require "appsignal/cli" describe Appsignal::CLI::Diagnose, :api_stub => true, :report => true do include CLIHelpers class DiagnosticsReportEndpoint class << self attr_reader :received_report def clear_report! @received_report = nil end def call(env) @received_report = JSON.parse(env["rack.input"].read)["diagnose"] [200, {}, [JSON.generate(:token => "my_support_token")]] end end end describe ".run" do let(:out_stream) { std_stream } let(:output) { } let(:config) { project_fixture_config } let(:cli) { described_class } let(:options) { { :environment => config.env } } let(:gem_path) { Bundler::CLI::Common.select_spec("appsignal").full_gem_path.strip } let(:received_report) { DiagnosticsReportEndpoint.received_report } let(:process_user) { Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).name } before(:context) { Appsignal.stop } before do # Clear previous reports DiagnosticsReportEndpoint.clear_report! if cli.instance_variable_defined? :@data # Because this is saved on the class rather than an instance of the # class we need to clear it like this in case a certain test doesn't # generate a report. cli.remove_instance_variable :@data end if DependencyHelper.rails_present? allow(Rails).to receive(:root).and_return( end end around do |example| original_stdin = $stdin $stdin = $stdin = original_stdin end before :api_stub => true do stub_api_request config, "auth" end before :report => true do send_diagnostics_report stub_diagnostics_report_request.to_rack(DiagnosticsReportEndpoint) end before(:report => false) { dont_send_diagnostics_report } after { Appsignal.config = nil } def run run_within_dir project_fixture_path end def run_within_dir(chdir) prepare_input Dir.chdir chdir do capture_stdout(out_stream) { } end end def stub_diagnostics_report_request stub_request(:post, "").with( :query => { :api_key => config[:push_api_key], :environment => config.env, :gem_version => Appsignal::VERSION, :hostname => config[:hostname], :name => config[:name] }, :headers => { "Content-Type" => "application/json; charset=UTF-8" } ) end def send_diagnostics_report set_input "y" end def dont_send_diagnostics_report set_input "n" end it "outputs header and support text" do run expect(output).to include \ "AppSignal diagnose", "", "" end describe "report" do context "when user wants to send report" do it "sends report" do run expect(output).to include "Diagnostics report", "Send diagnostics report to AppSignal? (Y/n): ", "Please email us at with the following\n support token." end it "outputs the support token from the server" do run expect(output).to include "Your support token: my_support_token" end context "when server response is invalid" do before do stub_diagnostics_report_request .to_return(:status => 200, :body => %({ foo: "Invalid json", a: })) run end it "outputs the server response in full" do expect(output).to include "Error: Couldn't decode server response.", %({ foo: "Invalid json", a: }) end end context "when server returns an error" do before do stub_diagnostics_report_request .to_return(:status => 500, :body => "report: server error") run end it "outputs the server response in full" do expect(output).to include "report: server error" end end end context "when user doesn't want to send report", :report => false do it "does not send report" do run expect(output).to include "Diagnostics report", "Send diagnostics report to AppSignal? (Y/n): ", "Not sending diagnostics information to AppSignal." end end end describe "agent information" do before { run } it "outputs version numbers" do expect(output).to include \ "Gem version: #{Appsignal::VERSION}", "Agent version: #{Appsignal::Extension.agent_version}", "Agent architecture: #{Appsignal::System.installed_agent_architecture}", "Gem install path: #{gem_path}" end it "transmits version numbers in report" do expect(received_report).to include( "library" => { "language" => "ruby", "package_version" => Appsignal::VERSION, "agent_version" => Appsignal::Extension.agent_version, "agent_architecture" => Appsignal::System.installed_agent_architecture, "package_install_path" => gem_path, "extension_loaded" => true } ) end context "with extension" do before { run } it "outputs extension is loaded" do expect(output).to include "Extension loaded: true" end it "transmits extension_loaded: true in report" do expect(received_report["library"]["extension_loaded"]).to eq(true) end end context "without extension" do before do # When the extension isn't loaded the Appsignal.start operation exits # early and doesn't load the configuration. # Happens when the extension wasn't installed properly. Appsignal.extension_loaded = false run end after { Appsignal.extension_loaded = true } it "outputs extension is not loaded" do expect(output).to include "Extension loaded: false" end it "transmits extension_loaded: false in report" do expect(received_report["library"]["extension_loaded"]).to eq(false) end end end describe "agent diagnostics" do it "starts the agent in diagnose mode and outputs the report" do run expect(output).to include \ "Agent diagnostics", " Extension config: valid", " Agent config: valid", " Agent logger: started", " Agent lock path: writable" end it "adds the agent diagnostics to the report" do run expect(received_report["agent"]).to eq( "extension" => { "config" => { "valid" => { "result" => true } } }, "agent" => { "boot" => { "started" => { "result" => true } }, "config" => { "valid" => { "result" => true } }, "logger" => { "started" => { "result" => true } }, "lock_path" => { "created" => { "result" => true } } } ) end context "when user config has active: false" do before do # ENV is leading so easiest to set in test to force user config with active: false ENV["APPSIGNAL_ACTIVE"] = "false" end it "force starts the agent in diagnose mode and outputs a log" do run expect(output).to include("active: false") expect(output).to include \ "Agent diagnostics", " Extension config: valid", " Agent started: started", " Agent config: valid", " Agent logger: started", " Agent lock path: writable" end end context "when the extention returns invalid JSON" do before do expect(Appsignal::Extension).to receive(:diagnose).and_return("invalid agent\njson") run end it "prints a JSON parse error and prints the returned value" do expect(output).to include \ "Agent diagnostics", " Error while parsing agent diagnostics report:", " Output: invalid agent\njson" expect(output).to match(/Error:( \d+:)? unexpected token at 'invalid agent\njson'/) end it "adds the output to the report" do expect(received_report["agent"]["error"]) .to match(/unexpected token at 'invalid agent\njson'/) expect(received_report["agent"]["output"]).to eq(["invalid agent", "json"]) end end context "when the extension is not loaded" do before do DiagnosticsReportEndpoint.clear_report! expect(Appsignal).to receive(:extension_loaded?).and_return(false) run end it "prints a warning" do expect(output).to include \ "Agent diagnostics", " Extension is not loaded. No agent report created." end it "adds the output to the report" do expect(received_report["agent"]).to be_nil end end context "when the report contains an error" do let(:agent_report) do { "error" => "fatal error" } end before do expect(Appsignal::Extension).to receive(:diagnose).and_return(JSON.generate(agent_report)) run end it "prints an error for the entire report" do expect(output).to include "Agent diagnostics\n Error: fatal error" end it "adds the error to the report" do expect(received_report["agent"]).to eq(agent_report) end end context "when the report is incomplete (agent failed to start)" do let(:agent_report) do { "extension" => { "config" => { "valid" => { "result" => false } } } # missing agent section } end before do expect(Appsignal::Extension).to receive(:diagnose).and_return(JSON.generate(agent_report)) run end it "prints the tests, but shows a dash `-` for missed results" do expect(output).to include \ "Agent diagnostics", " Extension config: invalid", " Agent started: -", " Agent config: -", " Agent logger: -", " Agent lock path: -" end it "adds the output to the report" do expect(received_report["agent"]).to eq(agent_report) end end context "when a test contains an error" do let(:agent_report) do { "extension" => { "config" => { "valid" => { "result" => true } } }, "agent" => { "boot" => { "started" => { "result" => false, "error" => "some-error" } } } } end before do expect(Appsignal::Extension).to receive(:diagnose).and_return(JSON.generate(agent_report)) run end it "prints the error and output" do expect(output).to include \ "Agent diagnostics", " Extension config: valid", " Agent started: not started\n Error: some-error" end it "adds the agent report to the diagnostics report" do expect(received_report["agent"]).to eq(agent_report) end end context "when a test contains command output" do let(:agent_report) do { "extension" => { "config" => { "valid" => { "result" => true } } }, "agent" => { "config" => { "valid" => { "result" => false, "output" => "some output" } } } } end it "prints the command output" do expect(Appsignal::Extension).to receive(:diagnose).and_return(JSON.generate(agent_report)) run expect(output).to include \ "Agent diagnostics", " Extension config: valid", " Agent config: invalid\n Output: some output" end end end describe "host information" do let(:rbconfig) { RbConfig::CONFIG } let(:language_version) { "#{rbconfig["ruby_version"]}-p#{rbconfig["PATCHLEVEL"]}" } it "outputs host information" do run expect(output).to include \ "Host information", "Architecture: #{rbconfig["host_cpu"]}", "Operating System: #{rbconfig["host_os"]}", "Ruby version: #{language_version}" end context "when on Microsoft Windows" do before do expect(RbConfig::CONFIG).to receive(:[]).with("host_os").and_return("mingw32") expect(RbConfig::CONFIG).to receive(:[]).at_least(:once).and_call_original expect(Gem).to receive(:win_platform?).and_return(true) run end it "adds the arch to the report" do expect(received_report["host"]["os"]).to eq("mingw32") end it "prints warning that Microsoft Windows is not supported" do expect(output).to match(/Operating System: .+ \(Microsoft Windows is not supported\.\)/) end end it "transmits host information in report" do run host_report = received_report["host"] host_report.delete("running_in_container") # Tested elsewhere expect(host_report).to eq( "architecture" => rbconfig["host_cpu"], "os" => rbconfig["host_os"], "language_version" => language_version, "heroku" => false, "root" => false ) end describe "root user detection" do context "when not root user" do it "outputs false" do run expect(output).to include "root user: false" end it "transmits root: false in report" do run expect(received_report["host"]["root"]).to eq(false) end end context "when root user" do before do allow(Process).to receive(:uid).and_return(0) run end it "outputs true, with warning" do expect(output).to include "root user: true (not recommended)" end it "transmits root: true in report" do expect(received_report["host"]["root"]).to eq(true) end end end describe "Heroku detection" do context "when not on Heroku" do before { run } it "does not output Heroku detection" do expect(output).to_not include("Heroku:") end it "transmits heroku: false in report" do expect(received_report["host"]["heroku"]).to eq(false) end end context "when on Heroku" do before { recognize_as_heroku { run } } it "outputs Heroku detection" do expect(output).to include("Heroku: true") end it "transmits heroku: true in report" do expect(received_report["host"]["heroku"]).to eq(true) end end end describe "container detection" do context "when not in container" do before do allow(Appsignal::Extension).to receive(:running_in_container?).and_return(false) run end it "outputs: false" do expect(output).to include("Running in container: false") end it "transmits running_in_container: false in report" do expect(received_report["host"]["running_in_container"]).to eq(false) end end context "when in container" do before do allow(Appsignal::Extension).to receive(:running_in_container?).and_return(true) run end it "outputs: true" do expect(output).to include("Running in container: true") end it "transmits running_in_container: true in report" do expect(received_report["host"]["running_in_container"]).to eq(true) end end end end describe "configuration" do context "without environment" do let(:config) { project_fixture_config(nil) } let(:options) { {} } before do ENV.delete("RAILS_ENV") # From spec_helper ENV.delete("RACK_ENV") run_within_dir tmp_dir end it "outputs a warning that no config is loaded" do expect(output).to include \ "Environment: \n Warning: No environment set, no config loaded!", " appsignal diagnose --environment=production" end it "outputs config defaults" do expect(output).to include("Configuration") Appsignal::Config::DEFAULT_CONFIG.each do |key, value| expect(output).to include("#{key}: #{value}") end end end context "with configured environment" do before { run } it "outputs environment" do expect(output).to include("Environment: production") end it "outputs configuration" do expect(output).to include("Configuration") Appsignal.config.config_hash.each do |key, value| expect(output).to include("#{key}: #{value}") end end end context "with unconfigured environment" do let(:config) { project_fixture_config("foobar") } before { run_within_dir tmp_dir } it "outputs environment" do expect(output).to include("Environment: foobar") end it "outputs config defaults" do expect(output).to include("Configuration") Appsignal::Config::DEFAULT_CONFIG.each do |key, value| expect(output).to include("#{key}: #{value}") end end end end describe "API key validation", :api_stub => false do context "with valid key" do before do stub_api_request(config, "auth").to_return(:status => 200) run end it "outputs valid" do expect(output).to include "Validation", "Validating Push API key: valid" end it "transmits validation in report" do expect(received_report).to include( "validation" => { "push_api_key" => "valid" } ) end end context "with invalid key" do before do stub_api_request(config, "auth").to_return(:status => 401) run end it "outputs invalid" do expect(output).to include "Validation", "Validating Push API key: invalid" end it "transmits validation in report" do expect(received_report).to include( "validation" => { "push_api_key" => "invalid" } ) end end context "with invalid key" do before do stub_api_request(config, "auth").to_return(:status => 500) run end it "outputs failure with status code" do expect(output).to include "Validation", "Validating Push API key: Failed with status 500\n" + %("Could not confirm authorization: 500") end it "transmits validation in report" do expect(received_report).to include( "validation" => { "push_api_key" => %(Failed with status 500\n\"Could not confirm authorization: 500") } ) end end end describe "paths" do let(:system_tmp_dir) { Appsignal::Config.system_tmp_dir } before do FileUtils.mkdir_p(root_path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(system_tmp_dir) end after { FileUtils.rm_rf([root_path, system_tmp_dir]) } describe "report" do let(:root_path) { tmp_dir } it "adds paths to the report" do run expect(received_report["paths"].keys) .to match_array(%w[root_path working_dir log_dir_path log_file_path]) end end context "when a directory is not configured" do let(:root_path) { File.join(tmp_dir, "writable_path") } let(:config) {, "production", :log_file => nil) } before do FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(root_path, "log"), :mode => 0o555) FileUtils.chmod(0o555, system_tmp_dir) run_within_dir root_path end it "outputs unconfigured directory" do expect(output).to include %(log_file_path: ""\n Configured?: false) end it "transmits path data in report" do expect(received_report["paths"]["log_file_path"]).to eq( "path" => nil, "configured" => false, "exists" => false, "writable" => false ) end end context "when a directory does not exist" do let(:root_path) { tmp_dir } let(:execution_path) { File.join(tmp_dir, "not_existing_dir") } let(:config) {, "production") } before do allow(Dir).to receive(:pwd).and_return(execution_path) run_within_dir tmp_dir end it "outputs not existing path" do expect(output).to include %(root_path: "#{execution_path}"\n Exists?: false) end it "transmits path data in report" do expect(received_report["paths"]["root_path"]).to eq( "path" => execution_path, "configured" => true, "exists" => false, "writable" => false ) end end describe "ownership" do let(:config) {, "production") } context "when a directory is owned by the current user" do let(:root_path) { File.join(tmp_dir, "owned_path") } before { run_within_dir root_path } it "outputs ownership" do expect(output).to include \ %(root_path: "#{root_path}"\n Writable?: true\n ) \ "Ownership?: true (file: #{process_user}:#{Process.uid}, "\ "process: #{process_user}:#{Process.uid})" end it "transmits path data in report" do expect(received_report["paths"]["root_path"]).to eq( "path" => root_path, "configured" => true, "exists" => true, "writable" => true, "ownership" => { "uid" => Process.uid, "user" => process_user } ) end end context "when a directory is not owned by the current user" do let(:root_path) { File.join(tmp_dir, "not_owned_path") } before do stat = File.stat(root_path) allow(stat).to receive(:uid).and_return(0) allow(File).to receive(:stat).and_return(stat) run_within_dir root_path end it "outputs no ownership" do expect(output).to include \ %(root_path: "#{root_path}"\n Writable?: true\n ) \ "Ownership?: false (file: root:0, process: #{process_user}:#{Process.uid})" end end end describe "working_dir" do let(:root_path) { tmp_dir } let(:config) {, "production") } before { run_within_dir root_path } it "outputs current path" do expect(output).to include %(working_dir: "#{tmp_dir}"\n Writable?: true) end it "transmits path data in report" do expect(received_report["paths"]["working_dir"]).to eq( "path" => tmp_dir, "configured" => true, "exists" => true, "writable" => true, "ownership" => { "uid" => Process.uid, "user" => process_user } ) end end describe "root_path" do let(:system_tmp_log_file) { File.join(system_tmp_dir, "appsignal.log") } let(:config) {, "production") } context "when not writable" do let(:root_path) { File.join(tmp_dir, "not_writable_path") } before do FileUtils.chmod(0o555, root_path) run_within_dir root_path end it "outputs not writable root path" do expect(output).to include %(root_path: "#{root_path}"\n Writable?: false) end it "log files fall back on system tmp directory" do expect(output).to include \ %(log_dir_path: "#{system_tmp_dir}"\n Writable?: true), %(log_file_path: "#{system_tmp_log_file}"\n Exists?: false) end it "transmits path data in report" do expect(received_report["paths"]["root_path"]).to eq( "path" => root_path, "configured" => true, "exists" => true, "writable" => false, "ownership" => { "uid" => Process.uid, "user" => process_user } ) end end context "when writable" do let(:root_path) { File.join(tmp_dir, "writable_path") } context "without log dir" do before do FileUtils.chmod(0o777, root_path) run_within_dir root_path end it "outputs writable root path" do expect(output).to include %(root_path: "#{root_path}"\n Writable?: true) end it "log files fall back on system tmp directory" do expect(output).to include \ %(log_dir_path: "#{system_tmp_dir}"\n Writable?: true), %(log_file_path: "#{system_tmp_log_file}"\n Exists?: false) end it "transmits path data in report" do expect(received_report["paths"]["root_path"]).to eq( "path" => root_path, "configured" => true, "exists" => true, "writable" => true, "ownership" => { "uid" => Process.uid, "user" => process_user } ) end end context "with log dir" do let(:log_dir) { File.join(root_path, "log") } let(:log_file) { File.join(log_dir, "appsignal.log") } before { FileUtils.mkdir_p(log_dir) } context "when not writable" do before do FileUtils.chmod(0o444, log_dir) run_within_dir root_path end it "log files fall back on system tmp directory" do expect(output).to include \ %(log_dir_path: "#{system_tmp_dir}"\n Writable?: true), %(log_file_path: "#{system_tmp_log_file}"\n Exists?: false) end it "transmits path data in report" do expect(received_report["paths"]["log_dir_path"]).to be_kind_of(Hash) expect(received_report["paths"]["log_file_path"]).to be_kind_of(Hash) end end context "when writable" do context "without log file" do before { run_within_dir root_path } it "outputs writable but without log file" do expect(output).to include \ %(root_path: "#{root_path}"\n Writable?: true), %(log_dir_path: "#{log_dir}"\n Writable?: true), %(log_file_path: "#{log_file}"\n Exists?: false) end it "transmits path data in report" do expect(received_report["paths"]["log_dir_path"]).to be_kind_of(Hash) expect(received_report["paths"]["log_file_path"]).to be_kind_of(Hash) end end context "with log file" do context "when writable" do before do FileUtils.touch(log_file) run_within_dir root_path end it "lists log file as writable" do expect(output).to include %(log_file_path: "#{log_file}"\n Writable?: true) end it "transmits path data in report" do expect(received_report["paths"]["log_dir_path"]).to be_kind_of(Hash) expect(received_report["paths"]["log_file_path"]).to be_kind_of(Hash) end end context "when not writable" do before do FileUtils.touch(log_file) FileUtils.chmod(0o444, log_file) run_within_dir root_path end it "lists log file as not writable" do expect(output).to include %(log_file_path: "#{log_file}"\n Writable?: false) end it "transmits path data in report" do expect(received_report["paths"]["log_dir_path"]).to be_kind_of(Hash) expect(received_report["paths"]["log_file_path"]).to be_kind_of(Hash) end end end end end end end end describe "logs" do shared_examples "ext log file" do |log_file| let(:ext_path) { File.join(gem_path, "ext") } let(:log_path) { File.join(ext_path, log_file) } before do FileUtils.mkdir_p ext_path allow(cli).to receive(:gem_path).and_return(gem_path) end after { FileUtils.rm_rf ext_path } context "when file exists" do let(:gem_path) { File.join(tmp_dir, "gem") } let(:log_content) do [ "log line 1", "log line 2" ] end before do log_path, "a" do |f| log_content.each do |line| f.puts line end end run end it "outputs install.log" do expect(output).to include(%(Path: "#{log_path}")) expect(output).to include(*log_content) end it "transmits log data in report" do expect(received_report["logs"][File.join("ext", log_file)]).to eq( "path" => log_path, "exists" => true, "content" => log_content ) end after { FileUtils.rm_rf(gem_path) } end context "when file does not exist" do let(:gem_path) { File.join(tmp_dir, "gem_without_log_files") } before { run } it "outputs install.log" do expect(output).to include %(Path: "#{log_path}"\n File not found.) end it "transmits log data in report" do expect(received_report["logs"][File.join("ext", log_file)]).to eq( "path" => log_path, "exists" => false ) end end end describe "install.log" do it_behaves_like "ext log file", "install.log" it "outputs header" do run expect(output).to include("Extension install log") end end describe "mkmf.log" do it_behaves_like "ext log file", "mkmf.log" it "outputs header" do run expect(output).to include("Makefile install log") end end end end end