<% tag ||= scope.in_form ? "input" : "view"; no_edit ||= "skip" %> <% field_name = this_field_name input_attrs = {:no_edit => no_edit} if tag == "input" -%> <%= field_name %>
<%= this_field_help %>
<%= scope.nil_view || "(Not Available)" %> <%= element("table", attributes, all_parameters.default) %> <% field_tag ||= "view" %> <% element "table", attributes - attrs_for(:with_fields) do %> <%= this.member_class.human_attribute_name(scope.field_name) if scope %> Edit <% end %> <%= res = 'var hoboParts = {};' # FIXME: This should interrogate the model-router - not the models unless Hobo::Model.all_models.empty? # Tell JS code how to pluralize names, unless they follow the simple rule names = Hobo::Model.all_models.map do |m| m = m.name.underscore "#{m}: '#{m.pluralize}'" unless m.pluralize == m + 's' end.compact res << "var pluralisations = {#{names * ', '}}; " end base = [base_url, subsite].compact.join("/") res << "urlBase = '#{base}'; hoboPagePath = '#{request.fullpath}'" if protect_against_forgery? res << "; formAuthToken = { name: '#{request_forgery_protection_token}', value: '#{form_authenticity_token}' }" end res %> <%= if this.nil? nil_view unless if_present else if this.is_a?(Array) count elsif this.is_a?(Class) type_name(attributes) elsif (name_attr = this.class.try.name_attribute) && can_view?(this, name_attr) view(merge_attrs(attributes, {:field => name_attr})) elsif can_view?(this) h this.to_s end end %> <%= type ||= (this if this.is_a?(Class)) || this.try.member_class || this.class name = type.respond_to?(:model_name) ? type.model_name.human : type.name name = dasherize ? name.underscore.dasherize : name.titleize name = name.pluralize if plural name = name.downcase if lowercase name %> <%= if (attr = this.try.origin_attribute) name = attr.to_s name = dasherize ? name.underscore.dasherize : name.titleize name = name.singularize if singular name = name.downcase if lowercase name else type_name(:plural => !singular, :lowercase => lowercase, :dasherize => dasherize) end %> <%= content = parameters.default params = self.query_params.merge(params || HashWithIndifferentAccess.new) if query_params if href || attributes[:name] # Regular link href += "?" + params.map { |n, v| "#{n}=#{v}" }.join('&') if !params.blank? element(:a, attributes.update(:href => href), content) else target = to || this if target.nil? Dryml.last_if = false nil_view elsif action == "new" # Link to a new object form new_record = target.new new_record.set_creator(current_user) href = object_url(target, "new", params._?.merge(:subsite => subsite)) if href && (force || can_create?(new_record)) new_class_name = if target.respond_to?(:proxy_reflection) target.proxy_reflection.klass.name else target.name end add_classes!(attributes, "new-#{new_class_name.underscore}-link") content = "New #{new_class_name.titleize}" if content.blank? Dryml.last_if = true element(:a, attributes.update(:href => href), content) else Dryml.last_if = false "" end else # Link to an existing object content = name if content.blank? href = object_url(target, action, (params || {}).merge(:subsite => subsite)) if href.nil? # This target is registered with Hobo::Routes as not linkable content else css_class = target.try.origin_attribute || target.class.name.underscore.dasherize add_classes!(attributes, "#{css_class}-link") href.sub!(/\?|$/, ".#{format}\\0") unless format.blank? # Set default link text if none given element(:a, attributes.update(:href => href), content) end end end %> <%= raise Hobo::Error, "view of non-viewable field '#{this_field}' of #{this_parent.typed_id rescue this_parent}" unless can_view? res = if this.nil? && if_blank.nil? this_type.is_a?(Class) && this_type <= String ? "" : nil_view elsif (refl = this_field_reflection) && refl.macro == :has_many collection_view(attributes) else view_tag = find_polymorphic_tag("view") if view_tag == "view" # i.e. it didn't find a type specific tag if this.respond_to?(:to_html) this.to_html(scope.xmldoctype) else this.to_s end else attrs = add_classes(attributes, "view", type_and_field._?.dasherize, model_id_class) view_attrs = attrs_for(view_tag) the_view = send(view_tag, attrs & view_attrs) the_view = if_blank if if_blank && the_view.blank? truncate = 30 if truncate == true the_view = self.truncate(the_view, :length => truncate.to_i) if truncate the_view = the_view.strip if no_wrapper the_view else wrapper = if inline :span elsif block || this_type <= HoboFields::Types::Text :div else :span end element(wrapper, attrs - view_attrs, the_view) end end end Dryml.last_if = !res.blank? res %> <%= this.empty? ? "(none)" : context_map { a }.safe_join(", ") %> <%= this && (format||= :default) && I18n.backend.localize(I18n.locale, this, format) %> <%= this && (format||= :default) && I18n.backend.localize(I18n.locale, this, format) %> <%= this && (format||= :default) && I18n.backend.localize(I18n.locale, this, format) %> <%= format ? format % this : number_with_delimiter(this) %> <%= if !(this.class == String) && this.respond_to?(:to_html) # workaround for Maruku which adds String#to_html : ( this.to_html(scope.xmldoctype) else h(this).gsub("\n", "") end %> <%= this ? I18n.t('hobo.boolean_yes', :default => 'Yes') : I18n.t('hobo.boolean_no', :default => 'No') %> <%= raise Exception.new("asked for count of a string") if this.is_a?(String) Rails.logger.warn('The "prefix" attribute is deprecated: please, use a locale string') unless prefix.blank? c = this.try.to_int || this.try.total_entries || (this.try.loaded? && this.try.length) || this.try.count || this.try.length # generated label will be pluralized label ||= case when this.is_a?(Class) this.model_name.human(:count=>c) when (attr = this.try.origin_attribute) this_parent.class.human_attribute_name(attr, :count=>c) else this.member_class.model_name.human(:count=>c) end label = label.downcase if lowercase Dryml.last_if = c > 0 if if_any if if_any && c == 0 "" else if summary.blank? # old behaviour main = label.blank? ? c : "#{c} #{label}" if prefix.in? %w(are is) prefix = c == 1 ? "is" : "are" end (prefix ? "#{prefix} #{main}" : main.to_s) else key = summary.kind_of?(String) ? summary : "default" default = c == 1 ? "There is 1 #{label}" : "There are #{c} #{label}" I18n.t "tags.count.#{key}", {:count=>c, :label=>label, :default=>default}.merge(attributes) end end %> <% name ||= Hobo.current_theme -%> <% Rails.logger.warn "'titleize' is a deprecated attribute of the 'you' tag. Please, use 'capitalize' instead." -%> <% raise ArgumentError, "You can add only one attribute-key to the 'you' tag." if attributes.size > 1 -%> <% k = case when attributes[:have] then 'have' when attributes[:are] then 'are' when attributes[:do] then 'do' end -%> <%= s = I18n.t("tags.you.current_user.#{k || attributes.keys.first || 'default'}",:default=>"you #{k}") (titleize||capitalize) ? s.sub(/^./){|c| c.upcase} : s %> <%= s = I18n.t("tags.you.other_user.#{k || attributes.keys.first || 'default'}", :name=>this.name, :default=>"#{this.name} #{'has' if attributes[:have]}#{'is' if attributes[:are]}#{'does' if attributes[:do]}") (titleize||capitalize) ? s.sub(/^./){|c| c.upcase} : s %> <%= key ||= 'default' # prepare symbolized attributes for merging attrs = {} attributes.each_pair{|k,v| attrs[k.to_sym] = v} d = "#{your_default} #{all_parameters.default}" options = {:default=>[d], :count=>(attrs[:count]||1), :name=>this.name} your_key = key.split('.').last unless key.eql?(your_key) || attrs.has_key?(your_key.to_sym) options[your_key.to_sym] = I18n.t(key, :count=>options[:count], :default=>your_key.titleize) end s = if this == current_user options[:default].unshift :"tags.your.default.current_user" I18n.t("tags.your.#{your_key}.current_user", options.merge(attrs)) else options[:default].unshift :"tags.your.default.other_user" I18n.t("tags.your.#{your_key}.other_user", options.merge(attrs)) end capitalize ? s.sub(/^./){|c| c.upcase} : s %> <%= (word =~ /^[aeiou]/i ? "an " : "a ") + word %> <%= (word =~ /^[aeiou]/i ? "An " : "A ") + word %> <%= this.join(join || ", ") %>