require 'orkut/constants/params' module Orkut module Constants module Fields module AclEntryFields # Level of access for this entry in the ACL (read/write). ACCESS_TYPE = 'accessType' ACCESSOR_ID = 'accessorId' # The identifier for this ACL entry. ACCESSOR_INFO = 'accessorInfo' # Specifies the type of user in this entry of the ACL. ACCESSOR_TYPE = 'accessorType' end ACTIVITIES = 'activities' ACTIVITY = 'activity' ACTIVITY_ID = 'activityId' ALT = 'alt' BIRTHDAY = 'birthday' COUNTRY = 'country' CURRENT_LOCATION = 'currentLocation' LOCALITY = 'locality' POSTAL_CODE = 'postal' REGION = 'region' ABOUT_ME = 'aboutMe' # data specifying the ACL for this album ACL = 'accessControlList' ACTIVITY_TYPE = 'activityType' ALBUM_ID = Orkut::Constants::Params::ALBUM_ID ALBUM_TITLE = 'albumTitle' ALLOW_IM = 'allowIm' APP_ID = 'appId' AUTHOR_ID = 'authorId' BODY = 'body' COALESCE = 'coalesce' COLLECTION = 'collection' COMMENTS = 'comments' COUNT = 'count' CREATED = 'created' DESCRIPTION = 'description' DISPLAY_NAME = 'displayName' EMAILS = 'emails' # The list of entries in an ACL ENTRIES = 'entries' ERROR_TYPE = 'errorType' EXTRA_PARAMS = 'extraParams' FIELDS = 'fields' FROM_USER_ID = 'fromUserId' FROM_USER_PROFILE = 'fromUserProfile' GENDER = 'gender' GROUP_ID = 'groupId' ID = 'id' # the json field for location LOCATION = 'location' # the json field for count of media items in album MEDIA_ITEM_COUNT = 'mediaItemCount' MEDIA_ITEMS = 'mediaItems' # media mime types in the album MEDIA_MIME_TYPE = 'mediaMimeType' # media types in the album MEDIA_TYPE = 'mediaType' MESSAGE = 'message' MESSAGE_TYPE = 'messageType' METHOD = 'method' NAME = 'name' # The next two are subfields of 'name': NAME_FAMILY_NAME = 'familyName' NAME_GIVEN_NAME = 'givenName' NOTE = 'note' PAGE_TYPE = 'pageType' PAGE_URL = 'pageUrl' PARAMS = 'params' PHONE_NUMBERS = 'phoneNumbers' POSTED_TIME = 'postedTime' PROFILE_FIELDS = 'profileFields' PROFILE_URL = 'profileUrl' RELATIONSHIP_STATUS = 'relationshipStatus' RELEVANT_PROFILES = 'relevantProfiles' RELEVANT_USER_IDS = 'relevantUserIds' START_INDEX = 'startIndex' STATUS = 'status' TEMPLATE_PARAMS = 'templateParams' TEXT = 'text' # the json field for thumbnail url THUMBNAIL_URL = 'thumbnailUrl' TIME = 'time' TITLE = 'title' TOTAL_RESULTS = 'totalResults' TYPE = 'type' UPDATED_BEFORE = 'updatedBefore' URL = 'url' USER_ID = 'userId' VALUE = 'value' YOUTUBE_URL = 'youtubeUrl' VIDEO_DURATION = 'durationInSec' MESSAGE_FORMAT = "messageFormat"; end end end