#!/usr/bin/env ruby # -*- ruby -*- # # Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Enrico Rivarola # # This file is part of DcmDict gem (dcm_dict). # # DcmDict is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # DcmDict is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with DcmDict. If not, see . # # This software has neither been tested nor approved for clinical use # or for incorporation in a medical device. # It is the redistributor's or user's responsibility to comply with any # applicable local, state, national or international regulations. # require 'open-uri' require 'tempfile' require 'dcm_dict' require 'dcm_dict/xml/xml_tool' LICENSE_TEXT=<. This software has neither been tested nor approved for clinical use or for incorporation in a medical device. It is the redistributor's or user's responsibility to comply with any applicable local, state, national or international regulations END_LICENSE class DcmDictConverter Part6XmlUrl="ftp://medical.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/source/docbook/part06/part06.xml" Part7XmlUrl="ftp://medical.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/source/docbook/part07/part07.xml" DataElementSource={ Part7XmlUrl => ["table_E.1-1", "table_E.2-1"], Part6XmlUrl => ["table_7-1", "table_8-1", "table_6-1"] } UidSource={ Part6XmlUrl => ["table_A-1"] } DataElementFix = { "table_E.2-1" => {:tag_note => 'RET'} } def initialize end def print_out_tag trace("Print out data to stdout\n") print_out_data_elements() trace("Print out done.\n") end def print_out_uid trace("Print out data to stdout\n") print_out_uid_data() trace("Print out done.\n") end private def pull_standard_draft(url, output) buffer_size = 256 * 1_024 trace("Downloading #{url}\n") open(url, "r", :content_length_proc => lambda {|content_length| trace("Content Length: #{content_length} bytes\n.") }, :progress_proc => lambda { |size| trace(".") }) do |src| while (buffer = src.read(buffer_size)) output.write(buffer) end end trace("Done.\n") output.flush output.rewind end def extract_node_set(xml_file, table_to_map) xml_doc = DcmDict::XML::XmlTool.create_xml_doc(File.read(xml_file)) table_to_map.each do |table| trace("Extracting data from '#{table}':") xpath="//xmlns:table[@xml:id=\"#{table}\"]//xmlns:tbody/xmlns:tr" DcmDict::XML::XmlTool.each_tr_set(xml_doc, xpath) do |tdset| yield(table, tdset) end trace("Done.\n") end end def extract_data_element(xml_file, table_to_map) extract_node_set(xml_file, table_to_map) do |table, td| data = DcmDict::XML::XmlTool.extract_data_element_field_from_tr_set(td) check_data_element_data(data, table) yield(data) if block_given? end end def check_data_element_data(data, table) if (DataElementFix.has_key?(table)) DataElementFix[table].each{|key, val| data[key]=val if data[key].empty?} end end def print_out_data_elements() print_out(DcmDict::Encoder::DataToCode.data_element_header) DataElementSource.each do |url, table_to_map| Tempfile.create('dcmps') do |xml_file| pull_standard_draft(url, xml_file) extract_data_element(xml_file, table_to_map) do |data| print_out(DcmDict::Encoder::DataToCode.data_element_data_to_code(data, 6)) print_out("\r\n") trace('.') end end end print_out(DcmDict::Encoder::DataToCode.data_element_footer) end def extract_uid(xml_file, table_to_map) extract_node_set(xml_file, table_to_map) do |table, td| data = DcmDict::XML::XmlTool.extract_uid_field_from_tr_set(td) yield(data) if block_given? end end def print_out_uid_data() print_out(DcmDict::Encoder::DataToCode.uid_header) UidSource.each do |url, table_to_map| Tempfile.create('dcmps') do |xml_file| pull_standard_draft(url, xml_file) extract_uid(xml_file, table_to_map) do |data| print_out(DcmDict::Encoder::DataToCode.uid_data_to_code(data, 6)) print_out("\r\n") trace('.') end end end print_out(DcmDict::Encoder::DataToCode.uid_footer) end def print_out(string) $stdout.print(string) end def trace(msg) $stderr.print(msg) end end STDERR << LICENSE_TEXT STDERR << "\nAny key to continue or Ctrl-C to break.\n" STDIN.getc if (DcmDict::XML.nokogiri_enable?) STDERR << "Parsing XML data with Nokogiri.\n\n" else STDERR << "Parsing XML data with REXML.\n\n" end case ARGV[0] when "tag" DcmDictConverter.new.print_out_tag when "uid" DcmDictConverter.new.print_out_uid else STDERR << "\nwrong option: use 'tag' or 'uid' (ie dcm_dict_converter.rb tag > uid_values.rb)\n" end