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Version 1.0.0 has a full test suite. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'esp_sdk' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install esp_sdk ## Usage ## Constructor # Required :password, :email # Optional :version # Default and current version 'v1' api = EspSdk::Api.new(email: 'me@google.com', password: 'password', version: 'optional') ## Configuration api.config => # # Authorization token api.config.token => "6_4wys1a2FhqsECstavC" # Token expiration. ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone api.config.token_expires_at => Fri, 19 Sep 2014 15:39:10 UTC +00:00 # Authorization email api.config.email => "me@gmail.com" ## End points array # Current and all endpoints in a single array api.end_points => [ [0] #>, [1] #>, [2] #>, [3] #>, [4] #>, [5] #>, [6] #>, [7] #>, [8] #>, [9] #> [10] #> ] ## Reports end point ### List action # List action is a pageable response with a total of 5 reports per page. api.reports.list => { "id" => 130, "created_at" => "2014-08-06T19:59:57.540Z", "team" => "Evident" } # Current page api.reports.current_page # Next page sets current_page with the next page results. api.reports.next_page # Previous page sets current_page with the previous page results. api.reports.prev_page ### Show action # Show a specific report # Required :id api.reports.show(id: 130) => { "report" => 130, "created_at" => "2014-08-06T19:59:57.540Z", "team" => "Evident", "alerts" => [ [ 0] { "signature" => "Sss Global Any Bucket Permissions", "status" => "fail", "region" => "us_east_1", "external_account" => "Development", "identifier" => "AWS:SSS-008", "risk_level" => "Low", "service" => "SSS", "description" => "Check if S3 buckets have any global permissions enabled", "resolution" => "This signature is under active development.", "related_information" => { "message" => "A permission is granted to Everyone on the 'evident-prod' bucket", "bucket" => "evident-prod", "deep_inspection" => nil } }, } # Current record shows the current record api.reports.current_record ## Dashboard end point ### List action # List your current dashboard stats api.dashboard.list => { "enterprise" => true, "teams" => [ [0] { "report" => { "name" => "Evident", "team_id" => 1, "sub_organization" => "Evident", "created_at" => "2014-08-06T19:59:57.540Z", "report_id" => 130, "stats" => { "total" => 196, "regions" => [ [0] { "code" => "ap_northeast_1", "region_id" => 1, "total" => 2, "pass" => 5, "high" => 1, "medium" => 1, "low" => 0 }, [1] { "code" => "ap_southeast_1", "region_id" => 2, "total" => 2, "pass" => 6, "high" => 1, "medium" => 1, "low" => 0 }, [2] { "code" => "eu_west_1", "region_id" => 4, "total" => 2, "pass" => 5, "high" => 1, "medium" => 1, "low" => 0 }, [3] { "code" => "sa_east_1", "region_id" => 5, "total" => 2, "pass" => 5, "high" => 1, "medium" => 1, "low" => 0 }, [4] { "code" => "ap_southeast_2", "region_id" => 3, "total" => 2, "pass" => 5, "high" => 1, "medium" => 1, "low" => 0 }, [5] { "code" => "us_west_1", "region_id" => 7, "total" => 2, "pass" => 5, "high" => 1, "medium" => 1, "low" => 0 }, [6] { "code" => "us_west_2", "region_id" => 8, "total" => 1, "pass" => 7, "high" => 0, "medium" => 1, "low" => 0 }, [7] { "code" => "global", "region_id" => 9, "total" => 7, "pass" => 13, "high" => 1, "medium" => 6, "low" => 0 }, [8] { "code" => "us_east_1", "region_id" => 6, "total" => 45, "pass" => 80, "high" => 0, "medium" => 22, "low" => 23 } ], "signatures" => [ [ 0] { "signature_id" => 86, "unique_id" => "AWS:EC2-030", "total" => 2 }, [ 1] { "signature_id" => 22, "unique_id" => "AWS:VPC-009", "total" => 6 }, [ 2] { "signature_id" => 77, "unique_id" => "AWS:ELB-001", "total" => 6 }, [ 3] { "signature_id" => 76, "unique_id" => "AWS:EC2-032", "total" => 21 }, [ 4] { "signature_id" => 75, "unique_id" => "AWS:EC2-031", "total" => 8 }, [ 5] { "signature_id" => 92, "unique_id" => "AWS:ELB-007", "total" => 1 }, [ 6] { "signature_id" => 78, "unique_id" => "AWS:IAM-008", "total" => 1 }, [ 7] { "signature_id" => 90, "unique_id" => "AWS:SSS-006", "total" => 1 }, [ 8] { "signature_id" => 89, "unique_id" => "AWS:SSS-007", "total" => 1 }, [ 9] { "signature_id" => 17, "unique_id" => "AWS:EC2-001", "total" => 17 }, [10] { "signature_id" => 88, "unique_id" => "AWS:SSS-008", "total" => 1 } ], "services" => [ [0] { "service" => "VPC", "total" => 6, "service_id" => 8 }, [1] { "service" => "ELB", "total" => 7, "service_id" => 7 }, [2] { "service" => "IAM", "total" => 1, "service_id" => 2 }, [3] { "service" => "EC2", "total" => 48, "service_id" => 5 }, [4] { "service" => "SSS", "total" => 3, "service_id" => 4 } ], "severities" => [ [0] { "severity" => "medium", "total" => 35 }, [1] { "severity" => "high", "total" => 7 }, [2] { "severity" => "pass", "total" => 131 }, [3] { "severity" => "low", "total" => 23 } ] } } } ] } ### Timewarp action #### This endpoint is used for returning dashboard stats at a specific hour in the past # Required params: time: => '1413999010' Unix Time # The time is floored and has five minutes subtracted. Then adds an hour for the end time. Any reports between that hour will have their stats returned. # EX: # start_time = DateTime.strptime('1413999010','%s').at_beginning_of_hour - 5.minutes # end_time = start_time + 1.hour api.dashboard.timewarp(time: '1413999010') => { "enterprise" => false, "teams" => [ [0] { "name" => "Default Team", "team_id" => 1, "sub_organization" => "Default Sub Organization", "created_at" => "2014-10-22T17:30:10.086Z", "report_id" => 5, "stats" => { "total" => 356, "regions" => [ [0] { "code" => "global", "region_id" => 9, "total" => 23, "pass" => 22, "high" => 1, "medium" => 22, "low" => 0 }, [1] { "code" => "us_east_1", "region_id" => 6, "total" => 139, "pass" => 105, "high" => 0, "medium" => 67, "low" => 72 }, [2] { "code" => "eu_west_1", "region_id" => 4, "total" => 3, "pass" => 6, "high" => 2, "medium" => 1, "low" => 0 }, [3] { "code" => "ap_northeast_1", "region_id" => 1, "total" => 3, "pass" => 6, "high" => 2, "medium" => 1, "low" => 0 }, [4] { "code" => "us_west_1", "region_id" => 7, "total" => 3, "pass" => 6, "high" => 2, "medium" => 1, "low" => 0 }, [5] { "code" => "ap_southeast_1", "region_id" => 2, "total" => 3, "pass" => 7, "high" => 2, "medium" => 1, "low" => 0 }, [6] { "code" => "us_west_2", "region_id" => 8, "total" => 2, "pass" => 10, "high" => 1, "medium" => 1, "low" => 0 }, [7] { "code" => "sa_east_1", "region_id" => 5, "total" => 3, "pass" => 6, "high" => 2, "medium" => 1, "low" => 0 }, [8] { "code" => "ap_southeast_2", "region_id" => 3, "total" => 3, "pass" => 6, "high" => 2, "medium" => 1, "low" => 0 } ], "signatures" => [ [ 0] { "signature_id" => 88, "unique_id" => "AWS:SSS-006", "total" => 1 }, [ 1] { "signature_id" => 89, "unique_id" => "AWS:SSS-008", "total" => 1 }, [ 2] { "signature_id" => 87, "unique_id" => "AWS:SSS-007", "total" => 1 }, [ 3] { "signature_id" => 14, "unique_id" => "AWS:EC2-001", "total" => 21 }, [ 4] { "signature_id" => 70, "unique_id" => "AWS:SSS-001", "total" => 1 }, [ 5] { "signature_id" => 72, "unique_id" => "AWS:CLT-001", "total" => 7 }, [ 6] { "signature_id" => 69, "unique_id" => "AWS:EC2-031", "total" => 44 }, [ 7] { "signature_id" => 18, "unique_id" => "AWS:VPC-009", "total" => 6 }, [ 8] { "signature_id" => 68, "unique_id" => "AWS:IAM-008", "total" => 1 }, [ 9] { "signature_id" => 82, "unique_id" => "AWS:ELB-007", "total" => 43 }, [10] { "signature_id" => 81, "unique_id" => "AWS:SSS-003", "total" => 1 }, [11] { "signature_id" => 80, "unique_id" => "AWS:ELB-001", "total" => 8 }, [12] { "signature_id" => 11, "unique_id" => "AWS:IAM-007", "total" => 14 }, [13] { "signature_id" => 83, "unique_id" => "AWS:ELB-008", "total" => 4 }, [14] { "signature_id" => 77, "unique_id" => "AWS:RDS-002", "total" => 2 }, [15] { "signature_id" => 67, "unique_id" => "AWS:EC2-032", "total" => 24 }, [16] { "signature_id" => 1, "unique_id" => "AWS:EC2-030", "total" => 3 } ], "services" => [ [0] { "service" => "RDS", "total" => 2, "service_id" => 10 }, [1] { "service" => "ELB", "total" => 55, "service_id" => 8 }, [2] { "service" => "IAM", "total" => 15, "service_id" => 3 }, [3] { "service" => "VPC", "total" => 6, "service_id" => 7 }, [4] { "service" => "CLT", "total" => 7, "service_id" => 9 }, [5] { "service" => "EC2", "total" => 92, "service_id" => 1 }, [6] { "service" => "SSS", "total" => 5, "service_id" => 5 } ], "severities" => [ [0] { "severity" => "high", "total" => 14 }, [1] { "severity" => "medium", "total" => 96 }, [2] { "severity" => "low", "total" => 72 }, [3] { "severity" => "pass", "total" => 174 } ] } } ] } ## External Accounts end point ### List action # list is a pageable response of 25 total external accounts per page api.external_accounts.list => [ [0] { "id" => 1, "created_at" => "2014-10-22T16:23:19.615Z", "updated_at" => "2014-11-03T21:39:36.891Z", "organization_id" => 1, "nickname" => "Ops", "team_id" => 1, "sub_organization_id" => 1, "arn" => "arn:aws:iam::12345:role/evident_service_role", "external_id" => "External ID" } ] # Current page api.external_accounts.current_page # Next page sets current page with the next page results. api.external_accounts.next_page # Prev page sets current page with the previous page results. api.external_accounts.prev_page ### Show action # Show a specific external account # Required :id api.external_accounts.show(id: 1) => { "id" => 1, "created_at" => "2014-10-22T16:23:19.615Z", "updated_at" => "2014-11-03T21:39:36.891Z", "organization_id" => 1, "nickname" => "Ops", "team_id" => 1, "sub_organization_id" => 1, "arn" => "arn:aws:iam::12345:role/evident_service_role", "external_id" => "External ID" } # Current record api.external_accounts.current_record ### Update action # Update a specific external account # Required :id api.external_accounts.update(id: 1, nickname: 'Dev Ops') => { "id" => 1, "created_at" => "2014-10-22T16:23:19.615Z", "updated_at" => "2014-11-03T21:39:36.891Z", "organization_id" => 1, "nickname" => "Dev Ops", "team_id" => 1, "sub_organization_id" => 1, "arn" => "arn:aws:iam::12345:role/evident_service_role", "external_id" => "External ID" } ### Destroy action # Destroy a specific external account # Required :id api.external_accounts.destroy(id: 1) => { "success" => "Dev Ops has been destroyed" } ### Create action # Create a new external account ## Services end point #### *Note this end point is a read only end point, and requires the user to have manager role access #### This end point can be used to for retrieving a service id to apply to a custom signature. Example your custom signature targets EC2 services. ### List action # list is a pageable response of 25 total signatures per page api.services.list => [ [ 4] { "id" => 5, "name" => "EC2", "code" => "EC2", "created_at" => "2014-07-15T16:45:43.457Z", "updated_at" => "2014-07-15T16:45:43.457Z" } ] ### Show action # Show a specific signature # Required :id api.services.show(id: 5) => { "id" => 5, "name" => "EC2", "code" => "EC2", "created_at" => "2014-07-15T16:45:43.457Z", "updated_at" => "2014-07-15T16:45:43.457Z" } ## Custom Signatures end point ### List action # List is a pageable response of 25 total signatures per page api.custom_signatures.list => [ [ 0] { "id" => 4, "organization_id" => 1, "signature" => "// Demo Signature\r\ndsl.configure(function(c) {\r\n c.module = 'check_user_count_javascript'; // Required\r\n c.identifier = 'AWS:GLO-001'; // Required unique identifier for this signature\r\n c.description = 'Check IAM user count'; // Required short description\r\n c.valid_regions = ['us_east_1']; // Only run in us_east_1\r\n c.display_as = 'global'; // Display as region global instead of region us_east_1\r\n});\r\n\r\n// Required perform function\r\nfunction perform(aws) {\r\n try {\r\n var count = aws.iam.list_users().users.length || 0;\r\n if (count === 0) {\r\n return dsl.fail({\r\n user_count: count,\r\n condition: 'count == 0' });\r\n } else {\r\n return dsl.pass({\r\n user_count: count,\r\n condition: 'count >= 1' });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n catch(err) {\r\n return dsl.error({error: err.message});\r\n }\r\n}\r\n", "description" => "test", "resolution" => "test", "name" => "Testing", "active" => true, "created_at" => "2014-07-21T20:09:24.809Z", "updated_at" => "2014-08-04T14:15:28.326Z", "risk_level" => "High", "identifier" => nil, "service_id" => nil, "deleted_at" => nil } } # Current page api.custom_signatures.current_page # Next page sets current page with the next page results. api.custom_signatures.next_page # Prev page sets current page with the previous page results. api.custom_signatures.prev_page ### Show action # Show a specific custom signature # Required :id api.custom_signatures.show(id: 4) => { "id" => 4, "organization_id" => 1, "signature" => "// Demo Signature\r\ndsl.configure(function(c) {\r\n c.module = 'check_user_count_javascript'; // Required\r\n c.identifier = 'AWS:GLO-001'; // Required unique identifier for this signature\r\n c.description = 'Check IAM user count'; // Required short description\r\n c.valid_regions = ['us_east_1']; // Only run in us_east_1\r\n c.display_as = 'global'; // Display as region global instead of region us_east_1\r\n});\r\n\r\n// Required perform function\r\nfunction perform(aws) {\r\n try {\r\n var count = aws.iam.list_users().users.length || 0;\r\n if (count === 0) {\r\n return dsl.fail({\r\n user_count: count,\r\n condition: 'count == 0' });\r\n } else {\r\n return dsl.pass({\r\n user_count: count,\r\n condition: 'count >= 1' });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n catch(err) {\r\n return dsl.error({error: err.message});\r\n }\r\n}\r\n", "description" => "test", "resolution" => "test", "name" => "Testing", "active" => true, "created_at" => "2014-07-21T20:09:24.809Z", "updated_at" => "2014-08-04T14:15:28.326Z", "risk_level" => "High", "identifier" => nil, "service_id" => 11, "deleted_at" => nil } ### Update action # Update a custom signature # Required :id # Valid :description, :resolution, :name, :active, :signature, :risk_level api.custom_signatures.update(id: 4, active: false, name: 'Updated Name') => { "id" => 4, "organization_id" => 1, "signature" => "// Demo Signature\r\ndsl.configure(function(c) {\r\n c.module = 'check_user_count_javascript'; // Required\r\n c.identifier = 'AWS:GLO-001'; // Required unique identifier for this signature\r\n c.description = 'Check IAM user count'; // Required short description\r\n c.valid_regions = ['us_east_1']; // Only run in us_east_1\r\n c.display_as = 'global'; // Display as region global instead of region us_east_1\r\n c.deep_inspection = ['users'];\r\n c.unique_identifier = [{'user_name': 'user_id'}];\r\n});\r\n\r\n// Required perform function\r\nfunction perform(aws) {\r\n try {\r\n var count = aws.iam.list_users().users.length || 0;\r\n \r\n // Setup the deep inspection and unique identifier data\r\n dsl.set_data(aws.iam.list_users());\r\n if (count === 0) {\r\n return dsl.fail({\r\n user_count: count,\r\n condition: 'count == 0' });\r\n } else {\r\n return dsl.pass({\r\n user_count: count,\r\n condition: 'count >= 1' });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n catch(err) {\r\n return dsl.error({error: err.message});\r\n }\r\n}", "description" => "test", "resolution" => "test", "name" => "Updated Name", "active" => false, "created_at" => "2014-07-21T20:09:24.809Z", "updated_at" => "2014-09-24T20:48:21.822Z", "risk_level" => "High", "identifier" => nil, "service_id" => 11, "deleted_at" => nil } ### Create Action # Create a new custom signature # Required :signature, :name, :risk_level signature = "// Demo Signature\r\ndsl.configure(function(c) {\r\n c.module = 'check_user_count_javascript'; // Required\r\n c.identifier = 'AWS:GLO-001'; // Required unique identifier for this signature\r\n c.description = 'Check IAM user count'; // Required short description\r\n c.valid_regions = ['us_east_1']; // Only run in us_east_1\r\n c.display_as = 'global'; // Display as region global instead of region us_east_1\r\n c.deep_inspection = ['users'];\r\n c.unique_identifier = [{'user_name': 'user_id'}];\r\n});\r\n\r\n// Required perform function\r\nfunction perform(aws) {\r\n try {\r\n var count = aws.iam.list_users().users.length || 0;\r\n \r\n // Setup the deep inspection and unique identifier data\r\n dsl.set_data(aws.iam.list_users());\r\n if (count === 0) {\r\n return dsl.fail({\r\n user_count: count,\r\n condition: 'count == 0' });\r\n } else {\r\n return dsl.pass({\r\n user_count: count,\r\n condition: 'count >= 1' });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n catch(err) {\r\n return dsl.error({error: err.message});\r\n }\r\n}" api.custom_signatures.create(signature: signature, name: 'Demo Signature', risk_level: 'High') => { "id" => 97, "organization_id" => 1, "signature" => "// Demo Signature\r\ndsl.configure(function(c) {\r\n c.module = 'check_user_count_javascript'; // Required\r\n c.identifier = 'AWS:GLO-001'; // Required unique identifier for this signature\r\n c.description = 'Check IAM user count'; // Required short description\r\n c.valid_regions = ['us_east_1']; // Only run in us_east_1\r\n c.display_as = 'global'; // Display as region global instead of region us_east_1\r\n c.deep_inspection = ['users'];\r\n c.unique_identifier = [{'user_name': 'user_id'}];\r\n});\r\n\r\n// Required perform function\r\nfunction perform(aws) {\r\n try {\r\n var count = aws.iam.list_users().users.length || 0;\r\n \r\n // Setup the deep inspection and unique identifier data\r\n dsl.set_data(aws.iam.list_users());\r\n if (count === 0) {\r\n return dsl.fail({\r\n user_count: count,\r\n condition: 'count == 0' });\r\n } else {\r\n return dsl.pass({\r\n user_count: count,\r\n condition: 'count >= 1' });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n catch(err) {\r\n return dsl.error({error: err.message});\r\n }\r\n}", "description" => nil, "resolution" => nil, "name" => "Demo Signature", "active" => nil, "created_at" => "2014-09-24T20:51:08.901Z", "updated_at" => "2014-09-24T20:51:08.901Z", "risk_level" => "High", "identifier" => nil, "service_id" => 11, "deleted_at" => nil } ### Destroy Action # Destroy a custom signature # Required :id api.custom_signatures.destroy(id: 97) => { "success" => "Demo Signature has been destroyed" } ### Run action # Run a custom signature # Required :id => ID of the custom signature to run # Required :external_account_id => ID of the external account to use # Required :regions => Array of regions to run the signature in api.custom_signatures.run(id: 1, external_account_id: 1, regions: [:us_east_1]) => { "alerts" => [ [0] { "info" => { "user_count" => 1, "condition" => "count >= 1", "deep_inspection" => [ [0] { "users" => [ [ 0] { "path" => "/", "user_name" => "demouser", "user_id" => "AIDAHJFKDHGFHFGKHKGFH", "arn" => "arn:aws:iam::00000000:user/demouser", "create_date" => "2014-01-16T19:05:36.000Z" } ] } ] }, "status" => "pass", "config" => { "module" => "check_user_count_javascript", "description" => "Check IAM user count", "valid_regions" => [ [0] "us_east_1" ], "identifier" => "AWS:GLO-001", "deep_inspection" => [ [0] "users" ], "unique_identifier" => [ [0] { "user_name" => "user_id" } ], "display_as" => "global", "validation_context" => nil, "errors" => {} }, "region" => "us_east_1", "unique_identifier" => { "demouser" => "AIDAHJFKDHGFHFGKHKGFH", } } ] } ### Run Raw action # Run a raw custom signature # Required: :signature => JavaScript signature to run as a string # Required :external_account_id => ID of the external account to use # Required :regions => Array of regions to run the signature in api.custom_signatures.run_raw(signature: "Javascript", regions: [:us_east_1], external_account_id: 1) => { "alerts" => [ [0] { "info" => { "user_count" => 1, "condition" => "count >= 1", "deep_inspection" => [ [0] { "users" => [ [ 0] { "path" => "/", "user_name" => "demouser", "user_id" => "AIDAHJFKDHGFHFGKHKGFH", "arn" => "arn:aws:iam::00000000:user/demouser", "create_date" => "2014-01-16T19:05:36.000Z" } ] } ] }, "status" => "pass", "config" => { "module" => "check_user_count_javascript", "description" => "Check IAM user count", "valid_regions" => [ [0] "us_east_1" ], "identifier" => "AWS:GLO-001", "deep_inspection" => [ [0] "users" ], "unique_identifier" => [ [0] { "user_name" => "user_id" } ], "display_as" => "global", "validation_context" => nil, "errors" => {} }, "region" => "us_east_1", "unique_identifier" => { "demouser" => "AIDAHJFKDHGFHFGKHKGFH", } } ] } ## Signatures end point ### List action # List is a pageable response of 25 total signatures per page. api.signatures.list => [ [ 0] { "id" => 35, "name" => "Global Telnet", "description" => "Globally Accessible Administrative Port -- Telnet (tcp/23)", "provider" => "AWS", "scope" => "Service", "resolution" => "This alert triggers when global permission to access tcp port 23 (telnet) is detected in a security group. This is dangerous, as it permits the entire internet access to connect to tcp port 23 -- usually where a telnet daemon is listening. Reducing the permitted IP Addresses or ranges allowed to communicate to destination hosts on tcp port 23 is advised. We recommend utilizing the static office or home IP addresses of your employees as the permitted hosts, or deploying a bastion host with 2-factor authentication if this is infeasible. This bastion host is then the only permitted IP to communicate with any other nodes inside your account. If you must permit global access to tcp port 23 (telnet), then you may disable this alert to silence it.", "risk_level" => "High", "identifier" => "AWS:EC2-003", "created_at" => "2014-06-23T18:53:25.988Z", "updated_at" => "2014-07-21T16:36:29.427Z", "service_id" => 5, "service" => { "name" => "EC2" } }, ] # Current page api.signatures.current_page # Next page sets current page with the next page results. api.signatures.next_page # Prev page sets current page with the previous page results. api.signatures.prev_page ### Show action # Show a specific signature # Required :id api.signatures.show(id: 35) => { "id" => 35, "name" => "Global Telnet", "description" => "Globally Accessible Administrative Port -- Telnet (tcp/23)", "provider" => "AWS", "scope" => "Service", "resolution" => "This alert triggers when global permission to access tcp port 23 (telnet) is detected in a security group. This is dangerous, as it permits the entire internet access to connect to tcp port 23 -- usually where a telnet daemon is listening. Reducing the permitted IP Addresses or ranges allowed to communicate to destination hosts on tcp port 23 is advised. We recommend utilizing the static office or home IP addresses of your employees as the permitted hosts, or deploying a bastion host with 2-factor authentication if this is infeasible. This bastion host is then the only permitted IP to communicate with any other nodes inside your account. If you must permit global access to tcp port 23 (telnet), then you may disable this alert to silence it.", "risk_level" => "High", "identifier" => "AWS:EC2-003", "created_at" => "2014-06-23T18:53:25.988Z", "updated_at" => "2014-07-21T16:36:29.427Z", "service_id" => 5, "service" => { "name" => "EC2" } } ### Names action # List the names of signatures that can be run through the api api.signatures.names => { "names" => [ [ 0] "validate_cloud_formation_template", [ 1] "cloud_trails_enabled", [ 2] "frequent_snapshots", [ 3] "security_group_check", [ 4] "detect_unattached_ebs_volumes", [ 5] "unused_security_groups", [ 6] "ebs_encryption_enabled", [ 7] "security_group_instance_map", [ 8] "strong_ssl_ciphers", [ 9] "heartbleed", [10] "unused_security_groups_elb", [11] "check_user_count", [12] "api_keys_on_root", [13] "one_user_with_api_keys", [14] "user_console_access_strong_password", [15] "mfa_on_root", [16] "mfa_on_devices", [17] "check_assigned_role", [18] "third_party_account", [19] "key_expiry_check", [20] "count_privileged_users", [21] "check_privileged_spofs", [22] "restrict_s3_delete", [23] "evident_role_permissions", [24] "route53_in_use", [25] "rds_backup_policy_too_short", [26] "latest_restorable_time", [27] "sss_object_versioning_enabled", [28] "cloud_trails_bucket_iam_delete", [29] "sss_global_edit_bucket_permissions", [30] "sss_global_upload_bucket_permissions", [31] "sss_global_list_bucket_permissions", [32] "sss_global_view_bucket_permissions", [33] "sss_global_any_bucket_permissions", [34] "vpc_nacls", [35] "nacls_on_subnets", [36] "non_default_vpc_nacl" ] } ### Run action # Run an Evident Signature Required :signature_name => name of signature to run Required :external_account_id => ID of the external account with the ARN/External ID to use Required :regions => Array of regions to run the signature in # Requires manager role access api.signatures.run(signature_name: 'validate_cloud_formation_template', regions: [:us_east_1], external_account_id: 1) { "alerts" => [ [0] { "info" => { "message" => "No CloudFormation template contains globally permissive traffic", "deep_inspection" => nil }, "status" => "pass", "config" => { "module" => "validate_cloud_formation_template", "description" => "Validate security parameters in CloudFormation templates", "valid_regions" => [ [0] "us_east_1" ], "identifier" => "AWS:CFM-001", "usage" => "metascrape.signatures.validate_cloud_formation_template.perform metascrape.customers.evident.aws.us_east_1", "tags" => [ [0] "cfm", [1] "signature" ], "tests" => [ [0] "test_validate_cloud_formation_template" ], "validation_context" => nil, "errors" => {} }, "region" => "us_east_1", "unique_identifier" => nil } ] } ## Organizations end point ### List Action # List your organizations information api.organizations.list => [ [0] { "id" => 1, "name" => "Evident", "created_at" => "2014-06-23T18:53:25.500Z", "updated_at" => "2014-07-15T18:40:30.451Z", "external_account_setup_complete" => true, "encrypted_stripe_customer_identifier" => nil, "enterprise" => true, "enterprise_contract_expires_on" => "2034-06-23", "plan_id" => 7, "stripe_last_payment_successful" => true, "stripe_subscription_active" => true, "deleted_at" => nil, "free_trial_expires_at" => nil, "plan_setup_complete" => true, "enable_sso" => false, "sso_idp_id" => nil } ] ### Show action # Show your organizations information. Same as List just returns the object instead of an array with the object. # Required :id api.organizations.show(id: 1) => { "id" => 1, "name" => "Evident", "created_at" => "2014-06-23T18:53:25.500Z", "updated_at" => "2014-07-15T18:40:30.451Z", "external_account_setup_complete" => true, "encrypted_stripe_customer_identifier" => nil, "enterprise" => true, "enterprise_contract_expires_on" => "2034-06-23", "plan_id" => 7, "stripe_last_payment_successful" => true, "stripe_subscription_active" => true, "deleted_at" => nil, "free_trial_expires_at" => nil, "plan_setup_complete" => true, "enable_sso" => false, "sso_idp_id" => nil } ### Update action # Update your organizations information # Required :id # Valid Params :name api.organizations.update(id: 1, name: 'Updated Name') => { "id" => 1, "name" => "Updated Name", "created_at" => "2014-06-23T18:53:25.500Z", "updated_at" => "2014-09-19T15:36:40.521Z", "external_account_setup_complete" => true, "encrypted_stripe_customer_identifier" => nil, "enterprise" => true, "enterprise_contract_expires_on" => "2034-06-23", "plan_id" => 7, "stripe_last_payment_successful" => true, "stripe_subscription_active" => true, "deleted_at" => nil, "free_trial_expires_at" => nil, "plan_setup_complete" => true, "enable_sso" => false, "sso_idp_id" => nil } ## Sub Organizations end point ### List action # List is a pageable response of 25 total signatures per page. api.sub_organizations.list => [ [0] { "id" => 1, "organization_id" => 1, "name" => "Evident", "created_at" => "2014-06-23T18:53:25.531Z", "updated_at" => "2014-09-03T12:32:50.472Z" } ] # Current page api.sub_organizations.current_page # Next page sets current page with the next page results. api.sub_organizations.next_page # Prev page sets current page with the previous page results. api.sub_organizations.prev_page ### Show action # Show a specific sub organization # Required :id api.sub_organizations.show(id: 1) => { "id" => 1, "organization_id" => 1, "name" => "Evident", "created_at" => "2014-06-23T18:53:25.531Z", "updated_at" => "2014-09-03T12:32:50.472Z" } ### Update action # Update a specific sub organization # Required :id # Valid param :name api.sub_organizations.update(id: 1, name: 'Test') => { "id" => 1, "organization_id" => 1, "name" => "Test", "created_at" => "2014-06-23T18:53:25.531Z", "updated_at" => "2014-09-24T18:37:02.252Z" } ### Create action # Create a new sub organization # Required :name api.sub_organizations.create(name: 'Test') => { "id" => 3, "organization_id" => 1, "name" => "Test", "created_at" => "2014-09-24T18:39:25.493Z", "updated_at" => "2014-09-24T18:39:25.493Z" } ### Destroy Action #### * Note this action will also destroy every team within the sub organization and any external accounts attached. # Destroy a sub organization # Required :id api.sub_organizations.destroy(id: 3) => { "success" => "Test has been destroyed" } ## Teams end point ### List action # List is a pageable response of 25 total signatures per page. api.teams.list => [ [ 0] { "id" => 1, "sub_organization_id" => 1, "name" => "Evident", "created_at" => "2014-06-23T18:53:25.552Z", "updated_at" => "2014-06-23T18:53:25.552Z", "organization_id" => 1, "deleted_at" => nil }, ] # Current page api.teams.current_page # Next page sets current page with the next page results. api.teams.next_page # Prev page sets current page with the previous page results. api.teams.prev_page ### Show action # Show a specific team # Required :id api.teams.show(id: 1) => { "id" => 1, "sub_organization_id" => 1, "name" => "Evident", "created_at" => "2014-06-23T18:53:25.552Z", "updated_at" => "2014-06-23T18:53:25.552Z", "organization_id" => 1, "deleted_at" => nil } ### Create action # Create a new team # Required :sub_organization_id => id of the sub organization to add this team to. Must have access to the sub organization as well. # Required :name api.teams.create(name: 'testing', sub_organization_id: 1) => { "id" => 52, "sub_organization_id" => 1, "name" => "testing", "created_at" => "2014-09-24T18:51:28.517Z", "updated_at" => "2014-09-24T18:51:28.517Z", "organization_id" => 1, "deleted_at" => nil } ### Update action # Update a team # Required :id # Valid :sub_organization_id, :name api.teams.update(id: 52, name: 'New Name') => { "id" => 52, "sub_organization_id" => 1, "name" => "New Name", "created_at" => "2014-09-24T18:51:28.517Z", "updated_at" => "2014-09-24T18:53:20.313Z", "organization_id" => 1, "deleted_at" => nil } ### Destroy Action #### * Note this will destroy any external accounts attached. # Destroy a team # Required :id api.teams.destroy(id: 52) => { "success" => "New Name has been destroyed" } ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/esp_sdk/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create a new Pull Request