module DockerCookbook module DockerHelpers module Container def coerce_links(v) case v when DockerBase::UnorderedArray, nil v else return nil if v.empty? # Parse docker input of /source:/container_name/dest into source:dest! do |link| if link =~ %r{^/(?.+):/#{name}/(?.+)} link = "#{Regexp.last_match[:source]}:#{Regexp.last_match[:dest]}" end link end end end def coerce_log_opts(v) case v when Hash, nil v else Array(v).each_with_object({}) do |log_opt, memo| key, value = log_opt.split('=', 2) memo[key] = value end end end def coerce_ulimits(v) return v if v.nil? Array(v).map do |u| u = "#{u['Name']}=#{u['Soft']}:#{u['Hard']}" if u.is_a?(Hash) u end end def coerce_volumes(v) case v when DockerBase::PartialHash, nil v when Hash DockerBase::PartialHash[v] else b = [] v = Array(v).to_a # in case v.is_A?(Chef::Node::ImmutableArray) v.delete_if do |x| parts = x.split(':') b << x if parts.length > 1 end b = nil if b.empty? volumes_binds b return if v.empty? v.each_with_object( { |volume, h| h[volume] = {} } end end def default_network_mode case api_version when '1.19' 'bridge' when proc { |n| n.to_f < 1.19 } '' else 'default' end end def state container ?['State'] : {} end def wait_running_state(v) i = 0 tries = 20 until state['Running'] == v || state['FinishedAt'] != '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z' i += 1 break if i == tries sleep 1 end end def port(v = nil) return @port if v.nil? exposed_ports coerce_exposed_ports(v) port_bindings coerce_port_bindings(v) @port = v @port end def parse_port(v) parts = v.split(':') case parts.length when 3 host_ip = parts[0] host_port = parts[1] container_port = parts[2] when 2 host_ip = '' host_port = parts[0] container_port = parts[1] when 1 host_ip = '' host_port = '' container_port = parts[0] end port_range, protocol = container_port.split('/') if port_range.include?('-') port_range = container_port.split('-')!(&:to_i) Chef::Log.fatal("FATAL: Invalid port range! #{container_port}") if port_range[0] > port_range[1] port_range = (port_range[0]..port_range[1]).to_a end # qualify the port-binding protocol even when it is implicitly tcp #427. protocol = 'tcp' if protocol.nil? Array(port_range).map do |port| { 'host_ip' => host_ip, 'host_port' => host_port, 'container_port' => "#{port}/#{protocol}" } end end def coerce_exposed_ports(v) case v when Hash, nil v else x = Array(v).map { |a| parse_port(a) } x.flatten! x.each_with_object({}) do |y, h| h[y['container_port']] = {} end end end def coerce_port_bindings(v) case v when Hash, nil v else x = Array(v).map { |a| parse_port(a) } x.flatten! x.each_with_object({}) do |y, h| h[y['container_port']] = [] unless h[y['container_port']] h[y['container_port']] << { 'HostIp' => y['host_ip'], 'HostPort' => y['host_port'] } end end end # log_driver and log_opts really handle this def log_config(value = Chef::NOT_PASSED) if value != Chef::NOT_PASSED @log_config = value log_driver value['Type'] log_opts value['Config'] end return @log_config if defined?(@log_config) def_logcfg = {} def_logcfg['Type'] = log_driver if property_is_set?(:log_driver) def_logcfg['Config'] = log_opts if property_is_set?(:log_opts) def_logcfg = nil if def_logcfg.empty? def_logcfg end # TODO: test image property in serverspec and kitchen # TODO: test this logic with rspec # # If you say: `repo 'blah'` # Image will be: `blah:latest` # # If you say: `repo 'blah'; tag '3.1'` # Image will be: `blah:3.1` # # If you say: `image 'blah'` # Repo will be: `blah` # Tag will be: `latest` # # If you say: `image 'blah:3.1'` # Repo will be: `blah` # Tag will be: `3.1` # def image(image = nil) if image r, t = image.split(':', 2) repo r tag t if t end "#{repo}:#{tag}" end def to_shellwords(command) return nil if command.nil? Shellwords.shellwords(command) end def ulimits_to_hash return nil if ulimits.nil? do |u| name = u.split('=')[0] soft = u.split('=')[1].split(':')[0] hard = u.split('=')[1].split(':')[1] { 'Name' => name, 'Soft' => soft.to_i, 'Hard' => hard.to_i } end end end end end