require "csv" def seed_csv(modelname, filename) data = if data.size < 2 puts "No data found in file " << filename return end header = data[0]; processed_header = evaluations = statics = header.each do |h| # Check if the header field has an assignment if h.include? "=" c = h.split "=" h = c[0] # Replace the header with just the field name c.delete_at(0) # Remove the field name evaluation = c.join("=") # Rejoin the rest of the evaluation (if there was another =) # If there is no question mark in the evaluation string then we set this column to be # static. unless evaluation.include? "?" statics.push(h + "=" + evaluation) else processed_header.push(h) evaluations.push(evaluation) end else evaluations.push(nil) processed_header.push(h) end end header = processed_header data.delete_at(0); puts "Seeding " + data.size.to_s + " record" + (data.size > 1 ? "s" : "") line = 1 data.each do |d| line+=1 if d.size == header.size code = "model = " + modelname + ".new\n" for count in 0..(header.size - 1) do unless (header[count].strip == "nil") value = d[count] value = "" if value.nil? value = "'" + value.strip.gsub(/'/, "\\\\'") + "'" if evaluations[count].nil? assignment = value else assignment = evaluations[count].split("?") assignment = assignment.join(value) end code += "model." + header[count].strip + "=" + assignment + "\n" end end # Add in the statics statics.each do |s| code += "model." + s + "\n" end code += "unless\n" code += "print_errors(model.errors, " + line.to_s + ")" code += "end\n" eval code #puts (line - 1).to_s + "/" + data.size.to_s else puts "Skipping line " + line.to_s + " with mismatch in number of fields (" + d.size.to_s + ")" end end puts " Done" end def print_errors(errors, line) puts "\nThere were errors on line " + line.to_s errors.each do |e| puts e.to_s end end