=== 1.2.1 2017-12-10 * Fix deprecated warnings (#77) * update gems, use twitter v6.2.0, remove yajl-ruby from dependencies (#76) === 1.2.0 2017-08-20 * fix --stream option (#73) === 1.1.0 2017-07-02 * update rubygems - parallel, rainbow, launchy #72 * fix gemspec for ruby 2.4.x #71 === 1.0.12 2016-11-30 * use https on tweet URL === 1.0.11 2015-10-19 * bugfix search #65 === 1.0.10 2015-10-18 * support a timezone #66 * thank you for contributing @kaihar4 === 1.0.9 2014-05-14 * merge multiple lines from STDIN into one tweet === 1.0.8 2014-01-28 * fix for rainbow gem v2.0.x * fix for twitter gem v5.6.x === 1.0.7 2014-01-25 * Add --delete option * thank you for contributing @janusadm === 1.0.6 2014-01-17 * rescue Launchy::CommandNotFoundError #56 === 1.0.5 2014-01-16 * use HTTPS for OAuth::Consumer #55 * thank you for contributing @ymrl === 1.0.4 2014-01-08 * update gem dependencies === 1.0.3 2014-01-08 * bugfix for rainbow 1.99.x #54 * use launchy gem to open OAuth-URL #53 === 1.0.2 2013-11-27 * fix syntax error on ruby1.8.7 === 1.0.1 2013-11-23 * bugfix -user:add #51 === 1.0.0 2013-11-21 * fix for twitter gem v5.0.0 #50 === 0.5.2 2013-09-19 * do not show dialogue with "--yes" option === 0.5.1 2013-09-18 * tweet with file % tw 'yummy!!' --file=food.jpg === 0.5.0 2013-08-26 * show RT/Fav count on % tw --id=1234552234 === 0.4.9 2013-08-22 * show tweet by status_id % tw --id=1234543234 === 0.4.8 2013-08-10 * show Fav/RT count === 0.4.7 2013-08-09 * modify DM send dialog * declare license in gemspec === 0.4.6 2013-07-28 * unescape HTML in Tw::Client#show_status === 0.4.5 2013-07-27 * fix listname regex, could contain '-' * thank you for contributing @takano32 === 0.4.4 2013-07-14 * silent if --format option === 0.4.3 2013-07-02 * notify switch user === 0.4.2 2013-05-18 * enable -id=(id) option in pipe-tweet === 0.4.1 2013-05-18 * replty to status % tw "@shokai hello!" --id=1123454321 === 0.4.0 2013-05-16 * status_id % tw --id * RT tweet % tw --rt=12345136 * Fav tweet % tw --fav=12345136 === 0.3.9 2013-03-05 * use http://api.twitter.com to auth * thank you for contributing @tdksk === 0.3.8 2013-01-04 * use bundler gem template === 0.3.7 2012-10-19 * use specify config file : --conf=FILEPATH === 0.3.6 2012-10-18 * remove twitter-text gem === 0.3.5 2012-10-18 * bugfix === 0.3.4 2012-10-18 * add Tw::Client::Stream sample === 0.3.3 2012-10-18 * count 140 chars with t.co === 0.3.2 2012-10-11 * set config file permission 600 === 0.3.1 2012-10-11 * pipe DM === 0.3.0 2012-10-10 * silent mode option : --silent * pipe tweet each line from STDIN * add Tw API sample * update README === 0.2.6 2012-10-10 * bugfix merging users and lists === 0.2.5 2012-10-10 * JSON print format : --format=json * custom print format : --format="#{user} #{text} #{id} #{time}" === 0.2.4 2012-10-06 * require json === 0.2.3 2012-10-06 * parallel request twitter API === 0.2.2 2012-10-06 * unescape HTML === 0.2.1 2012-10-05 * auto re-connect stream === 0.2.0 2012-10-04 * user stream : --stream * filter stream : --stream:filter=WORD1,WORD2 === 0.1.1 2012-10-04 * command option detail on help === 0.1.0 2012-10-04 * show direct messages : --dm * create direct message : --dm:to=USERNAME === 0.0.3 2012-10-03 * show home timeline : --timeline === 0.0.2 2012-10-03 * support multi user accounts : --user=NAME * tweet from pipe : --pipe * option : --search=WORD * show version : --version === 0.0.1 2012-09-15 * first release