--- fy: activerecord: errors: messages: record_invalid: 'Falidaasje mislearre: %{errors}' restrict_dependent_destroy: has_one: Kin de registraasje net wiskje om't der in %{record} ôfhinklik is has_many: Kin de registraasje net wiskje om't der %{record} ôfhinklik binne date: abbr_day_names: - si - mo - ti - wo - to - fr - so abbr_month_names: - - jan - feb - mrt - apr - mai - jun - jul - aug - sep - okt - nov - des day_names: - snein - moandei - tiisdei - woansdei - tongersdei - freed - sneon formats: default: "%d-%m-%Y" long: "%e %B %Y" short: "%e %b" month_names: - - jannewaris - febrewaris - maart - april - maaie - juny - july - augustus - septimber - oktober - novimber - desimber order: - :day - :month - :year datetime: distance_in_words: about_x_hours: one: likernôch 1 oere other: likernôch %{count} oeren about_x_months: one: likernôch 1 moanne other: likernôch %{count} moannen about_x_years: one: likernôch 1 jier other: likernôch %{count} jier almost_x_years: one: hast 1 jier other: hast %{count} jier half_a_minute: in heale minút less_than_x_seconds: one: minder as 1 sekonde other: minder as %{count} sekonden less_than_x_minutes: one: minder as in minút other: minder as %{count} minuten over_x_years: one: mear as 1 jier other: mear as %{count} jier x_seconds: one: 1 sekonde other: "%{count} sekonden" x_minutes: one: 1 minút other: "%{count} minuten" x_days: one: 1 dei other: "%{count} dagen" x_months: one: 1 moanne other: "%{count} moannen" x_years: one: 1 jier other: "%{count} jier" prompts: second: sekonde minute: minút hour: oere day: dei month: moanne year: jier errors: format: "%{attribute} %{message}" messages: accepted: moat akseptearre wurde blank: kin net blanko wêze confirmation: komt net oerien mei %{attribute} empty: kin net leech wêze equal_to: moat lyk wêze oan %{count} even: moat even wêze exclusion: is reservearre greater_than: moat grutter wêze as %{count} greater_than_or_equal_to: moat grutter wêze as, of lyk oan %{count} inclusion: stiet net yn 'e list invalid: is ûnjildich less_than: moat lytser wêze as %{count} less_than_or_equal_to: moat lytser wêze as, of lyk oan %{count} model_invalid: 'Falidaasje mislearre: %{errors}' not_a_number: is gjin getal not_an_integer: moat in hiel getal wêze odd: moat ûneven wêze other_than: moat oars wêze as %{count} present: moat blanko wêze required: moat der wêze taken: is al ynnommen too_long: one: is te lang (maksimum is 1 teken) other: is te lang (maksimum is %{count} tekens) too_short: one: is te koart (minimum is 1 teken) other: is te koart (minimum is %{count} tekens) wrong_length: one: hat de ferkearde lingte (moat 1 teken wêze) other: hat de ferkearde lingte (moat %{count} tekens wêze) template: body: 'Der binne problemen mei de neikommende fjilden:' header: one: 1 flater behinderet it fêstlizzen fan %{model} other: "%{count} flaters behinderje it fêstlizzen fan %{model}" helpers: select: prompt: Meitsje in kar submit: create: "%{model} oanmeitsje" submit: "%{model} fêstlizze" update: "%{model} bywurkje" number: currency: format: delimiter: "." format: "%u %n" precision: 2 separator: "," significant: false strip_insignificant_zeros: false unit: "€" format: delimiter: "." precision: 3 separator: "," significant: false strip_insignificant_zeros: false human: decimal_units: format: "%n %u" units: billion: miljard million: miljoen quadrillion: biljard thousand: tûzen trillion: biljoen unit: '' format: delimiter: '' precision: 3 significant: true strip_insignificant_zeros: true storage_units: format: "%n %u" units: byte: one: byte other: bytes eb: EB gb: GB kb: KB mb: MB pb: PB tb: TB percentage: format: delimiter: '' format: "%n%" precision: format: delimiter: '' support: array: last_word_connector: " en " two_words_connector: " en " words_connector: ", " time: am: fm. formats: default: "%a %e %b %Y %H.%M:%S %z" long: "%e %B %Y om %H.%M oere" short: "%e %b, %H.%M o." pm: nm.