#!/usr/bin/env ruby BEGIN { require 'pathname' basedir = Pathname.new( __FILE__ ).dirname.parent.parent libdir = basedir + "lib" extdir = basedir + "ext" $LOAD_PATH.unshift( libdir ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( libdir ) $LOAD_PATH.unshift( extdir ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( extdir ) } begin require 'spec' require 'spec/lib/constants' require 'spec/lib/helpers' require 'treequel' require 'treequel/mixins' rescue LoadError unless Object.const_defined?( :Gem ) require 'rubygems' retry end raise end include Treequel::TestConstants include Treequel::Constants ##################################################################### ### C O N T E X T S ##################################################################### describe Treequel, "mixin" do include Treequel::SpecHelpers describe Treequel::Loggable, "mixed into a class" do before(:each) do @logfile = StringIO.new('') Treequel.logger = Logger.new( @logfile ) @test_class = Class.new do include Treequel::Loggable def log_test_message( level, msg ) self.log.send( level, msg ) end def logdebug_test_message( msg ) self.log_debug.debug( msg ) end end @obj = @test_class.new end it "is able to output to the log via its #log method" do @obj.log_test_message( :debug, "debugging message" ) @logfile.rewind @logfile.read.should =~ /debugging message/ end it "is able to output to the log via its #log_debug method" do @obj.logdebug_test_message( "sexydrownwatch" ) @logfile.rewind @logfile.read.should =~ /sexydrownwatch/ end end ################################################################# ### E X A M P L E S ################################################################# describe Treequel::HashUtilities do it "includes a function for stringifying Hash keys" do testhash = { :foo => 1, :bar => { :klang => 'klong', :barang => { :kerklang => 'dumdumdum' }, } } result = Treequel::HashUtilities.stringify_keys( testhash ) result.should be_an_instance_of( Hash ) result.should_not be_equal( testhash ) result.should == { 'foo' => 1, 'bar' => { 'klang' => 'klong', 'barang' => { 'kerklang' => 'dumdumdum' }, } } end it "includes a function for symbolifying Hash keys" do testhash = { 'foo' => 1, 'bar' => { 'klang' => 'klong', 'barang' => { 'kerklang' => 'dumdumdum' }, } } result = Treequel::HashUtilities.symbolify_keys( testhash ) result.should be_an_instance_of( Hash ) result.should_not be_equal( testhash ) result.should == { :foo => 1, :bar => { :klang => 'klong', :barang => { :kerklang => 'dumdumdum' }, } } end it "includes a function that can be used as the key-collision callback for " + "Hash#merge that does recursive merging" do hash1 = { :foo => 1, :bar => [:one], :baz => { :glom => [:chunker] } } hash2 = { :klong => 88.8, :bar => [:locke], :baz => { :trim => :liquor, :glom => [:plunker] } } hash1.merge( hash2, &Treequel::HashUtilities.method(:merge_recursively) ).should == { :foo => 1, :bar => [:one, :locke], :baz => { :glom => [:chunker, :plunker], :trim => :liquor, }, :klong => 88.8, } end end describe Treequel::ArrayUtilities do it "includes a function for stringifying Array elements" do testarray = [:a, :b, :c, [:d, :e, [:f, :g]]] result = Treequel::ArrayUtilities.stringify_array( testarray ) result.should be_an_instance_of( Array ) result.should_not be_equal( testarray ) result.should == ['a', 'b', 'c', ['d', 'e', ['f', 'g']]] end it "includes a function for symbolifying Array elements" do testarray = ['a', 'b', 'c', ['d', 'e', ['f', 'g']]] result = Treequel::ArrayUtilities.symbolify_array( testarray ) result.should be_an_instance_of( Array ) result.should_not be_equal( testarray ) result.should == [:a, :b, :c, [:d, :e, [:f, :g]]] end end describe Treequel::AttributeDeclarations do before( :all ) do setup_logging( :fatal ) end after( :all ) do reset_logging() end describe "predicate attribute declaration" do before( :all ) do @testclass = Class.new do extend Treequel::AttributeDeclarations def initialize( val ) @testable = val end predicate_attr :testable end end it "creates a plain predicate method" do @testclass.new( true ).should be_testable() @testclass.new( false ).should_not be_testable() @testclass.new( 1 ).should be_testable() @testclass.new( :something_else ).should be_testable() end it "creates a mutator" do obj = @testclass.new( true ) obj.testable = false obj.should_not be_testable() obj.testable = true obj.should be_testable() end end end describe Treequel::Delegation do before( :all ) do setup_logging( :fatal ) end after( :all ) do reset_logging() end describe "method delegation" do before( :all ) do @testclass = Class.new do extend Treequel::Delegation def initialize( obj ) @obj = obj end def_method_delegators :demand_loaded_object, :delegated_method def_method_delegators :nonexistant_method, :erroring_delegated_method def demand_loaded_object return @obj end end end before( :each ) do @subobj = mock( "delegate" ) @obj = @testclass.new( @subobj ) end it "can be used to set up delegation through a method" do @subobj.should_receive( :delegated_method ) @obj.delegated_method end it "passes any arguments through to the delegate object's method" do @subobj.should_receive( :delegated_method ).with( :arg1, :arg2 ) @obj.delegated_method( :arg1, :arg2 ) end it "reports errors from its caller's perspective" do pending "doesn't work under 1.9, but may not be necessary" if vvec(RUBY_VERSION) > vvec('1.8.7') begin @obj.erroring_delegated_method rescue NoMethodError => err err.message.should =~ /nonexistant_method/ err.backtrace.first.should =~ /#{__FILE__}/ rescue ::Exception => err fail "Expected a NoMethodError, but got a %p (%s)" % [ err.class, err.message ] else fail "Expected a NoMethodError, but no exception was raised." end end end describe "instance variable delegation (ala Forwardable)" do before( :all ) do @testclass = Class.new do extend Treequel::Delegation def initialize( obj ) @obj = obj end def_ivar_delegators :@obj, :delegated_method def_ivar_delegators :@glong, :erroring_delegated_method end end before( :each ) do @subobj = mock( "delegate" ) @obj = @testclass.new( @subobj ) end it "can be used to set up delegation through a method" do @subobj.should_receive( :delegated_method ) @obj.delegated_method end it "passes any arguments through to the delegate's method" do @subobj.should_receive( :delegated_method ).with( :arg1, :arg2 ) @obj.delegated_method( :arg1, :arg2 ) end it "reports errors from its caller's perspective" do pending "doesn't work under 1.9, but may not be necessary" if vvec(RUBY_VERSION) > vvec('1.8.7') begin @obj.erroring_delegated_method rescue NoMethodError => err err.message.should =~ /`erroring_delegated_method' for nil/ err.backtrace.first.should =~ /#{__FILE__}/ rescue ::Exception => err fail "Expected a NoMethodError, but got a %p (%s)" % [ err.class, err.message ] else fail "Expected a NoMethodError, but no exception was raised." end end end end describe Treequel::Normalization do describe "key normalization" do it "downcases" do Treequel::Normalization.normalize_key( :logonTime ).should == :logontime end it "symbolifies" do Treequel::Normalization.normalize_key( 'cn' ).should == :cn end it "strips invalid characters" do Treequel::Normalization.normalize_key( 'given name' ).should == :givenname end it "converts hyphens to underscores" do Treequel::Normalization.normalize_key( 'apple-nickname' ).should == :apple_nickname end end describe "hash normalization" do it "applies key-normalization to the keys of a hash" do hash = { :logonTime => 'a logon time', 'cn' => 'a common name', 'given name' => 'a given name', 'apple-nickname' => 'a nickname', } Treequel::Normalization.normalize_hash( hash ).should == { :logontime => 'a logon time', :cn => 'a common name', :givenname => 'a given name', :apple_nickname => 'a nickname', } end end end end # vim: set nosta noet ts=4 sw=4: