// Accepts a gutter definition in the human-readable format. Converts it to the internal format, // appends it to a list of gutter and returns the resulting list. // // Note that this function only returns a new list, it does not modify the source list. // // add-gutter($Gutter-definition, $append-to-list) // - $gutter-definition : See documentation for syntax: // https://github.com/Team-Sass/Singularity/wiki/Creating-Gutters // - $append-to-list : [list] A list to append to. // Defaults to $gutters if none is specified. @function add-gutter($gutter-definition, $custom-map: false) { $Parsed: parse-add($gutter-definition); // Parses Gutter definition to Gutter/breakpoint $Gutter: nth($Parsed, 1); // E. g. `()`. $Breakpoint: nth($Parsed, 2); // Either `()` or false. $Mobile-First: sgs-get('mobile first'); $Gutter-Map: (); // Determine if a custom map or the default maps should be used. @if $custom-map { $Gutter-Map: $custom-map; } @else { @if sgs-has('gutters') { $Gutter-Map: sgs-get('gutters'); } } $Gutter-Key-Length: length(map-keys($Gutter-Map)); // Check whether the definition will be the first one in the list // and whether it has no breakpoint specified. @if $Breakpoint == null { // Returns the first item of the list, e. g. `()` $Gutter-Map: map-merge($Gutter-Map, (-1px: $Gutter)); } // IF the list is initiated with a list of Gutter columns need to start off // a comma seprated list. @else { @if not (map-has-key($Gutter-Map, -1px)) { $Gutter-Map: map-merge($Gutter-Map, map-get($Singularity-Settings, 'gutters')); } $Gutter-Map: map-merge($Gutter-Map, ($Breakpoint: $Gutter)); } $Gutter-Map: sort-map($Gutter-Map, not $Mobile-First); @return $Gutter-Map; } @mixin add-gutter($gutter-definition) { $Add-Gutter: add-gutter($gutter-definition); $HOLDER: sgs-set('gutters', $Add-Gutter); }