module RubyLabs =begin rdoc == IterationLab The IterationLab module has definitions of methods from Chapter 4 of Explorations in Computing. The methods demonstrate how a simple strategy of repeatedly comparing items in an array can be used to search the array and to sort it. The module has two implementations of linear search (contains? and +search+) and an implementation of insertion sort (+isort+). Helper methods called by the searching and sorting methods are also documented here. =end module IterationLab # The RubyLabs implementation of Ruby's include? method. # Does a linear search of array +a+ to find item +k+, returning # +true+ or +false+ depending on whether the item was found. # # Example: # >> a = # => [89, 41, 69, 14, 4, 7, 8, 26, 81, 12] # >> contains?(a, 7) # => true # >> contains?(a, 42) # => false # # :call-seq: # contains?(a,k) => Boolean # #-- # :begin :contains? def contains?(a, k) a.each { |x| return true if x == k} return false end # :end :contains? # The RubyLabs implementation of Ruby's index method. # Does a linear search of array +a+ to find item +k+, returning # the index of the first occurrence of +k+ or +nil+ if +k+ is # not found. # # Example: # >> a = # => [89, 41, 69, 14, 4, 7, 8, 26, 81, 12] # >> search(a, 42) # => nil # >> search(a, 7) # => 5 # # :call-seq: # search(a,k) => Fixnum # #-- # :begin :search def search(a, k) i = 0 while i < a.length return i if a[i] == k i += 1 end return nil end # :end :search # Return a copy of +a+, sorted using the insertion sort algorithm. # On each iteration remove an item from the # array, find a location for it to the left of its original position, # and insert it back into the array at the new location. # # Example: # >> a = # => [97, 87, 16, 2, 81, 80, 7, 64, 5, 71] # >> isort(a) # => [2, 5, 7, 16, 64, 71, 80, 81, 87, 97] # # :call-seq: # isort(a) => Array # #-- # :begin :isort :move_left :less def isort(array) a = array.clone # don't modify the input array.... i = 1 while i < a.length move_left(a, i) # find a place for a[i] somewhere to the left i += 1 end return a end # :end :isort # Helper method called by +isort+ to remove the item at locaton +i+ # and reinsert it at a location between 0 and +i+ (i.e. move the item # to the left in the array). #-- # :begin :move_left def move_left(a, i) x = a.slice!(i) # remove the item at location i j = i-1 # start scanning from the left of i while j >= 0 && less(x, a[j]) j = j-1 # move left end a.insert(j+1, x) # insert x back into a at location j end # :end :move_left # +less+ is called by +isort+ to compare two items. # It is implemented as a helper method in order to allow users to # attach a probe to count the number of comparisons. #-- # :begin :less def less(x, y) return x < y end # :end :less # A helper method that can be called from a probe to display the contents # of an array during a search or sort. # # A call to brackets(a,i) will return a string that includes # all the items in +a+, with a left bracket before a[i] # and a right bracket after the last item. # # See also RecursionLab#brackets. # # Example: # >> a = # => [55, 29, 72, 33, 14, 57, 85, 42, 26, 97] # >> puts brackets(a, 3) # 29 55 72 [33 14 57 85 42 26 97] # => nil # # :call-seq: # brackets(a,i) => String # def brackets(a, i) if i <= 0 return ("[" + a.join(" ") + "]") elsif i >= a.length return " " + a.join(" ") + " [ ]" else pre = a.slice(0..(i-1)) post = a.slice(i..-1) return " " + pre.join(" ") + " [" + post.join(" ") + "]" end end end # IterationLab end # RubyLabs