module Authlogic
module Session
# Think about financial websites, if you are inactive for a certain period
# of time you will be asked to log back in on your next request. You can do
# this with Authlogic easily, there are 2 parts to this:
# 1. Define the timeout threshold:
# acts_as_authentic do |c|
# c.logged_in_timeout = 10.minutes # default is 10.minutes
# end
# 2. Enable logging out on timeouts
# class UserSession < Authlogic::Session::Base
# logout_on_timeout true # default if false
# end
# This will require a user to log back in if they are inactive for more than
# 10 minutes. In order for this feature to be used you must have a
# last_request_at datetime column in your table for whatever model you are
# authenticating with.
module Timeout
def self.included(klass)
klass.class_eval do
extend Config
include InstanceMethods
before_persisting :reset_stale_state
after_persisting :enforce_timeout
attr_accessor :stale_record
# Configuration for the timeout feature.
module Config
# With acts_as_authentic you get a :logged_in_timeout configuration
# option. If this is set, after this amount of time has passed the user
# will be marked as logged out. Obviously, since web based apps are on a
# per request basis, we have to define a time limit threshold that
# determines when we consider a user to be "logged out". Meaning, if
# they login and then leave the website, when do mark them as logged
# out? I recommend just using this as a fun feature on your website or
# reports, giving you a ballpark number of users logged in and active.
# This is not meant to be a dead accurate representation of a users
# logged in state, since there is really no real way to do this with web
# based apps. Think about a user that logs in and doesn't log out. There
# is no action that tells you that the user isn't technically still
# logged in and active.
# That being said, you can use that feature to require a new login if
# their session times out. Similar to how financial sites work. Just set
# this option to true and if your record returns true for stale? then
# they will be required to log back in.
# Lastly, UserSession.find will still return a object is the session is
# stale, but you will not get a record. This allows you to determine if
# the user needs to log back in because their session went stale, or
# because they just aren't logged in. Just call
# current_user_session.stale? as your flag.
# * Default: false
# * Accepts: Boolean
def logout_on_timeout(value = nil)
rw_config(:logout_on_timeout, value, false)
alias_method :logout_on_timeout=, :logout_on_timeout
# Instance methods for the timeout feature.
module InstanceMethods
# Tells you if the record is stale or not. Meaning the record has timed
# out. This will only return true if you set logout_on_timeout to true
# in your configuration. Basically how a bank website works. If you
# aren't active over a certain period of time your session becomes stale
# and requires you to log back in.
def stale?
if remember_me?
!stale_record.nil? || (logout_on_timeout? && record && record.logged_out?)
def reset_stale_state
self.stale_record = nil
def enforce_timeout
if stale?
self.stale_record = record
self.record = nil
def logout_on_timeout?
self.class.logout_on_timeout == true