#!/usr/bin/ruby begin require 'origami' rescue LoadError ORIGAMIDIR = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../../lib" $: << ORIGAMIDIR require 'origami' end include Origami OUTPUTFILE = "webbug-js.pdf" JSCRIPTFILE = "submitform.js" puts "Now generating a new PDF file from scratch!" contents = ContentStream.new.setFilter(:FlateDecode) contents.write OUTPUTFILE, :x => 300, :y => 750, :rendering => Text::Rendering::STROKE, :size => 30 contents.write "This PDF tries to connect through JavaScript calls :-D", :x => 186, :y => 690, :rendering => Text::Rendering::FILL, :size => 15 contents.write "The script first tries to run your browser, then it connects with the Reader.", :x => 186, :y => 670, :size => 15 contents.write "Comments:", :x => 75, :y => 620, :rendering => Text::Rendering::FILL_AND_STROKE, :size => 14 content = <<-EOS Windows: - Acrobat Reader 8: Same behavior as with webbug-browser.pdf and webbug-reader.pdf. - Foxit: Same behavior as with webbug-browser.pdf and webbug-reader.pdf, at the difference a popup appears to ask for user confirmation before launching the browser. However the reader still connects to the site without confirmation, as with webbug-reader.pdf Mac: Linux: - Acrobat Reader 8: same behavior as Windows version. - poppler-based viewers: not interpreting JavaScript : nothing happens. EOS contents.write content, :x => 75, :y => 600, :rendering => Text::Rendering::FILL # A JS script to execute at the opening of the document jscript = File.open(JSCRIPTFILE).read pdf = PDF.new page = Page.new page.Contents = contents pdf.append_page(page) # Create a new action based on the script, compressed with zlib jsaction = Action::JavaScript Stream.new(jscript,:Filter => :FlateDecode) # Add the script into the document names dictionary. Any scripts registered here will be executed at the document opening (with no OpenAction implied). pdf.register(Names::Root::JAVASCRIPT, "Update", jsaction) # Save the resulting file pdf.save(OUTPUTFILE) puts "PDF file saved as #{OUTPUTFILE}."