require 'rbconfig' require 'rubygems' require 'time' require 'rake/clean' require 'rexml/document' require 'timeout' ON_WINDOWS = (RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw/i) ANT_CMD = ON_WINDOWS ? 'ant.bat' : 'ant' if `#{ANT_CMD} -version` !~ /version (\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/ || $1.to_i < 1 || ($1.to_i == 1 && $2.to_i < 8) puts "ANT version 1.8.0 or later required. Version found: #{$1}.#{$2}.#{$3}" exit 1 end # # OS independent "which" # From: # def which(cmd) exts = ENV['PATHEXT'] ? ENV['PATHEXT'].split(';') : [''] ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |path| exts.each do |ext| exe = File.join(path, "#{cmd}#{ext}") return exe if File.executable? exe end end nil end adb_version_str = `adb version` (puts 'Android SDK platform tools not in PATH (adb command not found).'; exit 1) unless $? == 0 (puts "Unrecognized adb version: #$1"; exit 1) unless adb_version_str =~ /Android Debug Bridge version (\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/ (puts "adb version 1.0.31 or later required. Version found: #$1"; exit 1) unless$1) >='1.0.31') if ENV['ANDROID_HOME'].nil? && (adb_path = which('adb')) ENV['ANDROID_HOME'] = File.dirname(File.dirname(adb_path)) end (puts 'You need to set the ANDROID_HOME environment variable.'; exit 1) unless ENV['ANDROID_HOME'] # FIXME(uwe): Simplify when we stop supporting Android SDK < 22: Don't look in pltform-tools for dx dx_filename = Dir[File.join(ENV['ANDROID_HOME'], '{build-tools/*,platform-tools}', ON_WINDOWS ? 'dx.bat' : 'dx')][-1] # EMXIF unless dx_filename puts 'You need to install the Android SDK Build-tools!' exit 1 end new_dx_content = xmx_pattern = ON_WINDOWS ? /^set defaultXmx=-Xmx(\d+)(M|m|G|g|T|t)/ : /^defaultMx="-Xmx(\d+)(M|m|G|g|T|t)"/ MINIMUM_DX_HEAP_SIZE = 1600 if new_dx_content =~ xmx_pattern && ($1.to_i * 1024 ** {'M' => 2, 'G' => 3, 'T' => 4}[$2.upcase]) < MINIMUM_DX_HEAP_SIZE*1024**2 puts "Increasing max heap space from #$1#$2 to #{MINIMUM_DX_HEAP_SIZE}M in #{dx_filename}" new_xmx_value = ON_WINDOWS ? %Q{set defaultXmx=-Xmx#{MINIMUM_DX_HEAP_SIZE}M} : %Q{defaultMx="-Xmx#{MINIMUM_DX_HEAP_SIZE}M"} new_dx_content.sub!(xmx_pattern, new_xmx_value) # FIXME(uwe): For travis debugging Remove when travis is stable. new_dx_content.sub!(/^exec/, "free\ncat /proc/meminfo\necho Virtual:\nps -e -ovsize=,args= | sort -b -k1,1n | tail -n10\necho RSS:\nps -e -orss=,args= | sort -b -k1,1n | tail -n10\necho $javaOpts\necho $@\njava -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -version | grep InitialHeapSize\nexec") if RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /linux/ # EMXIF, 'w') { |f| f << new_dx_content } rescue puts "\n!!! Unable to increase dx heap size !!!\n\n" # FIXME(uwe): For travis debugging Remove when travis is stable. puts new_dx_content.lines.grep(xmx_pattern) # EMXIF end def manifest; @manifest ||= end def package; manifest.root.attribute('package') end def build_project_name; @build_project_name ||='build.xml')).elements['project'].attribute(:name).value end def scripts_path; @sdcard_path ||= "/mnt/sdcard/Android/data/#{package}/files/scripts" end def app_files_path; @app_files_path ||= "/data/data/#{package}/files" end PROJECT_DIR = File.expand_path('..', File.dirname(__FILE__)) UPDATE_MARKER_FILE = File.join(PROJECT_DIR, 'bin', 'LAST_UPDATE') BUNDLE_JAR = File.expand_path 'libs/bundle.jar' BUNDLE_PATH = File.expand_path 'bin/bundle' MANIFEST_FILE = File.expand_path 'AndroidManifest.xml' PROJECT_PROPS_FILE = File.expand_path '' RUBOTO_CONFIG_FILE = File.expand_path 'ruboto.yml' GEM_FILE = File.expand_path 'Gemfile.apk' GEM_LOCK_FILE = "#{GEM_FILE}.lock" RELEASE_APK_FILE = File.expand_path "bin/#{build_project_name}-release.apk" APK_FILE = File.expand_path "bin/#{build_project_name}-debug.apk" TEST_APK_FILE = File.expand_path "test/bin/#{build_project_name}Test-debug.apk" JRUBY_JARS = Dir[File.expand_path 'libs/{jruby-*,dx}.jar'] JARS = Dir[File.expand_path 'libs/*.jar'] - JRUBY_JARS RESOURCE_FILES = Dir[File.expand_path 'res/**/*'] JAVA_SOURCE_FILES = Dir[File.expand_path 'src/**/*.java'] RUBY_SOURCE_FILES = Dir[File.expand_path 'src/**/*.rb'] CLASSES_CACHE = "#{PROJECT_DIR}/bin/#{build_project_name}-debug-unaligned.apk.d" APK_DEPENDENCIES = [MANIFEST_FILE, RUBOTO_CONFIG_FILE, BUNDLE_JAR, CLASSES_CACHE] + JRUBY_JARS + JARS + JAVA_SOURCE_FILES + RESOURCE_FILES + RUBY_SOURCE_FILES KEYSTORE_FILE = (key_store = File.readlines('').grep(/^ ? File.expand_path(key_store.chomp.sub(/^, '').sub('${user.home}', '~')) : "#{build_project_name}.keystore" KEYSTORE_ALIAS = (key_alias = File.readlines('').grep(/^key.alias=/).first) ? key_alias.chomp.sub(/^key.alias=/, '') : build_project_name APK_FILE_REGEXP = /^-rw-r--r--\s+(?:system|\d+\s+\d+)\s+(?:system|\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}|\w{3} \d{2}\s+(?:\d{4}|\d{2}:\d{2}))\s+(.*)$/ JRUBY_ADAPTER_FILE = "#{PROJECT_DIR}/src/org/ruboto/" CLEAN.include('bin', 'gen', 'test/bin', 'test/gen') task :default => :debug if File.exists?(CLASSES_CACHE) expected_jars = File.readlines(CLASSES_CACHE).grep(%r{#{PROJECT_DIR}/libs/(.*\.jar) \\}).map { |l| l =~ %r{#{PROJECT_DIR}/libs/(.*\.jar) \\}; $1 } actual_jars = Dir['libs/*.jar'].map { |f| f =~ /libs\/(.*\.jar)/; $1 } changed_jars = ((expected_jars | actual_jars) - (expected_jars & actual_jars)) unless changed_jars.empty? puts "Jars have changed: #{changed_jars.join(', ')}" FileUtils.touch(CLASSES_CACHE) end end file CLASSES_CACHE file JRUBY_JARS => RUBOTO_CONFIG_FILE do next unless File.exists? RUBOTO_CONFIG_FILE jruby_jars_mtime = { |f| File.mtime(f) }.min ruboto_yml_mtime = File.mtime(RUBOTO_CONFIG_FILE) next if jruby_jars_mtime > ruboto_yml_mtime puts '*' * 80 if JRUBY_JARS.empty? puts ' The JRuby jars are missing.' else puts " The JRuby jars need reconfiguring after changes to #{RUBOTO_CONFIG_FILE}" puts " #{RUBOTO_CONFIG_FILE}: #{ruboto_yml_mtime}" puts " #{JRUBY_JARS.join(', ')}: #{jruby_jars_mtime}" end puts ' Run "ruboto update jruby" to regenerate the JRuby jars' puts '*' * 80 end desc 'build debug package' task :debug => APK_FILE namespace :debug do desc 'build debug package if compiled files have changed' task :quick => APK_DEPENDENCIES - RUBY_SOURCE_FILES do |t| build_apk(t, false) end end desc 'build package and install it on the emulator or device' task :install => APK_FILE do install_apk end desc 'uninstall, build, and install the application' task :reinstall => [:uninstall, APK_FILE, :install] namespace :install do # FIXME(uwe): Remove in 2013 desc 'Deprecated: use "reinstall" instead.' task :clean => :reinstall do puts '"rake install:clean" is deprecated. Use "rake reinstall" instead.' end desc 'Install the application, but only if compiled files are changed.' task :quick => 'debug:quick' do install_apk end end desc 'Build APK for release' task :release => [:tag, RELEASE_APK_FILE] file RELEASE_APK_FILE => [KEYSTORE_FILE] + APK_DEPENDENCIES do |t| build_apk(t, true) end desc 'Create a keystore for signing the release APK' task :keystore => KEYSTORE_FILE file KEYSTORE_FILE do unless'') =~ /^'', 'a') { |f| f << "\{KEYSTORE_FILE}\n" } end unless'') =~ /^key.alias=/'', 'a') { |f| f << "\nkey.alias=#{KEYSTORE_ALIAS}\n" } end sh "keytool -genkey -v -keystore #{KEYSTORE_FILE} -alias #{KEYSTORE_ALIAS} -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000" end desc 'Tag this working copy with the current version' task :tag do next unless File.exists?('.git') && `git --version` =~ /git version / unless `git branch` =~ /^\* master$/ puts 'You must be on the master branch to release!' exit! end # sh "git commit --allow-empty -a -m 'Release #{version}'" output = `git status --porcelain` raise "\nWorkspace not clean!\n#{output}" unless output.empty? sh "git tag #{version}" sh 'git push origin master --tags' end # FIXME(uwe): Remove December 2013 desc 'Deprecated: Use "ruboto emulator" instead.' task :emulator do puts '"rake emulator" is deprecated. Use "ruboto emulator" instead.' sh 'ruboto emulator' end # EMXIF desc 'Start the application on the device/emulator.' task :start do start_app end desc 'Stop the application on the device/emulator (requires emulator or rooted device).' task :stop do raise 'Unable to stop app. Only available on emulator.' unless stop_app end desc 'Restart the application' task :restart => [:stop, :start] task :uninstall do uninstall_apk end file PROJECT_PROPS_FILE file MANIFEST_FILE => PROJECT_PROPS_FILE do old_manifest = manifest = old_manifest.dup manifest.sub!(/(android:minSdkVersion=').*?(')/) { "#$1#{sdk_level}#$2" } manifest.sub!(/(android:targetSdkVersion=').*?(')/) { "#$1#{sdk_level}#$2" } if manifest != old_manifest puts "\nUpdating #{File.basename MANIFEST_FILE} with target from #{File.basename PROJECT_PROPS_FILE}\n\n", 'w') { |f| f << manifest } end end file RUBOTO_CONFIG_FILE file JRUBY_ADAPTER_FILE => RUBOTO_CONFIG_FILE do require 'yaml' if (heap_alloc = YAML.load(['heap_alloc']) config = < APK_DEPENDENCIES do |t| build_apk(t, false) end desc 'Copy scripts to emulator or device' task :update_scripts => %w(install:quick) do update_scripts end namespace :update_scripts do desc 'Copy scripts to emulator and restart the app' task :restart => APK_DEPENDENCIES do |t| if build_apk(t, false) || !stop_app install_apk else update_scripts end start_app end end task :test => APK_DEPENDENCIES + [:uninstall] do Dir.chdir('test') do puts 'Running tests' sh "adb uninstall #{package}.tests" sh "#{ANT_CMD} instrument install test" end end namespace :test do task :quick => :update_scripts do Dir.chdir('test') do puts 'Running quick tests' sh "#{ANT_CMD} instrument" install_retry_count = 0 begin timeout 120 do sh "#{ANT_CMD} installi" end rescue TimeoutError puts 'Installing package timed out.' install_retry_count += 1 if install_retry_count <= 3 puts 'Retrying install...' retry end puts 'Trying one final time to install the package:' sh "#{ANT_CMD} installi" end sh "#{ANT_CMD} run-tests-quick" end end end file GEM_FILE file GEM_LOCK_FILE desc 'Generate bundle jar from Gemfile' task :bundle => BUNDLE_JAR file BUNDLE_JAR => [GEM_FILE, GEM_LOCK_FILE] do next unless File.exists? GEM_FILE puts "Generating #{BUNDLE_JAR}" require 'bundler' if <='1.3.5') require 'bundler/vendored_thor' # Store original RubyGems/Bundler environment platforms = Gem.platforms ruby_engine = defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) && RUBY_ENGINE gem_paths = {'GEM_HOME' => Gem.path, 'GEM_PATH' => Gem.dir} # Override RUBY_ENGINE (we can bundle from MRI for JRuby) Gem.platforms = [Gem::Platform::RUBY,"universal-dalvik-#{sdk_level}"),'universal-java')] Gem.paths = {'GEM_HOME' => BUNDLE_PATH, 'GEM_PATH' => BUNDLE_PATH} old_verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil begin Object.const_set('RUBY_ENGINE', 'jruby') ensure $VERBOSE = old_verbose end ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] = GEM_FILE Bundler.ui = Bundler.bundle_path = BUNDLE_PATH definition = Bundler.definition definition.validate_ruby! Bundler::Installer.install(Bundler.root, definition) # Restore RUBY_ENGINE (limit the scope of this hack) old_verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil begin Object.const_set('RUBY_ENGINE', ruby_engine) ensure $VERBOSE = old_verbose end Gem.platforms = platforms Gem.paths = gem_paths else # Bundler.settings[:platform] = Gem::Platform::DALVIK sh "bundle install --gemfile #{GEM_FILE} --path=#{BUNDLE_PATH} --platform=dalvik#{sdk_level}" end gem_paths = Dir["#{BUNDLE_PATH}/gems"] raise 'Gem path not found' if gem_paths.empty? raise "Found multiple gem paths: #{gem_paths}" if gem_paths.size > 1 gem_path = gem_paths[0] puts "Found gems in #{gem_path}" if package != 'org.ruboto.core' && JRUBY_JARS.none? { |f| File.exists? f } Dir.chdir gem_path do Dir['{activerecord-jdbc-adapter,jruby-openssl}-*'].each do |g| puts "Removing #{g} gem since it is included in the RubotoCore platform apk." FileUtils.rm_rf g end end else Dir.chdir gem_path do Dir['jruby-openssl-*/lib'].each do |g| rel_dir = "#{g}/lib/ruby" unless File.exists? rel_dir puts "Relocating #{g} files to match standard load path." dirs = Dir["#{g}/*"] FileUtils.mkdir_p rel_dir dirs.each do |d| FileUtils.move d, rel_dir end end end end end # Remove duplicate files Dir.chdir gem_path do scanned_files = [] source_files = { |f| f.gsub("#{PROJECT_DIR}/src/", '') } Dir['*/lib/**/*'].each do |f| next if f raise 'Malformed file name' unless f =~ %r{^(.*?)/lib/(.*)$} gem_name, lib_file = $1, $2 if (existing_file = scanned_files.find { |sf| sf =~ %r{(.*?)/lib/#{lib_file}} }) puts "Overwriting duplicate file #{lib_file} in gem #{$1} with file in #{gem_name}" FileUtils.rm existing_file scanned_files.delete existing_file elsif source_files.include? lib_file puts "Removing duplicate file #{lib_file} in gem #{gem_name}" puts "Already present in project source src/#{lib_file}" FileUtils.rm f next end scanned_files << f end end # Expand JARs Dir.chdir gem_path do Dir['*'].each do |gem_lib| Dir.chdir "#{gem_lib}/lib" do Dir['**/*.jar'].each do |jar| unless jar =~ /sqlite-jdbc/ puts "Expanding #{gem_lib} #{jar} into #{BUNDLE_JAR}" `jar xf #{jar}` if ENV['STRIP_INVOKERS'] invokers = Dir['**/*$INVOKER$*.class'] if invokers.size > 0 puts "Removing invokers(#{invokers.size})..." FileUtils.rm invokers end populators = Dir['**/*$POPULATOR.class'] if populators.size > 0 puts "Removing populators(#{populators.size})..." FileUtils.rm populators end end end if jar == 'arjdbc/jdbc/adapter_java.jar' jar_load_code = <<-END_CODE require 'jruby' END_CODE # TODO(uwe): Seems ARJDBC requires all these classes to be present... # classes = Dir['arjdbc/**/*'] # dbs = /db2|derby|firebird|h2|hsqldb|informix|mimer|mssql|mysql|oracle|postgres|sybase/i # files = classes.grep(dbs) # FileUtils.rm_f(files) # ODOT # FIXME(uwe): Extract files with case sensitive names for ARJDBC 1.2.7-1.3.x puts `jar xf #{jar} arjdbc/mssql/MSSQLRubyJdbcConnection.class arjdbc/sqlite3/SQLite3RubyJdbcConnection.class` # EMXIF elsif jar =~ /shared\/jopenssl.jar$/ jar_load_code = <<-END_CODE require 'jruby' puts 'Starting JRuby OpenSSL Service' public END_CODE elsif jar =~ %r{json/ext/generator.jar$} jar_load_code = <<-END_CODE require 'jruby' puts 'Starting JSON Generator Service' public END_CODE elsif jar =~ %r{json/ext/parser.jar$} jar_load_code = <<-END_CODE require 'jruby' puts 'Starting JSON Parser Service' public END_CODE else jar_load_code = '' end puts "Writing dummy JAR file #{jar + '.rb'}" + '.rb', 'w') { |f| f << jar_load_code } if jar.end_with?('.jar') puts "Writing dummy JAR file #{jar.sub(/.jar$/, '.rb')}"$/, '.rb'), 'w') { |f| f << jar_load_code } end FileUtils.rm_f(jar) end end end end FileUtils.rm_f BUNDLE_JAR Dir["#{gem_path}/*"].each_with_index do |gem_dir, i| `jar #{i == 0 ? 'c' : 'u'}f #{BUNDLE_JAR} -C #{gem_dir}/lib .` end FileUtils.rm_rf BUNDLE_PATH end # Methods def sdk_level\d+)/)[0][0].to_i end def mark_update(time = FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(UPDATE_MARKER_FILE), 'w') { |f| f << time.iso8601 } end def clear_update mark_update File.ctime APK_FILE if device_path_exists?(scripts_path) sh "adb shell rm -r #{scripts_path}" puts "Deleted scripts directory #{scripts_path}" end end def strings(name) @strings ||='res/values/strings.xml')) value = @strings.elements["//string[@name='#{name.to_s}']"] or raise "string '#{name}' not found in strings.xml" value.text end def version manifest.root.attribute('versionName') end def app_name strings :app_name end def main_activity manifest.root.elements['application'].elements["activity[@android:label='@string/app_name']"].attribute('android:name') end def device_path_exists?(path) path_output =`adb shell ls #{path}` path_output.chomp !~ /No such file or directory|opendir failed, Permission denied/ end # Determine if the package is installed. # Return true if the package is installed and is identical to the local package. # Return false if the package is installed, but differs from the local package. # Return nil if the package is not installed. def package_installed?(test = false) package_name = "#{package}#{'.tests' if test}" loop do path_line = `adb shell pm path #{package_name}`.chomp return nil if $? == 0 && path_line.empty? break if $? == 0 && path_line =~ /^package:(.*)$/ sleep 0.5 end path = $1 o = `adb shell ls -l #{path}`.chomp raise "Unexpected ls output: #{o}" if o !~ APK_FILE_REGEXP installed_apk_size = $1.to_i installed_timestamp = Time.parse($2) apk_file = test ? TEST_APK_FILE : APK_FILE !File.exists?(apk_file) || (installed_apk_size == File.size(apk_file) && installed_timestamp >= File.mtime(apk_file)) end def replace_faulty_code(faulty_file, faulty_code) explicit_requires = Dir["#{faulty_file.chomp('.rb')}/*.rb"] { |f| File.basename(f) }.map do |filename| "require 'active_model/validations/#{filename}'" end.join("\n") old_code = new_code = old_code.gsub faulty_code, explicit_requires if new_code != old_code puts "Replaced directory listing code in file #{faulty_file} with explicit requires.", 'w') { |f| f << new_code } else puts "Could not find expected faulty code\n\n#{faulty_code}\n\nin file #{faulty_file}\n\n#{old_code}\n\n" end end def build_apk(t, release) apk_file = release ? RELEASE_APK_FILE : APK_FILE if File.exist?(apk_file) changed_prereqs = do |p| File.file?(p) && !Dir[p].empty? && Dir[p].map { |f| File.mtime(f) }.max > File.mtime(apk_file) end return false if changed_prereqs.empty? changed_prereqs.each { |f| puts "#{f} changed." } puts "Forcing rebuild of #{apk_file}." end if release sh "#{ANT_CMD} release" else # FIXME(uwe): For travis debugging Remove when travis is stable. sh 'free' if RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /linux/ # EMXIF sh "#{ANT_CMD} debug" end true end def install_apk failure_pattern = /^Failure \[(.*)\]/ success_pattern = /^Success/ case package_installed? when true puts "Package #{package} already installed." return when false puts "Package #{package} already installed, but of different size or timestamp. Replacing package." sh "adb shell date -s #{ '%Y%m%d.%H%M%S'}" output = nil install_retry_count = 0 begin timeout 120 do output = `adb install -r "#{APK_FILE}" 2>&1` end rescue Timeout::Error puts "Installing package #{package} timed out." install_retry_count += 1 if install_retry_count <= 3 puts 'Retrying install...' retry end puts 'Trying one final time to install the package:' output = `adb install -r "#{APK_FILE}" 2>&1` end if $? == 0 && output !~ failure_pattern && output =~ success_pattern clear_update return end case $1 when 'INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_INCONSISTENT_CERTIFICATES' puts 'Found package signed with different certificate. Uninstalling it and retrying install.' else puts "'adb install' returned an unknown error: (#$?) #{$1 ? "[#$1}]" : output}." puts "Uninstalling #{package} and retrying install." end uninstall_apk else # Package not installed. sh "adb shell date -s #{ '%Y%m%d.%H%M%S'}" end puts "Installing package #{package}" output = nil install_retry_count = 0 begin timeout 120 do output = `adb install "#{APK_FILE}" 2>&1` end rescue Timeout::Error puts "Installing package #{package} timed out." install_retry_count += 1 if install_retry_count <= 3 puts 'Retrying install...' retry end puts 'Trying one final time to install the package:' output = `adb install "#{APK_FILE}" 2>&1` end puts output raise "Install failed (#{$?}) #{$1 ? "[#$1}]" : output}" if $? != 0 || output =~ failure_pattern || output !~ success_pattern clear_update end def uninstall_apk return if package_installed?.nil? puts "Uninstalling package #{package}" system "adb uninstall #{package}" if $? != 0 && package_installed? puts "Uninstall failed exit code #{$?}" exit $? end end def update_scripts `adb shell mkdir -p #{scripts_path}` if !device_path_exists?(scripts_path) puts 'Pushing files to apk public file area.' last_update = File.exists?(UPDATE_MARKER_FILE) ? Time.parse( : Time.parse('1970-01-01T00:00:00') Dir.chdir('src') do Dir['**/*.rb'].each do |script_file| next if script_file next if File.mtime(script_file) < last_update next if script_file =~ /~$/ print "#{script_file}: "; $stdout.flush `adb push #{script_file} #{scripts_path}/#{script_file}` end end mark_update end def start_app `adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n #{package}/.#{main_activity}` end def stop_app output = `adb shell ps | grep #{package} | awk '{print $2}' | xargs adb shell kill` output !~ /Operation not permitted/ end