require 'runeblog' require 'ostruct' require 'helpers-repl' # FIXME structure make_exception(:PublishError, "Error during publishing") # make_exception(:EditorProblem, "Could not edit $1") module RuneBlog::REPL def edit_file(file) result = system("#{@blog.editor} #{file}") raise EditorProblem(file) unless result sleep 0.1 STDSCR.clear end def cmd_quit(arg, testing = false) check_empty(arg) # system("tput rmcup") RubyText.stop system("tput clear") exit end def cmd_clear(arg, testing = false) check_empty(arg) STDSCR.cwin.clear STDSCR.cwin.refresh end def cmd_version(arg, testing = false) reset_output check_empty(arg) output RuneBlog::VERSION puts fx("\n RuneBlog", :bold), fx(" v #{RuneBlog::VERSION}\n", Red) unless testing [true, @out] end def cmd_config(arg, testing = false) check_empty(arg) dir = @blog.view.dir items = ["publish", "custom/blog_header.html", "custom/blog_trailer.html", "custom/post_template.html"] num, fname = "Edit file:", items: items) edit_file("#{dir}/#{fname}") end def cmd_customize(arg, testing = false) # add extra views? add tags? Dir.chdir(@blog.root + "/views/" + others = @blog.views - [@blog.view]!(&:name) viewlist = STDSCR.multimenu(items: others) @blog.post_views = viewlist tags = File.readlines("tagpool").map(&:chomp) return if tags.empty? taglist = STDSCR.multimenu(items: tags) @blog.post_tags = taglist end def cmd_tags(arg, testing = false) Dir.chdir(@blog.root + "/views/" + edit_file("tagpool") end def cmd_import(arg, testing = false) check_empty(arg) files = ask("\n File(s) = ") system("cp #{files} #{@blog.root}/views/#{}/assets/") end def cmd_browse(arg, testing = false) reset_output check_empty(arg) url = @blog.view.publisher.url if url.nil? output! "Publish first." puts "\n Publish first." return [false, @out] end result = system("open '#{url}'") raise CantOpen(url) unless result return [true, @out] end def cmd_preview(arg, testing = false) reset_output check_empty(arg) local = @blog.view.index result = system("open #{local}") raise CantOpen(local) unless result [true, @out] end def cmd_publish(arg, testing = false) puts unless testing reset_output check_empty(arg) unless @blog.view.can_publish? puts "Can't publish without entries in #{}/publish" unless testing output! "Can't publish without entries in #{}/publish" return [false, @out] end # Need to check dirty/clean status first dirty, all, assets = @blog.view.publishable_files files = dirty if dirty.empty? puts fx("\n No files are out of date." + " "*20, :bold) print " Publish anyway? " yn = RubyText.gets.chomp files = all if yn == "y" end return [false, @out] if files.empty? ret = RubyText.spinner(label: " Publishing... ") do @blog.view.publisher.publish(files, assets) # FIXME weird? end return [false, @out] unless ret vdir = @blog.view.dir dump("fix this later", "#{vdir}/last_published") if ! testing || ! ret puts " ...finished.\n " output! "...finished.\n" end return [true, @out] end def cmd_rebuild(arg, testing = false) debug "Starting cmd_rebuild..." reset_output check_empty(arg) puts unless testing files = @blog.find_src_slugs files.each {|file| @blog.rebuild_post(file) } File.write("#{@blog.root}/src/last_rebuild", [true, @out] end def cmd_relink(arg, testing = false) reset_output check_empty(arg) @blog.relink [true, @out] end def cmd_change_view(arg, testing = false) reset_output # Simplify this if arg.nil? viewnames = {|x| } n = viewnames.find_index( name = k, name = "Views", items: viewnames, curr: n) unless testing @blog.view = name output name + "\n" puts "\n ", fx(name, :bold), "\n" unless testing return [false, @out] else if @blog.view?(arg) @blog.view = arg # reads config output "View: " + puts "\n ", fx(arg, :bold), "\n" unless testing end end return [true, @out] end def cmd_new_view(arg, testing = false) reset_output @blog.create_view(arg) resp = yesno("Add publishing info now? ") @blog.view.publisher = ask_publishing_info write_config(@blog.view.publisher, @blog.view.dir + "/publish") # change this? [true, @out] end def cmd_new_post(arg, testing = false) reset_output check_empty(arg) title = ask("\nTitle: ") @blog.create_new_post(title) STDSCR.clear [true, @out] rescue => err puts err puts err.backtrace.join("\n") end def cmd_kill(arg, testing = false) reset_output args = arg.split args.each do |x| # FIXME ret = cmd_remove_post(x.to_i, false) puts ret output ret end [true, @out] end #-- FIXME affects linking, building, publishing... def cmd_remove_post(arg, testing = false, safe=true) # FIXME - 'safe' is no longer a thing reset_output id = get_integer(arg) result = @blog.remove_post(id) output! "Post #{id} not found" if result.nil? # puts "Post #{id} not found" if result.nil? [true, @out] end #-- FIXME affects linking, building, publishing... def cmd_edit_post(arg, testing = false) reset_output id = get_integer(arg) # Simplify this tag = "#{'%04d' % id}" files = Find.find(@blog.root+"/src").to_a files = files.grep(/#{tag}-/) files = {|f| File.basename(f) } if files.size > 1 msg = "Multiple files: #{files}" output msg puts msg unless testing return [false, msg] end if files.empty? msg = "\n Can't edit post #{id}" output msg puts msg unless testing return [false, msg] end file = files.first result = edit_file("#{@blog.root}/src/#{file}") @blog.rebuild_post(file) [true, @out] end def cmd_list_views(arg, testing = false) reset_output("\n") check_empty(arg) puts unless testing @blog.views.each do |v| v = v.to_s v = fx(v, :bold) if v == output v + "\n" puts " ", v unless testing end puts unless testing [true, @out] end def cmd_list_posts(arg, testing = false) reset_output check_empty(arg) posts = @blog.posts # current view str = + ":\n" output str puts unless testing puts " ", fx(str, :bold) unless testing if posts.empty? output! "No posts" puts fx(" No posts", :bold) unless testing else posts.each do |post| outstr " #{colored_slug(post)}\n" base = post.sub(/.lt3$/, "") num, rest = base[0..3], base[4..-1] puts " ", fx(num, Red), fx(rest, Blue) unless testing end end puts unless testing [true, @out] end def cmd_list_drafts(arg, testing = false) reset_output check_empty(arg) drafts = @blog.drafts # current view if drafts.empty? output! "No drafts" puts " No drafts" unless testing return [false, @out] else puts unless testing drafts.each do |draft| outstr " #{colored_slug(draft.sub(/.lt3$/, ""))}\n" base = draft.sub(/.lt3$/, "") num, rest = base[0..3], base[4..-1] puts " ", fx(num, Red), fx(rest, Blue) unless testing end end puts unless testing [true, @out] end def cmd_list_assets(arg, testing = false) reset_output check_empty(arg) dir = @blog.view.dir + "/assets" assets = Dir[dir + "/*"] if assets.empty? output! "No assets" puts " No assets" unless testing return [false, @out] else puts unless testing assets.each do |name| asset = File.basename(name) outstr asset puts " ", fx(asset, Blue) unless testing end end puts unless testing [true, @out] end def cmd_ssh(arg, testing = false) pub = @blog.view.publisher system("ssh #{pub.user}@#{pub.server}") end def cmd_INVALID(arg, testing = false) reset_output "\n Command '#{arg}' was not understood." print fx("\n Command ", :bold) print fx(arg, Red, :bold) puts fx(" was not understood.\n ", :bold) [true, @out] end def cmd_help(arg, testing = false) reset_output check_empty(arg) msg = <<-EOS Commands: h, help This message q, quit Exit the program v, version Print version information change view VIEW Change current view cv VIEW Change current view new view Create a new view list views List all views available lsv Same as: list views customize Change set of tags, extra views p, post Create a new post new post Same as post (create a post) import ASSETS Import assets (images, etc.) lsp, list posts List posts in current view lsd, list drafts List all posts regardless of view rm ID Remove a post kill ID ID ID... Remove multiple posts undelete ID Undelete a post edit ID Edit a post preview Look at current (local) view in browser browse Look at current (published) view in browser relink Regenerate index for all views rebuild Regenerate all posts and relink publish Publish (current view) ssh Login to remote server EOS output msg msg.each_line do |line| next if testing line.chomp! s1, s2 = line[0..22], line[23..-1] print fx(s1, :bold) puts s2 end puts unless testing [true, @out] end end