require_relative('../loader') module Wukong module Load # Loads data into SQL databases. # # Uses the 'mysql' gem to connect and write data. Yes, MySQL != # SQL but we'll get there, I promise... # # Allows loading records into a given database and table. Records # can have fields `_database` and `_table` which override the # given database and table on a per-record basis. # # Records can have an `_id` field which indicates an update, not # an insert. # # The names of these fields within each record (`_database`, # `_table`, and `_id`) can be customized. class SQLLoader < Loader field :host, String, :default => 'localhost', :doc => "SQL host" field :port, Integer,:default => 3306, :doc => "Port on SQL host" field :username, String, :default => (ENV['USER'] || 'wukong'), :doc => "User to connect as" field :password, String, :doc => "Password for user" field :database, String, :default => 'wukong', :doc => "Default database" field :table, String, :default => 'streaming_record', :doc => "Default table" field :database_field, String, :default => '_database', :doc => "Name of field in each record overriding default database" field :table_field, String, :default => '_table', :doc => "Name of field in each record overriding default table" field :id_field, String, :default => '_id', :doc => "Name of field in each record providing ID of existing row to update" description <<-EOF.gsub(/^ {8}/,'') Loads newline-separated, JSON-formatted records over STDIN into MySQL using its HTTP API. $ cat data.json | wu-load sql By default, wu-load attempts to write each input record to a local SQL server. Input records will be written to a default database and table. Each record can have _database and _table fields to override this on a per-record basis. Records with an _id field will be trigger updates, the rest inserts. All other fields within a record are assumed to be the names of actual columns in the table. The fields used (_index, _table, and _id) can be changed: $ cat data.json | wu-load sql --host= --database=web_events --table=impressions --id_field=impression_id EOF # The Mongo::MongoClient we'll use for talking to MongoDB. attr_accessor :client # Creates the client connection. def setup begin require 'mysql2' rescue LoadError => e raise"Please ensure that the 'mysql2' gem is installed and available (in your Gemfile)") end log.debug("Connecting to SQL server at <#{host}:#{port}> as <#{username}>#{' using password' if password}...") begin self.client = rescue => e raise end end # :nodoc: def sql_params {:host => host, :port => port}.tap do |params| params[:username] if username params[:password] if password end end # Load a single record into the database. # # If the record has an ID, we'll issue an update, otherwise an # insert. # # @param [record] Hash def load record id = id_for(record) if id perform_query(update_query(record))"Updated #{id}") else perform_query(insert_query(record))"Inserted") end end # :nodoc: def insert_query record "INSERT INTO #{database_name_for(record)}.#{table_name_for(record)} (#{fields_of(record)}) VALUES (#{values_of(record)}) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE #{fields_and_values_of(record)}" end # :nodoc: def update_query record "UPDATE #{database_name_for(record)}.#{table_name_for(record)} SET #{fields_and_values_of(record)} WHERE `id`=#{id_for(record)}" end # :nodoc: def field_names_of record record.keys.reject { |key| [database_field, table_field, id_field].include?(key) }.sort end # :nodoc: def fields_of record field_names_of(record).map { |name| identifier_for(name) }.join(', ') end # :nodoc: def values_of record field_names_of(record).map { |name| value_for(record[name]) }.join(', ') end # :nodoc: def fields_and_values_of record field_names_of(record).map { |name| [identifier_for(name), value_for(record[name])].join('=') }.join(', ') end # :nodoc: def database_name_for record identifier_for(record[database_field] || self.database) end # :nodoc: def table_name_for record identifier_for(record[table_field] || self.table) end # :nodoc: def identifier_for thing '`' + client.escape(thing.to_s) + '`' end # :nodoc: def value_for thing case thing when Fixnum then thing when nil then 'NULL' else '"' + client.escape(thing.to_s) + '"' end end # :nodoc: def id_for record value_for(record[id_field]) if record[id_field] end # :nodoc: def perform_query query client.query query end register :sql_loader end end end