/* * * INSPINIA - Responsive Admin Theme * version 2.9.2 * */ $(document).ready(function () { // Fast fix bor position issue with Propper.js // Will be fixed in Bootstrap 4.1 - https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/24092 Popper.Defaults.modifiers.computeStyle.gpuAcceleration = false; // Add body-small class if window less than 768px if ($(window).width() < 769) { $('body').addClass('body-small') } else { $('body').removeClass('body-small') } // MetisMenu var sideMenu = $('#side-menu').metisMenu(); // Collapse ibox function $('.collapse-link').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var ibox = $(this).closest('div.ibox'); var button = $(this).find('i'); var content = ibox.children('.ibox-content'); content.slideToggle(200); button.toggleClass('fa-chevron-up').toggleClass('fa-chevron-down'); ibox.toggleClass('').toggleClass('border-bottom'); setTimeout(function () { ibox.resize(); ibox.find('[id^=map-]').resize(); }, 50); }); // Close ibox function $('.close-link').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var content = $(this).closest('div.ibox'); content.remove(); }); // Fullscreen ibox function $('.fullscreen-link').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var ibox = $(this).closest('div.ibox'); var button = $(this).find('i'); $('body').toggleClass('fullscreen-ibox-mode'); button.toggleClass('fa-expand').toggleClass('fa-compress'); ibox.toggleClass('fullscreen'); setTimeout(function () { $(window).trigger('resize'); }, 100); }); // Close menu in canvas mode $('.close-canvas-menu').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $("body").toggleClass("mini-navbar"); SmoothlyMenu(); }); // Run menu of canvas $('body.canvas-menu .sidebar-collapse').slimScroll({ height: '100%', railOpacity: 0.9 }); // Open close right sidebar $('.right-sidebar-toggle').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $('#right-sidebar').toggleClass('sidebar-open'); }); // Initialize slimscroll for right sidebar $('.sidebar-container').slimScroll({ height: '100%', railOpacity: 0.4, wheelStep: 10 }); // Open close small chat $('.open-small-chat').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).children().toggleClass('fa-comments').toggleClass('fa-times'); $('.small-chat-box').toggleClass('active'); }); // Initialize slimscroll for small chat $('.small-chat-box .content').slimScroll({ height: '234px', railOpacity: 0.4 }); // Small todo handler $('.check-link').on('click', function () { var button = $(this).find('i'); var label = $(this).next('span'); button.toggleClass('fa-check-square').toggleClass('fa-square-o'); label.toggleClass('todo-completed'); return false; }); // Minimalize menu $('.navbar-minimalize').on('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); $("body").toggleClass("mini-navbar"); SmoothlyMenu(); }); // Tooltips demo $('.tooltip-demo').tooltip({ selector: "[data-toggle=tooltip]", container: "body" }); // Move right sidebar top after scroll $(window).scroll(function () { if ($(window).scrollTop() > 0 && !$('body').hasClass('fixed-nav')) { $('#right-sidebar').addClass('sidebar-top'); } else { $('#right-sidebar').removeClass('sidebar-top'); } }); $("[data-toggle=popover]") .popover(); // Add slimscroll to element $('.full-height-scroll').slimscroll({ height: '100%' }) }); // Minimalize menu when screen is less than 768px $(window).bind(" resize", function () { if ($(this).width() < 769) { $('body').addClass('body-small') } else { $('body').removeClass('body-small') } }); // Fixed Sidebar $(window).bind("load", function () { if ($("body").hasClass('fixed-sidebar')) { $('.sidebar-collapse').slimScroll({ height: '100%', railOpacity: 0.9 }); } }); // Minimalize menu when screen is less than 768px $(window).bind("load resize", function () { if ($(this).width() < 769) { $('body').addClass('body-small') } else { $('body').removeClass('body-small') } }); //Local Storage functions //Set proper body class and plugins based on user configuration $(document).ready(function () { if (localStorageSupport()) { var collapse = localStorage.getItem("collapse_menu"); var fixedsidebar = localStorage.getItem("fixedsidebar"); var fixednavbar = localStorage.getItem("fixednavbar"); var boxedlayout = localStorage.getItem("boxedlayout"); var fixedfooter = localStorage.getItem("fixedfooter"); var body = $('body'); if (fixedsidebar == 'on') { body.addClass('fixed-sidebar'); $('.sidebar-collapse').slimScroll({ height: '100%', railOpacity: 0.9 }); } if (collapse == 'on') { if (body.hasClass('fixed-sidebar')) { if (!body.hasClass('body-small')) { body.addClass('mini-navbar'); } } else { if (!body.hasClass('body-small')) { body.addClass('mini-navbar'); } } } if (fixednavbar == 'on') { $(".navbar-static-top").removeClass('navbar-static-top').addClass('navbar-fixed-top'); body.addClass('fixed-nav'); } if (boxedlayout == 'on') { body.addClass('boxed-layout'); } if (fixedfooter == 'on') { $(".footer").addClass('fixed'); } } }); // check if browser support HTML5 local storage function localStorageSupport() { return (('localStorage' in window) && window['localStorage'] !== null) } // For demo purpose - animation css script function animationHover(element, animation) { element = $(element); element.hover( function () { element.addClass('animated ' + animation); }, function () { //wait for animation to finish before removing classes window.setTimeout(function () { element.removeClass('animated ' + animation); }, 2000); }); } function SmoothlyMenu() { if (!$('body').hasClass('mini-navbar') || $('body').hasClass('body-small')) { // Hide menu in order to smoothly turn on when maximize menu $('#side-menu').hide(); // For smoothly turn on menu setTimeout( function () { $('#side-menu').fadeIn(400); }, 200); } else if ($('body').hasClass('fixed-sidebar')) { $('#side-menu').hide(); setTimeout( function () { $('#side-menu').fadeIn(400); }, 100); } else { // Remove all inline style from jquery fadeIn function to reset menu state $('#side-menu').removeAttr('style'); } } // Dragable panels function WinMove() { var element = "[class*=col]"; var handle = ".ibox-title"; var connect = "[class*=col]"; $(element).sortable( { handle: handle, connectWith: connect, tolerance: 'pointer', forcePlaceholderSize: true, opacity: 0.8 }) .disableSelection(); }