Minitest: Enabled: true Include: - '**/test/**/*' Minitest/AssertEmpty: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `assert_empty` instead of using `assert(object.empty?)`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.2' Minitest/AssertEmptyLiteral: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `assert_empty` instead of using `assert([], object)` or `assert({}, object)`.' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.5' Minitest/AssertEqual: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `assert_equal` instead of using `assert(expected == actual)`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.4' Minitest/AssertMatch: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `assert_match` instead of using `assert(matcher.match(object))`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.6' Minitest/AssertIncludes: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `assert_includes` instead of using `assert(collection.include?(object))`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.2' Minitest/AssertInstanceOf: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `assert_instance_of(Class, object)` over `assert(object.instance_of?(Class))`' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.4' Minitest/AssertNil: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `assert_nil` instead of using `assert_equal(nil, something)`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.1' Minitest/AssertRespondTo: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `assert_respond_to(object, :do_something)` over `assert(object.respond_to?(:do_something))`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.3' Minitest/AssertTruthy: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `assert(actual)` instead of using `assert_equal(true, actual)`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.2' Minitest/GlobalExpectations: Description: 'This cop checks for deprecated global expectations.' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.7' Minitest/RefuteEmpty: Description: 'This cop enforces to use `refute_empty` instead of using `refute(object.empty?)`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.3' Minitest/RefuteEqual: Description: 'Check if your test uses `refute_equal` instead of `assert(expected != object)` or `assert(! expected == object))`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.3' Minitest/RefuteFalse: Description: 'Check if your test uses `refute(actual)` instead of `assert_equal(false, actual)`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.3' Minitest/RefuteIncludes: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `refute_includes` instead of using `refute(collection.include?(object))`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.3' Minitest/RefuteMatch: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `refute_match` instead of using `refute(matcher.match(object))`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.6' Minitest/RefuteInstanceOf: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `refute_instance_of(Class, object)` over `refute(object.instance_of?(Class))`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.4' Minitest/RefuteNil: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `refute_nil` instead of using `refute_equal(nil, something)`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.2' Minitest/RefuteRespondTo: Description: 'This cop enforces the test to use `refute_respond_to(object, :do_something)` over `refute(object.respond_to?(:do_something))`.' StyleGuide: '' Enabled: true VersionAdded: '0.4'