# foreman_bootdisk
# This file is distributed under the same license as foreman_bootdisk.
# Translators:
# Shuji Yamada <uzy.exe@gmail.com>, 2015
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: foreman_bootdisk 6.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-20 11:19+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-09-21 04:45+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Shuji Yamada <uzy.exe@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese (http://www.transifex.com/foreman/foreman/language/ja/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: ja\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"

msgid ""
"A variant of the per-host image which contains the OS bootloader embedded "
"inside the disk.  This may be useful if chainloading fails on certain "
"hardware, but has the downside that the image must be regenerated for any "
"change in the OS, bootloader or templates."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"All images are usable as either ISOs or as disk images, including being "
"written to a USB disk with `dd`."
msgstr ""

msgid "Back"
msgstr "戻る"

msgid "Boot disk"
msgstr "ブートディスク"

msgid "Boot disks"
msgstr "ブートディスク"

msgid ""
"Bootdisk is not supported with safemode rendering, please disable "
"safemode_render under Adminster>Settings"
msgstr "ブートディスクはセーフモードのレンダリングではサポートされていません。「管理」>「設定」の下にある safemode_render を無効にしてください"

msgid "Command to generate ISO image, use genisoimage or mkisofs"
msgstr "ISO イメージを生成するためのコマンドです。genisoimage または mkisofs を使用します"

msgid "Download generic image"
msgstr "汎用イメージをダウンロード"

msgid "Download host image"
msgstr "ホストイメージをダウンロード"

msgid "Failed to render boot disk template: %s"
msgstr "ブートディスクテンプレートのレンダリングに失敗しました: %s"

msgid "Full host '%s' image"
msgstr "Full host '%s' イメージ"

msgid "Full host image"
msgstr ""

msgid "Generic image"
msgstr "汎用イメージ"

msgid ""
"Generic images are a reusable disk image that works for any host registered "
"in Foreman.  It requires a basic DHCP and DNS service to function and "
"contact the server, but does not require DHCP reservations or static IP "
msgstr ""

msgid "Help"
msgstr "ヘルプ"

msgid "Host '%s' image"
msgstr "ホスト '%s' イメージ"

msgid "Host has no IP address defined"
msgstr "ホストには IP アドレスが定義されていません"

msgid "Host has no domain defined"
msgstr "ホストにはドメインが定義されていません"

msgid "Host has no provisioning interface defined"
msgstr "ホストにプロビジョニングインターフェースが定義されていません"

msgid "Host has no subnet defined"
msgstr "ホストにはサブネットが定義されていません"

msgid "Host image"
msgstr "ホストイメージ"

msgid "Host is not in build mode, so the template cannot be rendered"
msgstr "ホストはビルドモードではないため、テンプレートはレンダリングすることができません"

msgid "ISO build failed"
msgstr "ISO ビルドに失敗しました"

msgid "ISO hybrid conversion failed"
msgstr "ISO ハイブリッド変換に失敗しました"

msgid "Installation media files will be cached for full host images"
msgstr "インストールメディアファイルは、完全なホストのイメージのためにキャッシュされます"

msgid ""
"Once chainloaded, the OS bootloader and installer are downloaded directly "
"from the installation media configured in Foreman, and the provisioning "
"script (kickstart/preseed) is downloaded from Foreman."
msgstr ""

msgid "Path to directory containing iPXE images"
msgstr "iPXE イメージを含むディレクトリーのパス"

msgid "Path to directory containing syslinux images"
msgstr "syslinux イメージを含むディレクトリーのパス"

msgid ""
"Per-host images contain data about a particular host registered in Foreman "
"and set up fully static networking, avoiding the requirement for DHCP.  "
"After networking is configured, they chainload from Foreman, picking up the "
"current OS configuration and build state from the server."
msgstr ""

msgid "Please ensure the ipxe-bootimgs and syslinux packages are installed."
msgstr "ipxe-bootimgs および syslinux パッケージがインストールされていることを確認してください。"

msgid ""
"Plugin for Foreman that creates iPXE-based boot disks to provision hosts "
"without the need for PXE infrastructure."
msgstr ""

msgid "Subnet (%s) has no gateway defined"
msgstr "サブネット (%s) にはゲートウェイが定義されていません"

msgid "Subnet (%s) has no primary DNS server defined"
msgstr "サブネット (%s) にはプライマリー DNS サーバーが定義されていません"

msgid ""
"The OS install continues using the installation media configured in Foreman,"
" and it will typically configure static networking, depending on how the OS "
"iPXE template is configured."
msgstr ""

msgid "True for full, false for basic reusable image"
msgstr ""

msgid "Unable to find template specified by %s setting"
msgstr "%s 設定で指定されているテンプレートが見つかりません"

msgid "Unable to generate disk template: %s"
msgstr "ディスクテンプレートを生成することができません: %s"

msgid ""
"Various types of boot disks can be created to provision hosts without the "
"need for PXE services.  Boot disks can be attached to the host (physical or "
"virtual) which boots from the disk, contacts Foreman and begins the OS "
msgstr ""

msgid "iPXE template to use for generic host boot disks"
msgstr "汎用のホストブートディスクに使用する iPXE テンプレート"

msgid "iPXE template to use for host-specific boot disks"
msgstr "ホスト固有のブートディスクに使用する iPXE テンプレート"