# Multiverse :fire: Multiple databases for Rails **ActiveRecord supports multiple databases, but Rails < 6 doesn’t provide a way to manage them.** Multiverse changes this. Plus, it’s easy to [upgrade to Rails 6](#upgrading-to-rails-6) when you get there. Works with Rails 4.2+ [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/ankane/multiverse.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/ankane/multiverse) ## Installation Add this line to your application’s Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'multiverse' ``` ## Getting Started In this example, we’ll have a separate database for our e-commerce catalog that we’ll call `catalog`. The first step is to generate the necessary files. ```sh rails generate multiverse:db catalog ``` This creates a `CatalogRecord` class for models to inherit from and adds configuration to `config/database.yml`. It also creates a `db/catalog` directory for migrations and `schema.rb` to live. `rails` and `rake` commands run for the original database by default. To run commands for the new database, use the `DB` environment variable. For instance: Create the database ```sh DB=catalog rails db:create ``` Create a migration ```sh DB=catalog rails generate migration add_name_to_products ``` Run migrations ```sh DB=catalog rails db:migrate ``` Rollback ```sh DB=catalog rails db:rollback ``` ## Models Also works for models ```sh DB=catalog rails generate model Product ``` This generates ```rb class Product < CatalogRecord end ``` ## Web Servers *Only necessary in Rails < 5.2* For web servers that fork, be sure to reconnect after forking (just like you do with `ActiveRecord::Base`) ### Puma In `config/puma.rb`, add inside the `on_worker_boot` block ```ruby CatalogRecord.establish_connection :"catalog_#{Rails.env}" ``` ### Unicorn In `config/unicorn.rb`, add inside the `before_fork` block ```ruby CatalogRecord.connection.disconnect! ``` And inside the `after_fork` block ```ruby CatalogRecord.establish_connection :"catalog_#{Rails.env}" ``` ## Testing ### Fixtures [Rails fixtures](https://guides.rubyonrails.org/testing.html#the-low-down-on-fixtures) work automatically. **Note:** Referential integrity is not disabled on additional databases when fixtures are loaded, so you may run into issues if you use foreign keys. Also, you may run into errors with fixtures if the additional databases aren’t the same type as the primary. ### RSpec After running migrations for additional databases, run: ```sh DB=catalog rails db:test:prepare ``` ### Database Cleaner Database Cleaner supports multiple connections out of the box. ```ruby cleaner = DatabaseCleaner[:active_record, {model: CatalogRecord}] cleaner.strategy = :transaction cleaner.cleaning do # code end ``` [Read more here](https://github.com/DatabaseCleaner/database_cleaner#how-to-use-with-multiple-orms) ## Limitations There are a few features that aren’t supported on additional databases. - Pending migration check - `schema_cache.yml` Also note that `ActiveRecord::Migration.maintain_test_schema!` doesn’t affect additional databases. ## Upgrading to Rails 6 Rails 6 provides a way to manage multiple databases :tada: To upgrade from Multiverse, nest your database configuration in `config/database.yml`: ```yml # this should be similar to default, but with migrations_paths catalog_default: &catalog_default adapter: ... pool: <%= ENV.fetch("RAILS_MAX_THREADS") { 5 } %> migrations_paths: db/catalog_migrate development: primary: <<: *default database: ... catalog: <<: *catalog_default database: ... test: primary: <<: *default database: ... catalog: <<: *catalog_default database: ... production: primary: <<: *default database: ... catalog: <<: *catalog_default database: ... ``` Then change `establish_connection` in `app/models/catalog_record.rb` to: ```rb class CatalogRecord < ActiveRecord::Base establish_connection :catalog end ``` And move: - `db/catalog/migrate` to `db/catalog_migrate` - `db/catalog/schema.rb` to `db/catalog_schema.rb` (or `db/catalog/structure.sql` to `db/catalog_structure.sql`). Then remove `multiverse` from your Gemfile. :tada: Now you can use the updated commands: ```sh rails db:migrate # run all rails db:migrate:catalog # runs catalog only ``` Generate migrations with: ```sh rails generate migration add_name_to_products --database=catalog ``` And models with: ```sh rails generate model Product --database=catalog --parent=CatalogRecord ``` Happy scaling! ## History View the [changelog](https://github.com/ankane/multiverse/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) ## Contributing Everyone is encouraged to help improve this project. Here are a few ways you can help: - [Report bugs](https://github.com/ankane/multiverse/issues) - Fix bugs and [submit pull requests](https://github.com/ankane/multiverse/pulls) - Write, clarify, or fix documentation - Suggest or add new features