## SparkQL BNF Grammar This document explains the rules for the Spark API filter language syntax and is a living document generated from the reference implementation at https://github.com/sparkapi/sparkql. ### Precedence Rules Unless otherwise specified, SparkQL follows SQL precendence conventions for operators and conjunctions. Unary minus is always tied to value, such as for negative numbers. ``` prechigh nonassoc UMINUS left MUL DIV MOD left ADD SUB preclow ``` ### Grammar Rules A filter (target) is a composition of filter basic filter expressions. ``` rule target : expressions | /* none */ ; ``` #### Expressions One or more expressions ``` expressions : expression | conjunction | unary_conjunction ; ``` #### Expression The core of the filtering system, the expression requires a field, a condition and criteria for comparing the value of the field to the value(s) of the condition. The result of evaluating the expression on a resource is a true of false for matching the criteria. We are separating functions and arithmetic based on if we are acting on the field side or the literal side. This is to allow literal folding on the literal side. ``` expression : field_expression OPERATOR condition | field_expression RANGE_OPERATOR range | group ; ``` #### Unary Conjunction Some conjunctions don't need to expression at all times (e.g. 'NOT'). ``` unary_conjunction : UNARY_CONJUNCTION expression ; ``` #### Conjunction Two expressions joined together using a supported conjunction ``` conjunction : expressions CONJUNCTION expression | expressions UNARY_CONJUNCTION expression ; ``` #### Group One or more expressions encased in parenthesis. There are limitations on nesting depth at the time of this writing. ``` group : LPAREN expressions RPAREN ; field_expression : field_arithmetic_expression ; field_arithmetic_expression : field_arithmetic_expression ADD field_arithmetic_expression | field_arithmetic_expression SUB field_arithmetic_expression | field_arithmetic_expression MUL field_arithmetic_expression | field_arithmetic_expression DIV field_arithmetic_expression | field_arithmetic_expression MOD field_arithmetic_expression | LPAREN field_arithmetic_expression RPAREN | UMINUS field_arithmetic_expression | literals | field_function_expression ; field_function_expression : field | function ; ``` #### Condition The determinant of the filter, this is typically a value or set of values of a type that the field supports (review the field meta data for support). Functions are also supported on some field types, and provide more flexibility on filtering values ``` condition : arithmetic_condition | literal_list | literal | LPAREN condition RPAREN | UMINUS condition ; arithmetic_condition : condition ADD condition | condition SUB condition | condition MUL condition | condition DIV condition | condition MOD condition ``` #### Function Functions may replace static values for conditions with supported field types. Functions may have parameters that match types supported by fields. ``` function : function_name LPAREN RPAREN | function_name LPAREN function_args RPAREN ; literal_function : function_name LPAREN RPAREN | function_name LPAREN literal_function_args RPAREN ; function_name : KEYWORD ; ``` #### Function Arguments Functions may optionally have a comma delimited list of parameters. ``` function_args : function_arg | function_args COMMA function_arg ; function_arg : field_function_expression | literal | literals ; literal_function_args : literal_function_arg | literal_function_args COMMA literal_function_arg ; literal_function_arg : literal | literals ; ``` #### Literal List A comma delimited list of functions and values. ``` literal_list : literals | literal_function | literal_list COMMA literals | literal_list COMMA function ; ``` #### Range List A comma delimited list of values that support ranges for the Between operator (see rangeable). ``` range : rangeable COMMA rangeable ; ``` #### Literals Literals that support multiple values in a list for a condition ``` literals : INTEGER | DECIMAL | CHARACTER ; ``` #### Literal Literals only support a single value in a condition ``` literal : DATE | DATETIME | TIME | BOOLEAN | NULL ; ``` #### Range List Functions, and literals that can be used in a range ``` rangeable : INTEGER | DECIMAL | DATE | DATETIME | TIME | function ; ``` #### Field Keyword for searching on, these fields should be discovered using the metadata rules. In general, Keywords that cannot be found will be dropped from the filter. ``` field : STANDARD_FIELD | CUSTOM_FIELD ; ```