module Roro class CLI < Thor desc "rollon::ruby_gem::with_ci_cd", "Generate files for containerized gem testing, CircleCI, and releasing to RubyGems." map "rollon::ruby_gem::with_ci_cd" => "rollon_ruby_gem_with_ci_cd" def rollon_ruby_gem_with_ci_cd(*args) ruby_gem_with_ci_cd(*args) end no_commands do def ruby_gem_with_ci_cd(*args) configure_for_rollon answer = ask("\nYou can add your rubygems api key in\n\t './roro/containers/ruby_gem/ci.env' \n\nlater, or we'll try to add it here:", default: '') rubygems_api_key = (answer.eql?("") ? 'some-key' : answer)['rubygems_api_key'] = rubygems_api_key['rubies'] = [] 3.times do |index| newruby =['ruby_version'].gsub('.', '').to_i - index['rubies'] << newruby.to_s.split('').join('.') end directory 'ruby_gem/roro', './roro', directory 'ruby_gem/.circleci', './.circleci', copy_file 'ruby_gem/docker-compose.yml', './docker-compose.yml'['rubies'].each do |ruby| file = '.circleci/config.yml' spacer = "\n - run: " rv = "RUBY_VERSION=#{ruby} docker-compose " build = "build ruby_gem" up = "up -d --force-recreate ruby_gem" run_tests = "run ruby_gem bundle exec rake test" append_to_file file, spacer + rv + run_tests, after: "- placeholder" append_to_file file, spacer + rv + up, after: "- placeholder" append_to_file file, spacer + rv + build, after: "- placeholder" end gsub_file '.circleci/config.yml', "- placeholder", "- checkout" append_to_file ".gitignore", "\nGemfile.lock" gitignore_sensitive_files end end end end