module SimpleCaptcha #:nodoc module ModelHelpers #:nodoc def self.included(base) base.extend(SingletonMethods) end # To implement model based simple captcha use this method in the model as... # # class User < ActiveRecord::Base # # apply_simple_captcha :message => "my customized message" # # end # # Customize the error message by using :message, the default message is "Captcha did not match". # As in the applications captcha is needed with a very few cases like signing up the new user, but # not every time you need to authenticate the captcha with So as to maintain simplicity # here we have the explicit method to save the instace with captcha validation as... # # * to validate the instance # # @user.valid_with_captcha? # whene captcha validation is required. # # @user.valid? # when captcha validation is not required. # # * to save the instance # # @user.save_with_captcha # whene captcha validation is required. # # # when captcha validation is not required. module SingletonMethods def apply_simple_captcha(options = {}) options = { :add_to_base => false }.merge(options) class_attribute :simple_captcha_options self.simple_captcha_options = options unless self.is_a?(ClassMethods) include InstanceMethods extend ClassMethods attr_accessor :captcha, :captcha_key end end end module ClassMethods end module InstanceMethods def valid_with_captcha? [valid?, is_captcha_valid?].all? end def is_captcha_valid? return true if captcha.present? && Rails.env.test? v = SimpleCaptcha::Utils::simple_captcha_value(captcha_key) if captcha && !v.nil? && captcha.upcase.delete(" ") == v.upcase SimpleCaptcha::Utils::simple_captcha_passed!(captcha_key) return true else message = simple_captcha_options[:message] || I18n.t(self.class.model_name.to_s.downcase, scope: [:simple_captcha, :message], default: 'Invalid CAPTCHA') simple_captcha_options[:add_to_base] ? errors.add_to_base(message) : errors.add(:captcha, message) return false end end def save_with_captcha valid_with_captcha? && save(:validate => false) end end end end