Feature: Index as Blog Viewing resources as a blog on the index page Scenario: Viewing the blog with a resource Given a post with the title "Hello World" exists And an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do index as: :blog end """ And I am logged in When I am on the index page for posts Then I should see a blog header "Hello World" And I should see a link to "Hello World" Scenario: Viewing the blog with a resource as a simple configuration Given a post with the title "Hello World" and body "My great post body" exists And an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do index as: :blog do title :title body :body end end """ Then I should see a blog header "Hello World" And I should see a link to "Hello World" And I should see "My great post body" within ".post" Scenario: Viewing the blog with a resource as a block configuration Given a post with the title "Hello World" and body "My great post body" exists And an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do index as: :blog do title do |post| post.title + " From Block" end body do |post| post.body + " From Block" end end end """ Then I should see a blog header "Hello World From Block" And I should see a link to "Hello World From Block" And I should see "My great post body From Block" within ".post" Scenario: Viewing a blog with a resource as a block configuration should render Abre components Given a post with the title "Hello World" and body "My great post body" exists And an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do index as: :blog do title do |post| span(class: :title_span) { post.title + " From Block " } end body do |post| span(class: :body_span) { post.body + " From Block" } end end end """ Then I should see "Hello World From Block" within "span.title_span" And I should see a link to "Hello World From Block" And I should see "My great post body From Block" within ".post span.body_span"