#include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Mark string for translation (alias for leatherman::locale::format) using leatherman::locale::_; namespace leatherman { namespace json_container { const size_t DEFAULT_LEFT_PADDING { 4 }; const size_t LEFT_PADDING_INCREMENT { 2 }; // // free functions // std::string valueToString(const json_value& jval) { rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer; rapidjson::Writer writer { buffer }; jval.Accept(writer); return buffer.GetString(); } // // public interface // JsonContainer::JsonContainer() : document_root_ { new json_document() } { document_root_->SetObject(); } JsonContainer::JsonContainer(const std::string& json_text) : JsonContainer() { document_root_->Parse(json_text.data()); if (document_root_->HasParseError()) { throw data_parse_error { _("invalid json") }; } } JsonContainer::JsonContainer(const json_value& value) : JsonContainer() { // Because rapidjson disallows the use of copy constructors we pass // the json by const reference and recreate it by explicitly copying document_root_->CopyFrom(value, document_root_->GetAllocator()); } JsonContainer::JsonContainer(const JsonContainer& data) : JsonContainer(){ document_root_->CopyFrom(*data.document_root_, document_root_->GetAllocator()); } JsonContainer::JsonContainer(const JsonContainer&& data) : JsonContainer() { document_root_->CopyFrom(*data.document_root_, document_root_->GetAllocator()); } JsonContainer& JsonContainer::operator=(JsonContainer other) { std::swap(document_root_, other.document_root_); return *this; } // unique_ptr requires a complete type at time of destruction. this forces us to // either have an empty destructor or use a shared_ptr instead. JsonContainer::~JsonContainer() {} // representation const json_document& JsonContainer::getRaw() const { return *document_root_; } std::string JsonContainer::toString() const { return valueToString(*document_root_); } std::string JsonContainer::toString(const JsonContainerKey& key) const { auto jval = getValueInJson({ key }); return valueToString(*jval); } std::string JsonContainer::toString(const std::vector& keys) const { auto jval = getValueInJson(keys); return valueToString(*jval); } std::string JsonContainer::toPrettyString(size_t left_padding) const { if (empty()) { switch (type()) { case DataType::Object: return "{}"; case DataType::Array: return "[]"; default: return "\"\""; } } std::string formatted_data {}; if (type() == DataType::Object) { for (const auto& key : keys()) { formatted_data += std::string(left_padding, ' '); formatted_data += key + " : "; switch (type(key)) { case DataType::Object: // Inner object: add new line, increment padding formatted_data += "\n"; formatted_data += get(key).toPrettyString( left_padding + LEFT_PADDING_INCREMENT); break; case DataType::Array: // Array: add raw string, regardless of its items formatted_data += toString(key); break; case DataType::String: formatted_data += get(key); break; case DataType::Int: formatted_data += std::to_string(get(key)); break; case DataType::Bool: if (get(key)) { formatted_data += "true"; } else { formatted_data += "false"; } break; case DataType::Double: formatted_data += std::to_string(get(key)); break; default: formatted_data += "NULL"; } formatted_data += "\n"; } } else { formatted_data += toString(); } return formatted_data; } std::string JsonContainer::toPrettyString() const { return toPrettyString(DEFAULT_LEFT_PADDING); } // capacity bool JsonContainer::empty() const { auto jval = getValueInJson(); auto data_type = getValueType(*jval); if (data_type == DataType::Object) { return jval->ObjectEmpty(); } else if (data_type == DataType::Array) { return jval->Empty(); } else { return false; } } size_t JsonContainer::size() const { auto jval = getValueInJson(); return getSize(*jval); } size_t JsonContainer::size(const JsonContainerKey& key) const { auto jval = getValueInJson({ key }); return getSize(*jval); } size_t JsonContainer::size(const std::vector& keys) const { auto jval = getValueInJson(keys); return getSize(*jval); } // keys std::vector JsonContainer::keys() const { std::vector k; auto jval = getValueInJson(); if (jval->IsObject()) { for (json_value::ConstMemberIterator itr = jval->MemberBegin(); itr != jval->MemberEnd(); ++itr) { k.emplace_back(itr->name.GetString(), itr->name.GetStringLength()); } } // Return an empty vector if the document type isn't an object return k; } // includes bool JsonContainer::includes(const JsonContainerKey& key) const { auto jval = getValueInJson(); if (hasKey(*jval, key.data())) { return true; } else { return false; } } bool JsonContainer::includes(const std::vector& keys) const { auto jval = getValueInJson(); for (const auto& key : keys) { if (!hasKey(*jval, key.data())) { return false; } jval = getValueInJson(*jval, key.data()); } return true; } // type DataType JsonContainer::type() const { auto jval = getValueInJson(); return getValueType(*jval); } DataType JsonContainer::type(const JsonContainerKey& key) const { auto jval = getValueInJson({ key }); return getValueType(*jval); } DataType JsonContainer::type(const std::vector& keys) const { auto jval = getValueInJson(keys); return getValueType(*jval); } DataType JsonContainer::type(const size_t idx) const { auto jval = getValueInJson(std::vector {}, true, idx); return getValueType(*jval); } DataType JsonContainer::type(const JsonContainerKey& key, const size_t idx) const { auto jval = getValueInJson({ key }, true, idx); return getValueType(*jval); } DataType JsonContainer::type(const std::vector& keys, const size_t idx) const { auto jval = getValueInJson(keys, true, idx); return getValueType(*jval); } // // Private functions // size_t JsonContainer::getSize(const json_value& jval) const { switch (getValueType(jval)) { case DataType::Array: return jval.Size(); case DataType::Object: return jval.MemberCount(); default: return 0; } } DataType JsonContainer::getValueType(const json_value& jval) const { switch (jval.GetType()) { case rapidjson::Type::kNullType: return DataType::Null; case rapidjson::Type::kFalseType: return DataType::Bool; case rapidjson::Type::kTrueType: return DataType::Bool; case rapidjson::Type::kObjectType: return DataType::Object; case rapidjson::Type::kArrayType: return DataType::Array; case rapidjson::Type::kStringType: return DataType::String; case rapidjson::Type::kNumberType: if (jval.IsDouble()) { return DataType::Double; } else { return DataType::Int; } default: // This is unexpected as for rapidjson docs return DataType::Null; } } // Internal key / index manipulation methods bool JsonContainer::hasKey(const json_value& jval, const char* key) const { return (jval.IsObject() && jval.HasMember(key)); } bool JsonContainer::isObject(const json_value& jval) const { return jval.IsObject(); } json_value* JsonContainer::getValueInJson(const json_value& jval, const char* key) const { if (!jval.IsObject()) { throw data_type_error { _("not an object") }; } if (!jval.HasMember(key)) { throw data_key_error { _("unknown object entry with key: {1}", key) }; } return const_cast(&jval[key]); } json_value* JsonContainer::getValueInJson(const json_value& jval, const size_t& idx) const { if (getValueType(jval) != DataType::Array) { throw data_type_error { _("not an array") }; } if (idx >= jval.Size()) { throw data_index_error { _("array index out of bounds") }; } return const_cast(&jval[idx]); } json_value* JsonContainer::getValueInJson(std::vector::const_iterator begin, std::vector::const_iterator end, const bool is_array, const size_t idx) const { auto jval = dynamic_cast(document_root_.get()); for (auto it = begin; it != end; ++it) { jval = getValueInJson(*jval, it->data()); } if (is_array) { jval = getValueInJson(*jval, idx); } return jval; } void JsonContainer::createKeyInJson(const char* key, json_value& jval) { jval.AddMember(json_value(key, document_root_->GetAllocator()).Move(), json_value(rapidjson::kObjectType).Move(), document_root_->GetAllocator()); } // getValue specialisations template<> int JsonContainer::getValue<>(const json_value& value) const { if (value.IsNull()) { return 0; } if (!value.IsInt()) { throw data_type_error { _("not an integer") }; } return value.GetInt(); } template<> bool JsonContainer::getValue<>(const json_value& value) const { if (value.IsNull()) { return false; } if (!value.IsBool()) { throw data_type_error { _("not a boolean") }; } return value.GetBool(); } template<> std::string JsonContainer::getValue<>(const json_value& value) const { if (value.IsNull()) { return ""; } if (!value.IsString()) { throw data_type_error { _("not a string") }; } return std::string(value.GetString(), value.GetStringLength()); } template<> double JsonContainer::getValue<>(const json_value& value) const { if (value.IsNull()) { return 0.0; } if (!value.IsDouble()) { throw data_type_error { _("not a double") }; } return value.GetDouble(); } template<> JsonContainer JsonContainer::getValue<>(const json_value& value) const { if (value.IsNull()) { JsonContainer container {}; return container; } // HERE(ale): we don't do any type check // rvalue return (implicitly) JsonContainer container { value }; return container; } template<> json_value JsonContainer::getValue<>(const json_value& value) const { JsonContainer* tmp_this = const_cast(this); json_value v { value, tmp_this->document_root_->GetAllocator() }; return v; } template<> std::vector JsonContainer::getValue<>(const json_value& value) const { std::vector tmp {}; if (value.IsNull()) { return tmp; } if (!value.IsArray()) { throw data_type_error { _("not an array") }; } for (json_value::ConstValueIterator itr = value.Begin(); itr != value.End(); itr++) { if (!itr->IsString()) { throw data_type_error { _("not a string") }; } tmp.emplace_back(itr->GetString(), itr->GetStringLength()); } return tmp; } template<> std::vector JsonContainer::getValue<>(const json_value& value) const { std::vector tmp {}; if (value.IsNull()) { return tmp; } if (!value.IsArray()) { throw data_type_error { _("not an array") }; } for (json_value::ConstValueIterator itr = value.Begin(); itr != value.End(); itr++) { if (!itr->IsBool()) { throw data_type_error { _("not a boolean") }; } tmp.push_back(itr->GetBool()); } return tmp; } template<> std::vector JsonContainer::getValue<>(const json_value& value) const { std::vector tmp {}; if (value.IsNull()) { return tmp; } if (!value.IsArray()) { throw data_type_error { _("not an array") }; } for (json_value::ConstValueIterator itr = value.Begin(); itr != value.End(); itr++) { if (!itr->IsInt()) { throw data_type_error { _("not an integer") }; } tmp.push_back(itr->GetInt()); } return tmp; } template<> std::vector JsonContainer::getValue<>(const json_value& value) const { std::vector tmp {}; if (value.IsNull()) { return tmp; } if (!value.IsArray()) { throw data_type_error { _("not an array") }; } for (json_value::ConstValueIterator itr = value.Begin(); itr != value.End(); itr++) { if (!itr->IsDouble()) { throw data_type_error { _("not a double") }; } tmp.push_back(itr->GetDouble()); } return tmp; } template<> std::vector JsonContainer::getValue<>(const json_value& value) const { std::vector tmp {}; if (value.IsNull()) { return tmp; } if (!value.IsArray()) { throw data_type_error { _("not an array") }; } for (json_value::ConstValueIterator itr = value.Begin(); itr != value.End(); itr++) { if (!itr->IsObject()) { throw data_type_error { _("not an object") }; } JsonContainer* tmp_this = const_cast(this); const json_value tmpvalue(*itr, tmp_this->document_root_->GetAllocator()); JsonContainer tmp_data { tmpvalue }; tmp.push_back(tmp_data); } return tmp; } // setValue specialisations template<> void JsonContainer::setValue<>(json_value& jval, bool new_value) { jval.SetBool(new_value); } template<> void JsonContainer::setValue<>(json_value& jval, int new_value) { jval.SetInt(new_value); } template<> void JsonContainer::setValue<>(json_value& jval, const std::string new_value) { jval.SetString(new_value.data(), new_value.size(), document_root_->GetAllocator()); } template<> void JsonContainer::setValue<>(json_value& jval, const char * new_value) { jval.SetString(new_value, std::string(new_value).size(), document_root_->GetAllocator()); } template<> void JsonContainer::setValue<>(json_value& jval, double new_value) { jval.SetDouble(new_value); } template<> void JsonContainer::setValue<>(json_value& jval, std::vector new_value ) { jval.SetArray(); for (const auto& value : new_value) { // rapidjson doesn't like std::string... json_value s; s.SetString(value.data(), value.size(), document_root_->GetAllocator()); jval.PushBack(s, document_root_->GetAllocator()); } } template<> void JsonContainer::setValue<>(json_value& jval, std::vector new_value ) { jval.SetArray(); for (const auto& value : new_value) { json_value tmp_val; tmp_val.SetBool(value); jval.PushBack(tmp_val, document_root_->GetAllocator()); } } template<> void JsonContainer::setValue<>(json_value& jval, std::vector new_value ) { jval.SetArray(); for (const auto& value : new_value) { json_value tmp_val; tmp_val.SetInt(value); jval.PushBack(tmp_val, document_root_->GetAllocator()); } } template<> void JsonContainer::setValue<>(json_value& jval, std::vector new_value ) { jval.SetArray(); for (const auto& value : new_value) { json_value tmp_val; tmp_val.SetDouble(value); jval.PushBack(tmp_val, document_root_->GetAllocator()); } } template<> void JsonContainer::setValue<>(json_value& jval, std::vector new_value ) { jval.SetArray(); for (auto value : new_value) { json_document tmp_value; tmp_value.CopyFrom(*value.document_root_, document_root_->GetAllocator()); jval.PushBack(tmp_value, document_root_->GetAllocator()); } } template<> void JsonContainer::setValue<>(json_value& jval, JsonContainer new_value ) { jval.CopyFrom(new_value.getRaw(), document_root_->GetAllocator()); } }} // namespace leatherman::json_container