# Blogit (beta) Blogit is a flexible blogging solution for Rails apps. It: * Is Rack based; * Is a complete MVC solution based on Rails engines; * Aims to work right out of the box but remain fully customisable. ## Installation Add this to your Gemfile ``` ruby gem "blogit" ``` ...and run `bundle install` to install the gem. Next, run: ``` bash # add an initializer to config/initializers with all of the configuration options $ rails g blogit:install # This will add the necessary migrations to your app's db/migrate directory rake blogit:install:migrations # This will run any pending migrations rake db:migrate ``` then add the following to your routes.rb file: ``` bash # config/routes.rb mount Blogit::Engine => "/blog" ``` ... and finally, declare which of your models acts as blogger in your app (usually User). ``` ruby class User blogs end ``` ## Configuration Running `rails g blogit:install` will add an initializer file named blogit.rb. In here you can set various configuration options. Please [read the documentation](http://rubydoc.info/gems/blogit/Blogit/Configuration) for a full list of the options available. ## At no extra cost... we'll also throw in: * An XML Sitemap located at `/blog/posts.xml` * An RSS feed located at `/blog/posts.rss` * Sitemap submission to the major search engines (via [Pingr](http://github.com/katanacode/pingr "Pingr") - off by default) * Page Caching and Sweeping * Internationalization (see the [locales file](config/locales/en.yml) for configurable options) * Share links (Google+, Twitter & Facebook) * [Disquss Comments](http://disqus.com) ## Issues If you discover a problem with Blogit, please let us know about it. **Remember** to search the [issues list](https://github.com/KatanaCode/blogit/issues) first in case your issue has already been raised by another Githuber ## Documentation Full documentation is available here: http://rubydoc.info/gems/blogit ## Contributing You're welcome to contribute to Blogit. Please consult the [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/KatanaCode/blogit/wiki/Contributing) for more info. ## Legal Stuff Copyright 2011 [Katana Code Ltd.](http://katanacode.com) See (LEGAL)[LEGAL] for full details. ## Credits Developed by [Katana Code](http://katanacode.com) with generous contributions from: * [Philou](https://github.com/philou) * [Stewart McKee](https://github.com/stewartmckee) * [Karsten Silkenbäumer](https://github.com/kassi) ## About Katana Code Katana Code are [Ruby on Rails Developers Based in Edinburgh, Scotland](http://katanacode.com/ "Katana Code").