# -*- ruby -*- # vim: set nosta noet ts=4 sw=4: # frozen_string_literal: true require 'logger' require 'date' # A mixin that provides a top-level logging subsystem based on Logger. module Loggability # Package version constant VERSION = '0.15.1' # The key for the global logger (Loggability's own logger) GLOBAL_KEY = :__global__ # The methods that are delegated across all loggers AGGREGATE_METHODS = [ :level=, :output_to, :write_to, :format_with, :format_as, :formatter= ] # Configuration defaults CONFIG_DEFAULTS = { :__default__ => 'warn STDERR', }.freeze # Regexp for parsing logspec lines in the config LOGSPEC_PATTERN = %r{ ^ \s* (?<severity>(?i:debug|info|warn|error|fatal)) (?: \s+ (?<target>(?:[\w\-/:\.]|\\[ ])+) )? (?: \s+\( (?<format>\w+) \) )? \s* $ }x require 'loggability/constants' include Loggability::Constants require 'loggability/logger' ## # The Hash of modules that have a Logger, keyed by the name they register with class << self; attr_reader :log_hosts; end @log_hosts = {} ## # The last logging configuration that was installed class << self; attr_accessor :config; end @config = CONFIG_DEFAULTS.dup.freeze # Automatically log the log host and log client mixins when they're referenced autoload :LogHost, 'loggability/loghost' autoload :LogClient, 'loggability/logclient' autoload :Override, 'loggability/override' ### Cast the given +device+ to a Loggability::Logger, if possible, and return it. If ### it can't be converted, raises a ArgumentError. def self::Logger( device ) return device if device.is_a?( Loggability::Logger ) return Loggability::Logger.from_std_logger( device ) if device.is_a?( ::Logger ) return Loggability::Logger.new( device ) end ### Register the specified +host+ as a log host. It should already have been extended ### with LogHostMethods. def self::register_loghost( host ) key = host.log_host_key if self.log_hosts.key?( key ) # raise "Can't set a log host for nil" if key.nil? self.logger.warn "Replacing existing log host for %p (%p) with %p" % [ key, self.log_hosts[key], host ] end #self.logger.debug "Registering %p log host: %p" % [ key, host ] if self.logger self.log_hosts[ key ] = host if (( logspec = Loggability.config[key] )) self.apply_config( host.logger, logspec ) elsif (( defaultspec = (Loggability.config[:__default__] || Loggability.config['__default__']) )) self.apply_config( host.logger, defaultspec ) else self.apply_config( host.logger, CONFIG_DEFAULTS[:__default__] ) end end ### Return the log host key for +object+, using its #log_host_key method ### if it has one, or returning it as a Symbol if it responds to #to_sym. Returns ### +nil+ if no key could be derived. def self::log_host_key_for( object ) return object.log_host_key if object.respond_to?( :log_host_key ) return object.to_sym if object.respond_to?( :to_sym ) return nil end ### Return the log host for +object+, if any. Raises an ArgumentError if the +object+ ### doesn't have an associated log host. def self::log_host_for( object ) key = self.log_host_key_for( object ) key ||= GLOBAL_KEY loghost = self.log_hosts[ key ] or raise ArgumentError, "no log host set up for %p yet." % [ key ] return loghost end ### Returns +true+ if there is a log host associated with the given +object+. def self::log_host?( object ) key = self.log_host_key_for( object ) or return false return self.log_hosts.key?( key ) end ### Return the Loggability::Logger for the loghost associated with +logclient+. def self::[]( logclient ) loghost = self.log_host_for( logclient ) return loghost.logger end ### Clear out all registered log hosts and reset the default logger. This is ### mostly intended for facilitating tests. def self::reset self.log_hosts.clear self.logger = self.default_logger = Loggability::Logger.new Loggability.register_loghost( self ) end # # :section: Aggregate Methods # ### Call the method with the given +methodname+ across the loggers of all loghosts with ### the given +arg+ and/or +block+. def self::aggregate( methodname, arg, &block ) # self.log.debug "Aggregating a call to %p with %p to %d log hosts" % # [ methodname, arg, Loggability.log_hosts.length ] Loggability.log_hosts.values.each do |loghost| # self.log.debug " %p.logger.%s( %p )" % [ loghost, methodname, arg ] loghost.logger.send( methodname, arg, &block ) end end ## # :method: level= # :call-seq: # level = newlevel # # Aggregate method: set the log level on all loggers to +newlevel+. See # Loggability::Logger#level= for more info. def self::level=( newlevel ) self.aggregate( :level=, newlevel ) end ### Aggregate method: set the log level on all loggers to +level+ for the duration ### of the +block+, restoring the original levels afterward. If no block is given, returns a ### Loggability::Override object that set the log level to +level+ while its +#call+ ### method is being called. def self::with_level( level, &block ) override = Loggability::Override.with_level( level ) if block return override.call( &block ) else return override end end ## # :method: output_to # :call-seq: # output_to( destination ) # write_to( destination ) # # Aggregate method: set all loggers to log to +destination+. See Loggability::Logger#output_to # for more info. def self::output_to( newdevice ) self.aggregate( :output_to, newdevice ) end class << self alias_method :write_to, :output_to end ### Aggregate method: set all loggers to log to +destination+ for the duration of the ### +block+, restoring the original destination afterward. If no block is given, returns a ### Loggability::Override object that will log to +destination+ whenever its +#call+ method is ### called. def self::outputting_to( newdevice, &block ) override = Loggability::Override.outputting_to( newdevice ) if block return override.call( &block ) else return override end end ## # :method: format_with # :call-seq: # format_with( formatter ) # format_as( formatter ) # formatter = formatter # # Aggregate method: set all loggers to log with the given +formatter+. See # Loggability::Logger#format_with for more info. def self::format_with( formatter ) self.aggregate( :format_with, formatter ) end class << self alias_method :format_as, :format_with alias_method :formatter=, :format_with end ### Aggregate method: set all loggers to log with the given +formatter+ for the duration ### of the +block+, restoring the original formatters afterward. If no block is given, ### returns a Loggability::Override object that will override all formatters whenever its ### +#call+ method is called. def self::formatted_with( formatter, &block ) override = Loggability::Override.formatted_with( formatter ) if block return override.call( &block ) else return override end end ### Aggregate method: override one or more settings for the duration of the +block+ for ### only the given +hosts+. If no +block+ is given returns a ### Loggability::Override object that will override the specified log hosts whenever its ### +#call+ method is called. def self::for_logger( *hosts, &block ) override = Loggability::Override.for_logger( *hosts ) if block return override.call( &block ) else return override end end class << self alias_method :for_loggers, :for_logger alias_method :for_log_host, :for_logger alias_method :for_log_hosts, :for_logger end # # :section: LogHost API # ### Register as a log host associated with the given +key+, add the methods from ### LogHost, and install a Loggability::Logger. def log_as( key ) extend( Loggability::LogHost ) include( Loggability::LogClient::InstanceMethods ) if self.is_a?( Class ) self.log_host_key = key.to_sym self.logger = self.default_logger = Loggability::Logger.new Loggability.register_loghost( self ) end # # :section: LogClient API # ### Register as a <b>log client</b> that will log to to the given +loghost+, which can be ### either the +key+ the host registered with, or the log host object itself. Log messages ### can be written to the loghost via the LogClient API, which is automatically included. def log_to( loghost ) extend( Loggability::LogClient ) include( Loggability::LogClient::InstanceMethods ) if self.is_a?( Class ) self.log_host_key = Loggability.log_host_key_for( loghost ) end # # :section: Configurability Support # ### Configure the specified +logger+ (or anything that ducktypes the same) with the ### configuration specified by +logspec+. def self::apply_config( logger, logspec ) level, format, target = self.parse_config_spec( logspec ) logger.level = level if level logger.format_with( format ) if format logger.output_to( target ) if target end ### Parse the specified +spec+ into level, def self::parse_config_spec( spec ) match = LOGSPEC_PATTERN.match( spec ) or raise ArgumentError, "Couldn't parse logspec: %p" % [ spec ] # self.log.debug " parsed config spec %p -> %p" % [ spec, match ] severity, target, format = match.captures target = case target when 'STDOUT' then $stdout when 'STDERR' then $stderr else target end return severity, format, target end # Install a global logger in Loggability itself extend( Loggability::LogHost ) self.log_host_key = GLOBAL_KEY self.logger = self.default_logger = Loggability::Logger.new Loggability.register_loghost( self ) ### Configurability API -- configure logging. def self::configure( new_config=nil ) if new_config self.config = new_config.dup.freeze confighash = new_config.to_hash # Set up all loggers with defaults first if defaultspec = confighash.delete( :__default__ ) || confighash.delete( '__default__' ) self.apply_config( self, defaultspec ) end # Then let individual configs override. confighash.each do |key, logspec| unless Loggability.log_host?( key ) self.log.debug " no such log host %p; skipping" % [ key ] next end # self.log.debug " configuring logger for %p: %s" % [ key, logspec ] self.apply_config( Loggability[key], logspec ) end else self.config = self.defaults.dup.freeze end end end # module Loggability