# frozen_string_literal: true

module Fog
  module Compute
    class Aliyun
      class Real
        # Create a disk with assigned size.
        # ==== Parameters
        # * size<~String> - the size of the disk (GB).--cloud:5~2000GB,cloud_efficiency: 20~2048GB,cloud_ssd:20~1024GB
        # * options<~hash>
        #     * :name - The name of the disk,default nil. If not nil, it must start with english or chinise character.
        #          The length should be within [2,128]. It can contain digits,'.','_' or '-'.It shouldn't start with 'http://' or 'https://'
        #     * :description - The name of the disk,default nil. If not nil, the length should be within [2,255].It shouldn't start with 'http://' or 'https://'
        #     * :category - Default 'cloud'. can be set to 'cloud','cloud_efficiency' or 'cloud_ssd'
        # ==== Returns
        # * response<~Excon::Response>:
        #   * body<~Hash>:
        #     * 'RequestId'<~String> - Id of the request
        #     * 'DiskId'<~String> - Id of the created disk
        # {Aliyun API Reference}[https://docs.aliyun.com/?spm=5176.100054.201.106.DGkmH7#/pub/ecs/open-api/disk&createdisk]
        def create_disk(size, options = {})
          action = 'CreateDisk'
          sigNonce = randonStr
          time = Time.new.utc

          parameters = defalutParameters(action, sigNonce, time)
          pathUrl = defaultAliyunUri(action, sigNonce, time)

          parameters['ZoneId'] = @aliyun_zone_id
          pathUrl += '&ZoneId='
          pathUrl += @aliyun_zone_id

          parameters['Size'] = size
          pathUrl += '&Size='
          pathUrl += size

          name = options[:name]
          desc = options[:description]
          category = options[:category]

          if name
            parameters['DiskName'] = name
            pathUrl += '&DiskName='
            pathUrl += name

          if desc
            parameters['Description'] = desc
            pathUrl += '&Description='
            pathUrl += desc

          if category
            parameters['DiskCategory'] = category
            pathUrl += 'DiskCategory'
            pathUrl += category

          signature = sign(@aliyun_accesskey_secret, parameters)
          pathUrl += '&Signature='
          pathUrl += signature

            expects: [200, 203],
            method: 'GET',
            path: pathUrl

        # Create a disk By the snapshot with given snapshot_id.
        # ==== Parameters
        # * snapshotId<~String> - the snapshot_id
        # * options<~hash>
        #     * :name - The name of the disk,default nil. If not nil, it must start with english or chinise character.
        #          The length should be within [2,128]. It can contain digits,'.','_' or '-'.It shouldn't start with 'http://' or 'https://'
        #     * :description - The name of the disk,default nil. If not nil, the length should be within [2,255].It shouldn't start with 'http://' or 'https://'
        #     * :category - Default 'cloud'. can be set to 'cloud','cloud_efficiency' or 'cloud_ssd'
        # ==== Returns
        # * response<~Excon::Response>:
        #   * body<~Hash>:
        #     * 'RequestId'<~String> - Id of the request
        #     * 'DiskId'<~String> - Id of the created disk
        # {Aliyun API Reference}[https://docs.aliyun.com/?spm=5176.100054.201.106.DGkmH7#/pub/ecs/open-api/disk&createdisk]
        def create_disk_by_snapshot(snapshotId, options = {})
          action = 'CreateDisk'
          sigNonce = randonStr
          time = Time.new.utc

          parameters = defalutParameters(action, sigNonce, time)
          pathUrl = defaultAliyunUri(action, sigNonce, time)

          parameters['ZoneId'] = @aliyun_zone_id
          pathUrl += '&ZoneId='
          pathUrl += @aliyun_zone_id

          parameters['SnapshotId'] = snapshotId
          pathUrl += '&SnapshotId='
          pathUrl += snapshotId

          name = options[:name]
          desc = options[:description]
          category = options[:category]

          if name
            parameters['DiskName'] = name
            pathUrl += '&DiskName='
            pathUrl += name

          if desc
            parameters['Description'] = desc
            pathUrl += '&Description='
            pathUrl += desc

          if category
            parameters['DiskCategory'] = category
            pathUrl += 'DiskCategory'
            pathUrl += category

          signature = sign(@aliyun_accesskey_secret, parameters)
          pathUrl += '&Signature='
          pathUrl += signature

            expects: [200, 203],
            method: 'GET',
            path: pathUrl