require 'set' # This is the latest iteration of the gem dependency resolving algorithm. As of now, # it can resolve (as a success or failure) any set of gem dependencies we throw at it # in a reasonable amount of time. The most iterations I've seen it take is about 150. # The actual implementation of the algorithm is not as good as it could be yet, but that # can come later. # Extending Gem classes to add necessary tracking information module Gem class Specification def required_by @required_by ||= [] end end class Dependency def required_by @required_by ||= [] end end end module Bundler class Resolver ALL = [ Gem::Platform::RUBY, Gem::Platform::JAVA, Gem::Platform::MSWIN, Gem::Platform::MING] class SpecGroup < Array include GemHelpers attr_reader :activated, :required_by def initialize(a) super @required_by = [] @activated = [] @dependencies = nil @specs = {} ALL.each do |p| @specs[p] = reverse.find { |s| s.match_platform(p) } end end def initialize_copy(o) super @required_by = o.required_by.dup @activated = o.activated.dup end def to_specs specs = {} @activated.each do |p| if s = @specs[p] platform = generic( next if specs[platform] lazy_spec =, version, platform, source) lazy_spec.dependencies.replace s.dependencies specs[platform] = lazy_spec end end specs.values end def activate_platform(platform) unless @activated.include?(platform) @activated << platform return __dependencies[platform] || [] end [] end def name @name ||= end def version @version ||= first.version end def source @source ||= first.source end def for?(platform) @specs[platform] end def to_s "#{name} (#{version})" end private def __dependencies @dependencies ||= begin dependencies = {} ALL.each do |p| if spec = @specs[p] dependencies[p] = [] spec.dependencies.each do |dep| next if dep.type == :development dependencies[p] <<, p) end end end dependencies end end end attr_reader :errors # Figures out the best possible configuration of gems that satisfies # the list of passed dependencies and any child dependencies without # causing any gem activation errors. # # ==== Parameters # *dependencies:: The list of dependencies to resolve # # ==== Returns # ,nil:: If the list of dependencies can be resolved, a # collection of gemspecs is returned. Otherwise, nil is returned. def self.resolve(requirements, index, source_requirements = {}, base = []) base = unless base.is_a?(SpecSet) resolver = new(index, source_requirements, base) result = catch(:success) do resolver.start(requirements) raise resolver.version_conflict nil end end def initialize(index, source_requirements, base) @errors = {} @stack = [] @base = base @index = index @missing_gems = @source_requirements = source_requirements end def debug if ENV['DEBUG_RESOLVER'] debug_info = yield debug_info = debug_info.inpsect unless debug_info.is_a?(String) $stderr.puts debug_info end end def successify(activated) { |s| s.to_specs }.flatten.compact end def start(reqs) activated = {} resolve(reqs, activated) end def resolve(reqs, activated) # If the requirements are empty, then we are in a success state. Aka, all # gem dependencies have been resolved. throw :success, successify(activated) if reqs.empty? debug { print "\e[2J\e[f" ; "==== Iterating ====\n\n" } # Sort dependencies so that the ones that are easiest to resolve are first. # Easiest to resolve is defined by: # 1) Is this gem already activated? # 2) Do the version requirements include prereleased gems? # 3) Sort by number of gems available in the source. reqs = reqs.sort_by do |a| [ activated[] ? 0 : 1, a.requirement.prerelease? ? 0 : 1, @errors[] ? 0 : 1, activated[] ? 0 : search(a).size ] end debug { "Activated:\n" + { |a| " #{} (#{a.version})" }.join("\n") } debug { "Requirements:\n" + { |r| " #{} (#{r.requirement})"}.join("\n") } activated = activated.dup # Pull off the first requirement so that we can resolve it current = reqs.shift debug { "Attempting:\n #{} (#{current.requirement})"} # Check if the gem has already been activated, if it has, we will make sure # that the currently activated gem satisfies the requirement. existing = activated[] if existing || == 'bundler' # Force the current if == 'bundler' && !existing existing = search('bundler', VERSION), Gem::Platform::RUBY)).first activated['bundler'] = existing raise GemNotFound, %Q{Bundler could not find gem "bundler" (#{VERSION})} unless existing end if current.requirement.satisfied_by?(existing.version) debug { " * [SUCCESS] Already activated" } @errors.delete( # Since the current requirement is satisfied, we can continue resolving # the remaining requirements. # I have no idea if this is the right way to do it, but let's see if it works # The current requirement might activate some other platforms, so let's try # adding those requirements here. reqs.concat existing.activate_platform(current.__platform) resolve(reqs, activated) else debug { " * [FAIL] Already activated" } @errors[] = [existing, current] debug { {|d| " * #{} (#{d.requirement})" }.join("\n") } # debug { " * All current conflicts:\n" + { |c| " - #{c}" }.join("\n") } # Since the current requirement conflicts with an activated gem, we need # to backtrack to the current requirement's parent and try another version # of it (maybe the current requirement won't be present anymore). If the # current requirement is a root level requirement, we need to jump back to # where the conflicting gem was activated. parent = current.required_by.last # `existing` could not respond to required_by if it is part of the base set # of specs that was passed to the resolver (aka, instance of LazySpecification) parent ||= existing.required_by.last if existing.respond_to?(:required_by) # We track the spot where the current gem was activated because we need # to keep a list of every spot a failure happened. debug { " -> Jumping to: #{}" } if parent throw, existing.respond_to?(:required_by) && else # The original set of dependencies conflict with the base set of specs # passed to the resolver. This is by definition an impossible resolve. raise version_conflict end end else # There are no activated gems for the current requirement, so we are going # to find all gems that match the current requirement and try them in decending # order. We also need to keep a set of all conflicts that happen while trying # this gem. This is so that if no versions work, we can figure out the best # place to backtrack to. conflicts = # Fetch all gem versions matching the requirement # # TODO: Warn / error when no matching versions are found. matching_versions = search(current) if matching_versions.empty? if current.required_by.empty? if base = @base[] and !base.empty? version = base.first.version message = "You have requested:\n" \ " #{} #{current.requirement}\n\n" \ "The bundle currently has #{} locked at #{version}.\n" \ "Try running `bundle update #{}`" elsif current.source name = versions = @source_requirements[name][name].map { |s| s.version } message = "Could not find gem '#{current}' in #{current.source}.\n" if versions.any? message << "Source contains '#{name}' at: #{versions.join(', ')}" else message << "Source does not contain any versions of '#{current}'" end else message = "Could not find gem '#{current}' " if @index.sources.include?(Bundler::Source::Rubygems) message << "in any of the gem sources." else message << "in the gems available on this machine." end end raise GemNotFound, message else if @missing_gems[current] >= 5 message = "Bundler could not find find gem #{current.required_by.last}," message << "which is required by gem #{current}." raise GemNotFound, message end @missing_gems[current] += 1 debug { " Could not find #{current} by #{current.required_by.last}" } @errors[] = [nil, current] end end matching_versions.reverse_each do |spec_group| conflict = resolve_requirement(spec_group, current, reqs.dup, activated.dup) conflicts << conflict if conflict end # If the current requirement is a root level gem and we have conflicts, we # can figure out the best spot to backtrack to. if current.required_by.empty? && !conflicts.empty? # Check the current "catch" stack for the first one that is included in the # conflicts set. That is where the parent of the conflicting gem was required. # By jumping back to this spot, we can try other version of the parent of # the conflicting gem, hopefully finding a combination that activates correctly. @stack.reverse_each do |savepoint| if conflicts.include?(savepoint) debug { " -> Jumping to: #{savepoint}" } throw savepoint end end end end end def resolve_requirement(spec_group, requirement, reqs, activated) # We are going to try activating the spec. We need to keep track of stack of # requirements that got us to the point of activating this gem. spec_group.required_by.replace requirement.required_by spec_group.required_by << requirement activated[] = spec_group debug { " Activating: #{} (#{spec_group.version})" } debug { { |d| " * #{} (#{d.requirement})" }.join("\n") } dependencies = spec_group.activate_platform(requirement.__platform) # Now, we have to loop through all child dependencies and add them to our # array of requirements. debug { " Dependencies"} dependencies.each do |dep| next if dep.type == :development debug { " * #{} (#{dep.requirement})" } dep.required_by.replace(requirement.required_by) dep.required_by << requirement reqs << dep end # We create a savepoint and mark it by the name of the requirement that caused # the gem to be activated. If the activated gem ever conflicts, we are able to # jump back to this point and try another version of the gem. length = @stack.length @stack << retval = catch( do resolve(reqs, activated) end # Since we're doing a lot of throw / catches. A push does not necessarily match # up to a pop. So, we simply slice the stack back to what it was before the catch # block. @stack.slice!(length..-1) retval end def search(dep) if base = @base[] and base.any? d =, *[dep.requirement.as_list, base.first.version].flatten) else d = dep.dep end index = @source_requirements[] || @index results = index.search_for_all_platforms(d, @base[]) if results.any? version = results.first.version nested = [[]] results.each do |spec| if spec.version != version nested << [] version = spec.version end nested.last << spec end { |a| }.select { |sg| sg.for?(dep.__platform) } else [] end end def clean_req(req) if req.to_s.include?(">= 0") req.to_s.gsub(/ \(.*?\)$/, '') else req.to_s.gsub(/\, (runtime|development)\)$/, ')') end end def version_conflict, error_message) end # For a given conflicted requirement, print out what exactly went wrong def gem_message(requirement) m = "" # A requirement that is required by itself is actually in the Gemfile, and does # not "depend on" itself if requirement.required_by.first && != m << " #{clean_req(requirement.required_by.first)} depends on\n" m << " #{clean_req(requirement)}\n" else m << " #{clean_req(requirement)}\n" end m << "\n" end def error_message output = errors.inject("") do |o, (conflict, (origin, requirement))| # origin is the SpecSet of specs from the Gemfile that is conflicted with if origin o << %{Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "#{}":\n} o << " In Gemfile:\n" o << gem_message(requirement) # If the origin is a LockfileParser, it does not respond_to :required_by unless origin.respond_to?(:required_by) && required_by = origin.required_by.first o << " In snapshot (Gemfile.lock):\n" end o << gem_message(origin) # origin is nil if the required gem and version cannot be found in any of # the specified sources else # if the gem cannot be found because of a version conflict between lockfile and gemfile, # print a useful error that suggests running `bundle update`, which may fix things # # @base is a SpecSet of the gems in the lockfile # conflict is the name of the gem that could not be found if locked = @base[conflict].first o << "Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem #{conflict.inspect}:\n" o << " In snapshot (Gemfile.lock):\n" o << " #{clean_req(locked)}\n\n" o << " In Gemfile:\n" o << gem_message(requirement) o << "Running `bundle update` will rebuild your snapshot from scratch, using only\n" o << "the gems in your Gemfile, which may resolve the conflict.\n" # the rest of the time, the gem cannot be found because it does not exist in the known sources else if requirement.required_by.first o << "Could not find gem '#{clean_req(requirement)}', required by '#{clean_req(requirement.required_by.first)}', in any of the sources\n" else o << "Could not find gem '#{clean_req(requirement)} in any of the sources\n" end end end end end end end