require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[spec_helper]) describe "ScribdFu" do describe "with incorrect Scribd credentials" do before do Scribd::User.stub!(:login).and_raise(Scribd::ResponseError) end it "should throw an error" do lambda { ScribdFu::scribd_user }.should raise_error(ScribdFu::ScribdFuError) end end describe "that is missing a config file" do before do File.should_receive(:file?).with("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/scribd_fu.yml").and_return(false) end it "should raise an error" do lambda { ScribdFu::config }.should raise_error(ScribdFu::ScribdFuError) end end end describe "An AttachmentFu model" do before do rebuild_model end describe "that is configured for ScribdFu" do before do config = YAML.load_file("spec/scribd_fu.yml") File.stub!(:file?).with(ScribdFu::ConfigPath).and_return(true) YAML.stub!(:load_file).and_return(config) Document.class_eval do has_ipaper_and_uses 'AttachmentFu' end @document = end describe "with correct credentials" do before do @scribd_user = mock("scribd_user") Scribd::User.stub!(:login).and_return(@scribd_user) end describe "that was just created" do before do @document.attributes = {:ipaper_id => nil, :ipaper_access_key => nil, :content_type => "application/pdf"} @document.stub!(:public_filename => "/path/to/somewhere") end describe "and is scribdable?" do before do @document.stub!(:update_attributes) end describe "and has spaces in the filename" do it "should sanitize the file path" do res = mock('response', :doc_id => 1, :access_key => "ASDF") @scribd_user.should_receive(:upload).with(:file => "some%20filename%20with%20spaces", :access => 'access').and_return(res) ScribdFu::upload(@document, "some filename with spaces") end end describe "and uploading to Scribd succeeded" do before do @scribd_response = mock('scribd_response', :doc_id => "doc_id", :access_key => "access_key") @scribd_user.should_receive(:upload).and_return(@scribd_response) end it "should update the Scribd-centric attributes" do @document.should_receive(:update_attributes).with({:ipaper_id => 'doc_id', :ipaper_access_key => 'access_key'}) end end describe "and uploading to Scribd failed" do before do @scribd_user.stub!(:upload).and_raise(StandardError) end it "should throw an error" do lambda { ScribdFu::upload(@document, 'private') }.should raise_error(ScribdFu::ScribdFuUploadError) end end end describe "and is not scribdable?" do before do @document.stub!(:scribdable? => false) end it "should not upload to Scribd" do ScribdFu.should_not_receive(:upload) end it "should not error out when deleted" do lambda {@document.destroy}.should_not raise_error(ScribdFu::ScribdFuError) end end end describe "that was just updated" do before do @document.stub!(:ipaper_id => 'doc_id') end it "should not reupload to Scribd" do @scribd_user.should_not_receive(:upload) end end describe "that is about to be destroyed" do before do @ipaper_document = mock("ipaper_document") ScribdFu.stub!(:load_ipaper_document).and_return(@ipaper_document) end it "should destroy the ipaper document" do ScribdFu.should_receive(:destroy).with(@ipaper_document) @document.destroy end end end end end describe "A Paperclip model" do before do rebuild_model end describe "that is configured for ScribdFu" do before do config = YAML.load_file("spec/scribd_fu.yml") File.stub!(:file?).with(ScribdFu::ConfigPath).and_return(true) YAML.stub!(:load_file).and_return(config) Attachment.class_eval do has_ipaper_and_uses 'Paperclip' end @attached_file = mock("attached_file", :url => "", :path => "/path/to/somewhere") @attachment = @attachment.stub!(:prefix).and_return("attachment") @attachment.stub!(:attached_file).and_return(@attached_file) end describe "with correct credentials" do before do @scribd_user = mock("scribd_user") Scribd::User.stub!(:login).and_return(@scribd_user) end describe "that was just created" do before do @attachment.attributes = {:ipaper_id => nil, :ipaper_access_key => nil, :attachment_content_type => "application/pdf"} end describe "and is scribdable?" do before do @attachment.stub!(:scribdable? => true) end describe "and has spaces in the filename" do before do @attached_file.stub!(:path => "/path/to/somewhere with spaces.pdf") @attachment.stub!(:update_attributes) end it "should sanitize the file path" do res = mock('response', :doc_id => 1, :access_key => "ASDF") @scribd_user.should_receive(:upload).with(:file => "/path/to/somewhere%20with%20spaces.pdf", :access => 'access').and_return(res) ScribdFu::upload(@attachment, "/path/to/somewhere with spaces.pdf") end end describe "and uploading to Scribd succeeded" do before do @scribd_response = mock('scribd_response', :doc_id => "doc_id", :access_key => "access_key") @scribd_user.should_receive(:upload).and_return(@scribd_response) end it "should update the Scribd-centric attributes" do @attachment.should_receive(:update_attributes).with({:ipaper_id => 'doc_id', :ipaper_access_key => 'access_key'}) end end describe "and uploading to Scribd failed" do before do @scribd_user.stub!(:upload).and_raise(StandardError) end it "should throw an error" do lambda { ScribdFu::upload(@attachment, 'private') }.should raise_error(ScribdFu::ScribdFuUploadError) end end end describe "and is not scribdable?" do before do @attachment.stub!(:scribdable? => false) end it "should not upload to Scribd" do ScribdFu.should_not_receive(:upload) end end end describe "that was just updated" do before do @attachment.stub!(:ipaper_id => 'doc_id') end it "should not reupload to Scribd" do @scribd_user.should_not_receive(:upload) end end describe "that is about to be destroyed" do before do @ipaper_document = mock("ipaper_document") ScribdFu.stub!(:load_ipaper_document).and_return(@ipaper_document) end it "should destroy the ipaper document" do ScribdFu.should_receive(:destroy).with(@ipaper_document) @attachment.destroy end end end end end describe "Viewing an iPaper document" do before do rebuild_model config = YAML.load_file("spec/scribd_fu.yml") File.stub!(:file?).with(ScribdFu::ConfigPath).and_return(true) YAML.stub!(:load_file).and_return(config) Document.class_eval do has_ipaper_and_uses 'AttachmentFu' end @document = @document.attributes = {:ipaper_id => 'doc_id', :ipaper_access_key => 'access_key'} end it "should return this HTML by default" do @document.display_ipaper.gsub(/\s{2,}/, "").should == "
\n" end it "should allow custom alt text" do @document.display_ipaper(:alt => "something").should =~ /.*