# frozen_string_literal: true require 'yaml' require 'pathname' module RuboCop # A help class for ConfigLoader that handles configuration resolution. # @api private class ConfigLoaderResolver def resolve_requires(path, hash) config_dir = File.dirname(path) hash.delete('require').tap do |loaded_features| Array(loaded_features).each do |feature| if feature.start_with?('.') require(File.join(config_dir, feature)) else require(feature) end end end end def resolve_inheritance(path, hash, file, debug) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize inherited_files = Array(hash['inherit_from']) base_configs(path, inherited_files, file) .each_with_index.reverse_each do |base_config, index| override_department_setting_for_cops(base_config, hash) override_enabled_for_disabled_departments(base_config, hash) base_config.each do |k, v| next unless v.is_a?(Hash) if hash.key?(k) v = merge(v, hash[k], cop_name: k, file: file, debug: debug, inherited_file: inherited_files[index], inherit_mode: determine_inherit_mode(hash, k)) end hash[k] = v fix_include_paths(base_config.loaded_path, hash, path, k, v) if v.key?('Include') end end end # When one .rubocop.yml file inherits from another .rubocop.yml file, the Include paths in the # base configuration are relative to the directory where the base configuration file is. For the # derived configuration, we need to make those paths relative to where the derived configuration # file is. def fix_include_paths(base_config_path, hash, path, key, value) return unless File.basename(base_config_path).start_with?('.rubocop') base_dir = File.dirname(base_config_path) derived_dir = File.dirname(path) hash[key]['Include'] = value['Include'].map do |include_path| PathUtil.relative_path(File.join(base_dir, include_path), derived_dir) end end def resolve_inheritance_from_gems(hash) gems = hash.delete('inherit_gem') (gems || {}).each_pair do |gem_name, config_path| if gem_name == 'rubocop' raise ArgumentError, "can't inherit configuration from the rubocop gem" end hash['inherit_from'] = Array(hash['inherit_from']) Array(config_path).reverse_each do |path| # Put gem configuration first so local configuration overrides it. hash['inherit_from'].unshift gem_config_path(gem_name, path) end end end # Merges the given configuration with the default one. If # AllCops:DisabledByDefault is true, it changes the Enabled params so that # only cops from user configuration are enabled. If # AllCops::EnabledByDefault is true, it changes the Enabled params so that # only cops explicitly disabled in user configuration are disabled. def merge_with_default(config, config_file, unset_nil:) default_configuration = ConfigLoader.default_configuration disabled_by_default = config.for_all_cops['DisabledByDefault'] enabled_by_default = config.for_all_cops['EnabledByDefault'] if disabled_by_default || enabled_by_default default_configuration = transform(default_configuration) do |params| params.merge('Enabled' => !disabled_by_default) end end config = handle_disabled_by_default(config, default_configuration) if disabled_by_default override_enabled_for_disabled_departments(default_configuration, config) opts = { inherit_mode: config['inherit_mode'] || {}, unset_nil: unset_nil } Config.new(merge(default_configuration, config, **opts), config_file) end # Return a recursive merge of two hashes. That is, a normal hash merge, # with the addition that any value that is a hash, and occurs in both # arguments, will also be merged. And so on. # # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize def merge(base_hash, derived_hash, **opts) result = base_hash.merge(derived_hash) keys_appearing_in_both = base_hash.keys & derived_hash.keys keys_appearing_in_both.each do |key| if opts[:unset_nil] && derived_hash[key].nil? result.delete(key) elsif merge_hashes?(base_hash, derived_hash, key) result[key] = merge(base_hash[key], derived_hash[key], **opts) elsif should_union?(derived_hash, base_hash, opts[:inherit_mode], key) result[key] = base_hash[key] | derived_hash[key] elsif opts[:debug] warn_on_duplicate_setting(base_hash, derived_hash, key, **opts) end end result end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize # An `Enabled: true` setting in user configuration for a cop overrides an # `Enabled: false` setting for its department. def override_department_setting_for_cops(base_hash, derived_hash) derived_hash.each_key do |key| next unless key =~ %r{(.*)/.*} department = Regexp.last_match(1) next unless disabled?(derived_hash, department) || disabled?(base_hash, department) # The `override_department` setting for the `Enabled` parameter is an # internal setting that's not documented in the manual. It will cause a # cop to be enabled later, when logic surrounding enabled/disabled it # run, even though its department is disabled. derived_hash[key]['Enabled'] = 'override_department' if derived_hash[key]['Enabled'] end end # If a cop was previously explicitly enabled, but then superseded by the # department being disabled, disable it. def override_enabled_for_disabled_departments(base_hash, derived_hash) cops_to_disable = derived_hash.each_key.with_object([]) do |key, cops| next unless disabled?(derived_hash, key) cops.concat(base_hash.keys.grep(Regexp.new("^#{key}/"))) end cops_to_disable.each do |cop_name| next unless base_hash.dig(cop_name, 'Enabled') == true derived_hash.replace(merge({ cop_name => { 'Enabled' => false } }, derived_hash)) end end private def disabled?(hash, department) hash[department].is_a?(Hash) && hash[department]['Enabled'] == false end def duplicate_setting?(base_hash, derived_hash, key, inherited_file) return false if inherited_file.nil? # Not inheritance resolving merge return false if inherited_file.start_with?('..') # Legitimate override return false if base_hash[key] == derived_hash[key] # Same value return false if remote_file?(inherited_file) # Can't change Gem.path.none? { |dir| inherited_file.start_with?(dir) } # Can change? end def warn_on_duplicate_setting(base_hash, derived_hash, key, **opts) return unless duplicate_setting?(base_hash, derived_hash, key, opts[:inherited_file]) inherit_mode = opts[:inherit_mode]['merge'] || opts[:inherit_mode]['override'] return if base_hash[key].is_a?(Array) && inherit_mode && inherit_mode.include?(key) puts "#{PathUtil.smart_path(opts[:file])}: " \ "#{opts[:cop_name]}:#{key} overrides " \ "the same parameter in #{opts[:inherited_file]}" end def determine_inherit_mode(hash, key) cop_cfg = hash[key] local_inherit = cop_cfg.delete('inherit_mode') if cop_cfg.is_a?(Hash) local_inherit || hash['inherit_mode'] || {} end def should_union?(derived_hash, base_hash, root_mode, key) return false unless base_hash[key].is_a?(Array) derived_mode = derived_hash['inherit_mode'] return false if should_override?(derived_mode, key) return true if should_merge?(derived_mode, key) base_mode = base_hash['inherit_mode'] return false if should_override?(base_mode, key) return true if should_merge?(base_mode, key) should_merge?(root_mode, key) end def should_merge?(mode, key) mode && mode['merge'] && mode['merge'].include?(key) end def should_override?(mode, key) mode && mode['override'] && mode['override'].include?(key) end def merge_hashes?(base_hash, derived_hash, key) base_hash[key].is_a?(Hash) && derived_hash[key].is_a?(Hash) end def base_configs(path, inherit_from, file) configs = Array(inherit_from).compact.map do |f| ConfigLoader.load_file(inherited_file(path, f, file)) end configs.compact end def inherited_file(path, inherit_from, file) if remote_file?(inherit_from) # A remote configuration, e.g. `inherit_from: http://example.com/rubocop.yml`. RemoteConfig.new(inherit_from, File.dirname(path)) elsif Pathname.new(inherit_from).absolute? # An absolute path to a config, e.g. `inherit_from: /Users/me/rubocop.yml`. # The path may come from `inherit_gem` option, where a gem name is expanded # to an absolute path to that gem. print 'Inheriting ' if ConfigLoader.debug? inherit_from elsif file.is_a?(RemoteConfig) # A path relative to a URL, e.g. `inherit_from: configs/default.yml` # in a config included with `inherit_from: http://example.com/rubocop.yml` file.inherit_from_remote(inherit_from, path) else # A local relative path, e.g. `inherit_from: default.yml` print 'Inheriting ' if ConfigLoader.debug? File.expand_path(inherit_from, File.dirname(path)) end end def remote_file?(uri) regex = URI::DEFAULT_PARSER.make_regexp(%w[http https]) /\A#{regex}\z/.match?(uri) end def handle_disabled_by_default(config, new_default_configuration) department_config = config.to_hash.reject { |cop| cop.include?('/') } department_config.each do |dept, dept_params| next unless dept_params['Enabled'] new_default_configuration.each do |cop, params| next unless cop.start_with?("#{dept}/") # Retain original default configuration for cops in the department. params['Enabled'] = ConfigLoader.default_configuration[cop]['Enabled'] end end transform(config) do |params| { 'Enabled' => true }.merge(params) # Set true if not set. end end def transform(config, &block) config.transform_values(&block) end def gem_config_path(gem_name, relative_config_path) if defined?(Bundler) gem = Bundler.load.specs[gem_name].first gem_path = gem.full_gem_path if gem end gem_path ||= Gem::Specification.find_by_name(gem_name).gem_dir File.join(gem_path, relative_config_path) rescue Gem::LoadError => e raise Gem::LoadError, "Unable to find gem #{gem_name}; is the gem installed? #{e}" end end end