') .triggerHandler('pospopover') ; return false; } } }); }; }); })(); picker.showPickerContent = function(data, popover){ var options = data.options; var init = data._popoverinit; data._popoverinit = true; if(!init){ picker.commonInit(data, popover); picker.commonDateInit(data, popover); } popover.element.triggerHandler('updatepickercontent'); if(!init || options.restartView) { actions.setYearList( options.defValue || options.value, popover, data, options.startView); } else { actions[popover.element.attr('data-currentview') || 'setYearList']( options.defValue || options.value, popover, data, 0); } data._popoverinit = true; }; picker.commonDateInit = function(data, popover){ if(data._commonDateInit){return;} data._commonDateInit = true; var o = data.options; var actionfn = function(e){ if(!$(this).is('.othermonth') || $(this).css('cursor') == 'pointer'){ popover.actionFn({ 'data-action': $.attr(this, 'data-action'), value: $(this).val() || $.attr(this, 'value') }); } return false; }; var id = new Date().getTime(); var generateList = function(o, max, min){ var options = []; var label = ''; var labelId = ''; o.options = data.getOptions() || {}; $('div.ws-options', popover.contentElement).remove(); $.each(o.options[0], function(val, label){ var disabled = picker.isInRange(val.split('-'), o.maxS, o.minS) ? '' : ' disabled="" ' ; if(label){ label = ' '+ label +''; } options.push('
  • '); }); if(options.length){ id++; if(o.options[1]){ labelId = 'datalist-'+id; label = '
    '+ o.options[1] +'
    '; labelId = ' aria-labelledbyid="'+ labelId +'" '; } new webshims.ListBox($('
    ').insertAfter(popover.bodyElement)[0], popover, {noFocus: true}); } }; var updateContent = function(){ var tmpMinMax; if(popover.isDirty){ popover.isDirty = false; tmpMinMax = o.max.split('T'); o.maxS = tmpMinMax[0].split('-'); if(tmpMinMax[1]){ o.maxS.push(tmpMinMax[1]); } tmpMinMax = o.min.split('T'); o.minS = tmpMinMax[0].split('-'); if(tmpMinMax[1]){ o.minS.push(tmpMinMax[1]); } $('button', popover.buttonRow).each(function(){ var text; if($(this).is('.ws-empty')){ text = curCfg.date.clear; if(!text){ text = formcfg[''].date.clear || 'clear'; webshims.warn("could not get clear text from form cfg"); } } else if($(this).is('.ws-current')){ text = (curCfg[data.type] || {}).currentText; if(!text){ text = (formcfg[''][[data.type]] || {}).currentText || (curCfg.date || {}).currentText || 'current'; webshims.warn("could not get currentText from form cfg for "+data.type); } if(today[data.type] && data.type != 'time'){ $.prop(this, 'disabled', !picker.isInRange(today[data.type].split('-'), o.maxS, o.minS)); } } if(text){ $(this).text(text).attr({'aria-label': text}); if(webshims.assumeARIA){ $.attr(this, 'aria-label', text); } } }); popover.nextElement .attr({'aria-label': curCfg.date.nextText}) ; popover.prevElement .attr({'aria-label': curCfg.date.prevText}) ; popover.yearNextElement .attr({'aria-label': curCfg.date.nextText}) ; popover.yearPrevElement .attr({'aria-label': curCfg.date.prevText}) ; popover.contentElement.attr({ dir: curCfg.date.isRTL ? 'rtl' : 'ltr', lang: webshims.formcfg.__activeName }); generateList(o, o.maxS, o.minS); if(popover.isVisible){ picker.showPickerContent(data, popover); } } $('button.ws-empty', popover.buttonRow).prop('disabled', $.prop(data.orig, 'required')); popover.isDirty = false; }; if(data.type == 'time'){ o.minView = 3; o.startView = 3; } if(!o.minView){ o.minView = 0; } if(o.startView < o.minView){ o.startView = o.minView; webshims.warn("wrong config for minView/startView."); } if(!o.size){ o.size = 1; } popover.actionFn = function(obj){ if(actions[obj['data-action']]){ actions[obj['data-action']](obj.value, popover, data, 0); } else { webshims.warn('no action for '+ obj['data-action']); } }; popover.contentElement.html('
    '); popover.nextElement = $('button.ws-next', popover.contentElement); popover.prevElement = $('button.ws-prev', popover.contentElement); popover.yearNextElement = $('button.ws-super-next', popover.contentElement); popover.yearPrevElement = $('button.ws-super-prev', popover.contentElement); popover.bodyElement = $('div.ws-picker-body', popover.contentElement); popover.buttonRow = $('div.ws-button-row', popover.contentElement); popover.element.on('updatepickercontent', updateContent); popover.contentElement .on('click', 'button[data-action]', actionfn) .on('change', 'select[data-action]', actionfn) ; $(o.orig).on('input', function(){ var currentView; if(o.updateOnInput && popover.isVisible && o.value && (currentView = popover.element.attr('data-currentview'))){ actions[currentView]( data.options.value , popover, data, 0); } }); $(document).onTrigger('wslocalechange', data._propertyChange); if(o.updateOnInput == null && (o.inlinePicker || o.noChangeDismiss)){ o.updateOnInput = true; } if(o.inlinePicker){ popover.element.attr('data-class', $.prop(data.orig, 'className')); popover.element.attr('data-id', $.prop(data.orig, 'id')); } $(o.orig).trigger('pickercreated'); }; });