import flatpickr from 'flatpickr' import { Instance } from "flatpickr/dist/types/instance" import { BaseOptions } from 'flatpickr/dist/types/options' import monthSelectPlugin from 'flatpickr/dist/plugins/monthSelect' import weekSelect from "flatpickr/dist/plugins/weekSelect/weekSelect" import timeSelectPlugin from './plugins/timeSelect' import quickPickPlugin from './plugins/quickPick' import { getAllIcons } from '../utilities/icons/allicons'; const angleDown = getAllIcons().angleDown.string const getPositionElement = (element: string | Element) => { return (typeof element === 'string') ? document.querySelectorAll(element)[0] : element } type DatePickerConfig = { closeOnSelect?: boolean, customQuickPickDates: { override: boolean, dates: any[] }, disableDate?: number[], disableRange?: number[], disableWeekdays?: number[], format?: string, pickerId?: ArrayLike | Node | string, required: boolean, hideIcon?: boolean; inLine?: boolean, onChange: (dateStr: string, selectedDates: Date[]) => void, selectionType?: "month" | "week" | "quickpick" | "", onClose: (dateStr: Date[] | string, selectedDates: Date[] | string) => void, showTimezone?: boolean, staticPosition: boolean, thisRangesEndToday?: boolean, timeCaption?: string, timeFormat?: string, yearRange: number[] } & Pick const datePickerHelper = (config: DatePickerConfig, scrollContainer: string | HTMLElement) => { const noop = () => { // intentionally left empty as a no-op placeholder } const { allowInput, closeOnSelect = true, customQuickPickDates = { override: true, dates: [] }, defaultDate, disableDate, disableRange, disableWeekdays, enableTime, format, maxDate, minDate, mode, onChange = noop, onClose = noop, pickerId, plugins, position = "auto", positionElement, required, selectionType, showTimezone, staticPosition = true, thisRangesEndToday = false, timeCaption = 'Select Time', timeFormat = 'at h:i K', yearRange, } = config // =========================================================== // | Hook Definitions | // =========================================================== const defaultDateGetter = () => { if (defaultDate === '') { return null } else { return defaultDate } } const disabledWeekDays = () => { return ( [ (date: any) => { const weekdayObj: { [day: string]: number } = { Sunday: 0, Monday: 1, Tuesday: 2, Wednesday: 3, Thursday: 4, Friday: 5, Saturday: 6, } return ( date.getDay() === weekdayObj[disableWeekdays[0]] || date.getDay() === weekdayObj[disableWeekdays[1]] || date.getDay() === weekdayObj[disableWeekdays[2]] || date.getDay() === weekdayObj[disableWeekdays[3]] || date.getDay() === weekdayObj[disableWeekdays[4]] || date.getDay() === weekdayObj[disableWeekdays[5]] || date.getDay() === weekdayObj[disableWeekdays[6]] ) }, ] ) } const disabledParser = () => { const disabledArray=[] disableDate && disableDate.length > 0 && disabledArray.push(...disableDate) disableRange && disableRange.length > 0 && disabledArray.push(...disableRange) disableWeekdays && disableWeekdays.length > 0 && disabledArray.push(...disabledWeekDays()) return disabledArray } const calendarResizer = () => { const cal = document.querySelector(`#cal-${pickerId}.open`) as HTMLElement const parentInput = cal.parentElement if (cal?.getBoundingClientRect().right > window.innerWidth) { = 'flex' = 'center' } if (cal.offsetWidth <= parentInput.offsetWidth) { = '' = '' } } const setPlugins = (thisRangesEndToday: boolean, customQuickPickDates: any) => { const pluginList = [] // month and week selection if (selectionType === "month" || plugins.length > 0) { pluginList.push(monthSelectPlugin({ shorthand: true, dateFormat: 'F Y', altFormat: 'F Y' })) } else if ( selectionType === "week") { pluginList.push(weekSelect()) } else if (selectionType === "quickpick") { //------- QUICKPICK VARIANT PLUGIN -------------// pluginList.push(quickPickPlugin(thisRangesEndToday, customQuickPickDates)) } // time selection if (enableTime) pluginList.push(timeSelectPlugin({ caption: timeCaption, showTimezone: showTimezone})) return pluginList } const getDateFormat = () => { return enableTime ? `${format} ${timeFormat}` : format } // Attach / detach to / from scroll events const initialPicker = document.querySelector(`#${pickerId}`)._flatpickr const scrollEvent = () => { initialPicker._positionCalendar() } function attachToScroll(scrollParent: string | HTMLElement) { document.querySelectorAll(scrollParent as string)[0]?.addEventListener("scroll", scrollEvent, { passive: true }) } function detachFromScroll(scrollParent: string | HTMLElement = document.body) { document.querySelectorAll(scrollParent as string)[0]?.removeEventListener("scroll", scrollEvent) } // two way binding const yearChangeHook = (fp: Instance) => { const yearInput = document.querySelector(`#year-${}`) as HTMLInputElement yearInput.value = fp.currentYear?.toString() } // =========================================================== // | Flatpickr initializer w/ config | // =========================================================== flatpickr(`#${pickerId}`, { allowInput, closeOnSelect, disableMobile: true, dateFormat: getDateFormat(), defaultDate: defaultDateGetter(), disable: disabledParser(), enableTime, locale: { rangeSeparator: ' to ' }, maxDate, minDate, mode, nextArrow: '', onOpen: [() => { calendarResizer() window.addEventListener('resize', calendarResizer) if (!staticPosition && scrollContainer) attachToScroll(scrollContainer) }], onClose: [(selectedDates, dateStr) => { window.removeEventListener('resize', calendarResizer) if (!staticPosition && scrollContainer) detachFromScroll(scrollContainer as HTMLElement) onClose(selectedDates, dateStr) }], onChange: [(selectedDates, dateStr, fp) => { yearChangeHook(fp) onChange(dateStr, selectedDates) }], onYearChange: [(_selectedDates, _dateStr, fp) => { yearChangeHook(fp) }], plugins: setPlugins(thisRangesEndToday, customQuickPickDates), position, positionElement: getPositionElement(positionElement), prevArrow: '', static: staticPosition, }) // Assign dynamically sourced flatpickr instance to variable const picker = document.querySelector(`#${pickerId}`)._flatpickr = `cal-${pickerId}` // replace year selector with dropdown picker.yearElements[0].parentElement.innerHTML = `` // create html option tags for desired years let years = '' for (let year = yearRange[1]; year >= yearRange[0]; year--) { years += `` } // variablize each dropdown selector const dropdown = document.querySelector(`#year-${pickerId}`) // inject year options into dropdown and assign it the flatpickr's current year value dropdown.innerHTML = years dropdown.value = picker.currentYear // whenever a new year is selected from dropdown update flatpickr's current year value dropdown.addEventListener('input', (e: Event & { target: { value: string}}) => { picker.changeYear(Number( }) // Reverse month and year dropdown reset on form.reset() if (picker.input.form) { picker.input.form.addEventListener('reset', () => { // Code block triggers after form.reset() is called and executed setTimeout(() => { dropdown.value = picker.currentYear picker.monthsDropdownContainer.value = picker.currentMonth /* Reset date picker to default value on form.reset() */ if (defaultDate){ picker.setDate(defaultDate) yearChangeHook(picker) } }, 0) }) } // Adding dropdown icons to year and month select dropdown.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', `${angleDown}`) if (picker.monthElements[0].parentElement) { return picker.monthElements[0].insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', `${angleDown}`)} // if (picker.weekElements[0].parentElement){ // return picker.weekElements[0].insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', '') // } // Remove readonly attribute for validation and or text input if (allowInput){ picker.input.removeAttribute('readonly') } if (required){ picker.input.removeAttribute('readonly') picker.input.addEventListener('keydown', (e: Event) => e.preventDefault()) = 'transparent' = 'pointer' } // Fix event bubbling bug on wrapper document.querySelector(`#${pickerId}`).parentElement.addEventListener('click', (e) => e.stopPropagation()) } export default datePickerHelper