require 'spec_helper' describe Guard::LiveReload::Reactor do let(:paths) { %w[stylesheets/layout.css stylesheets/style.css] } before { Guard::UI.stub(:info) } describe "#reload_browser(paths = [])" do it "displays a message" do expect(Guard::UI).to receive(:info).with("Reloading browser: stylesheets/layout.css stylesheets/style.css") new_live_reactor.reload_browser(paths) end it "each web socket receives send with data containing default options for each path modified" do reactor = new_live_reactor paths.each do |path| reactor.web_sockets.each do |ws| expect(ws).to receive(:send).with(MultiJson.encode(['refresh', path: "#{Dir.pwd}/#{path}", apply_js_live: true, apply_css_live: true])) end end reactor.reload_browser(paths) end it "each web socket receives send with data containing custom options for each path modified" do reactor = new_live_reactor(apply_css_live: false, apply_js_live: false) paths.each do |path| reactor.web_sockets.each do |ws| expect(ws).to receive(:send).with(MultiJson.encode(['refresh', path: "#{Dir.pwd}/#{path}", apply_js_live: false, apply_css_live: false])) end end reactor.reload_browser(paths) end end describe "#_connect(ws)" do let(:ws) { double.as_null_object } let(:reactor) { new_live_reactor } it "displays a message once" do expect(Guard::UI).to receive(:info).with("Browser connected.").once reactor.send(:_connect, ws) reactor.send(:_connect, ws) end it "increments the connection count" do expect { reactor.send(:_connect, ws) }.to change { reactor.connections_count }.from(0).to 1 end end end def new_live_reactor(options = {}){ api_version: '1.6', host: '', port: '35729', apply_js_live: true, apply_css_live: true, grace_period: 0 }.merge(options)) end