include('uki.js'); include('collection.js'); /* Ideas and code parts borrowed from Sizzle ( */ (function() { /**#@+ @ignore */ var self, attr = uki.attr, chunker = /((?:\((?:\([^()]+\)|[^()]+)+\)|\[(?:\[[^[\]]*\]|['"][^'"]*['"]|[^[\]'"]+)+\]|\\.|[^ >+~,(\[\\]+)+|[>+~])(\s*,\s*)?/g, regexps = [ // enforce order { name: 'ID', regexp: /#((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)/ }, { name: 'ATTR', regexp: /\[\s*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)\s*(?:(\S?=)\s*(['"]*)(.*?)\3|)\s*\]/ }, { name: 'TYPE', regexp: /^((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\*_\.-]|\\.)+)/ }, { name: 'POS', regexp: /:(nth|eq|gt|lt|first|last|even|odd)(?:\((\d*)\))?(?=[^-]|$)/ } ], posRegexp = regexps.POS, posFilters = { first: function(i){ return i === 0; }, last: function(i, match, array){ return i === array.length - 1; }, even: function(i){ return i % 2 === 0; }, odd: function(i){ return i % 2 === 1; }, lt: function(i, match){ return i < match[2] - 0; }, gt: function(i, match){ return i > match[2] - 0; }, nth: function(i, match){ return match[2] - 0 == i; }, eq: function(i, match){ return match[2] - 0 == i; } }, reducers = { TYPE: function(comp, match) { var expected = match[1]; if (expected == '*') return true; var typeName = attr(comp, 'typeName'); return typeName && typeName.length >= expected.length && ('.' + typeName).indexOf('.' + expected) == (typeName.length - expected.length); }, ATTR: function(comp, match) { var result = attr(comp, match[1]), value = result + '', type = match[2], check = match[4]; return result == null ? type === "!=" : type === "=" ? value === check : type === "*=" ? value.indexOf(check) >= 0 : type === "~=" ? (" " + value + " ").indexOf(check) >= 0 : !check ? value && result !== false : type === "!=" ? value != check : type === "^=" ? value.indexOf(check) === 0 : type === "$=" ? value.substr(value.length - check.length) === check : false; }, ID: function(comp, match) { return reducers.ATTR(comp, ['', 'id', '=', '', match[1]]); }, POS: function(comp, match, i, array) { var filter = posFilters[match[1]]; return filter ? filter( i, match, array ) : false; } }, mappers = { "+": function(context){ return uki.unique(, 'nextView') ); }, ">": function(context){ return uki.unique( flatten(, 'childViews')) ); }, "": function(context) { return uki.unique( recChildren(flatten(, 'childViews'))) ); }, "~": function(context){ } }; function recChildren (comps) { return flatten(, function(comp) { return [comp].concat( recChildren(attr(comp, 'childViews')) ); })); } function flatten (array) { return uki.reduce( [], array, reduceFlatten ); } function reduceFlatten (x, e) { return x.concat(e); } /**#@-*/ self = /** * @namespace */ uki.Selector = { /** * Finds views by CSS3 selectors in view tree. *
Can be called as uki(selector) instead of uki.Selector.find(selector)
* * @example * uki('Label') find all labels on page * uki('Box[name=main] > Label') find all immediate descendant Labels in a box with name = "main" * uki('> Slider', context) find all direct descendant Sliders within given context * uki('Slider,Checkbox') find all Sliders and Checkboxes * uki('Slider:eq(3)') find 3-d slider * * @param {string} selector * @param {Array.