define([ 'locales', 'handlebars', 'diffMatchPatch' ], function(locale, Handlebars, DiffMatchPatch) { /** * start/stop timer for simple performance check. */ var timer; Handlebars.registerHelper('startTimer', function(text) { timer = new Date(); return ''; }); Handlebars.registerHelper('stopTimer', function(text) { console.log(new Date() - timer); return ''; }); /** * Return localized Text. * @param string text */ Handlebars.registerHelper('__', function(text) { return locale.__(text); }); /** * Console log. * @param mixed obj */ Handlebars.registerHelper('cl', function(obj) { console.log(obj); return ''; }); /** * Replace underscore with space. * @param string text */ Handlebars.registerHelper('underscoreToSpace', function(text) { return text.replace(/(_+)/g, ' '); }); /** * */ Handlebars.registerHelper('assign', function(name) { if(arguments.length > 0) { var type = typeof(arguments[1]); var arg = null; if(type === 'string' || type === 'number' || type === 'boolean') arg = arguments[1]; Handlebars.registerHelper(name, function() { return arg; }); } return ''; }); /** * */ Handlebars.registerHelper('nl2br', function(text) { return _handlebarsNewlineToBreak(text); }); /** * */ Handlebars.registerHelper('if_eq', function(context, options) { var compare = context; // Get length if context is an object if (context instanceof Object && ! ( instanceof Object)) compare = Object.keys(context).length; if (compare === return options.fn(this); return options.inverse(this); }); /** * */ Handlebars.registerHelper('if_gt', function(context, options) { var compare = context; // Get length if context is an object if (context instanceof Object && ! ( instanceof Object)) compare = Object.keys(context).length; if(compare > return options.fn(this); return options.inverse(this); }); /** * */ var templateCache = {}; Handlebars.registerHelper('subTemplate', function(name, sourceContext) { if ( ! templateCache[name]) templateCache[name] = Handlebars.compile($('#template-' + name).html()); var template = templateCache[name]; var templateContext = $.extend({}, this, sourceContext.hash); return new Handlebars.SafeString( template(templateContext) ); }); /** * */ Handlebars.registerHelper('toLowerCase', function(value) { return (value && typeof value === 'string') ? value.toLowerCase() : ''; }); /** * */ Handlebars.registerHelper('splitFill', function(value, splitChar, fillChar) { var splits = value.split(splitChar); return new Array(splits.length).join(fillChar) + splits[splits.length - 1]; }); /** * Convert Newline to HTML-Break (nl2br). * * @param {String} text * @returns {String} */ function _handlebarsNewlineToBreak(text) { return ('' + text).replace(/([^>\r\n]?)(\r\n|\n\r|\r|\n)/g, '$1' + '
' + '$2'); } /** * */ Handlebars.registerHelper('each_compare_list_field', function(source, compare, options) { var fieldName = options.hash.field; var newSource = []; if (source) { source.forEach(function(entry) { var values = entry; values['key'] = entry[fieldName]; newSource.push(values); }); } var newCompare = []; if (compare) { compare.forEach(function(entry) { var values = entry; values['key'] = entry[fieldName]; newCompare.push(values); }); } return _handlebarsEachCompared('key', newSource, newCompare, options); }); /** * */ Handlebars.registerHelper('each_compare_keys', function(source, compare, options) { var newSource = []; if (source) { var sourceFields = Object.keys(source); sourceFields.forEach(function(name) { var values = {}; values['value'] = source[name]; values['key'] = name; newSource.push(values); }); } var newCompare = []; if (compare) { var compareFields = Object.keys(compare); compareFields.forEach(function(name) { var values = {}; values['value'] = compare[name]; values['key'] = name; newCompare.push(values); }); } return _handlebarsEachCompared('key', newSource, newCompare, options); }); /** * */ Handlebars.registerHelper('each_compare_field', function(source, compare, options) { return _handlebarsEachCompared('field', source, compare, options); }); /** * */ Handlebars.registerHelper('each_compare_title', function(source, compare, options) { return _handlebarsEachCompared('title', source, compare, options); }); /** * */ Handlebars.registerHelper('showDiff', function(source, compare, options) { var ds = ''; if(source === compare) { ds = source; } else { if( ! source) return compare; if( ! compare) return source; var d = diffMatchPatch.diff_main(compare, source); diffMatchPatch.diff_cleanupSemantic(d); ds = diffMatchPatch.diff_prettyHtml(d); ds = ds.replace(/¶/gm, ''); } if(options === 'nl2br') ds = _handlebarsNewlineToBreak(ds); return ds; }); /** * */ function _handlebarsEachCompared(fieldname, source, compare, options) { var dataList = []; var index = 0; if(source) { source.forEach(function(sourceEntry) { var found = false; if (compare) { compare.forEach(function(compareEntry) { if(sourceEntry[fieldname] === compareEntry[fieldname]) { var data = { typeSame: true, source: sourceEntry, compare: compareEntry, index: index }; dataList.push(data); found = true; index++; } }); } if ( ! found) { var data = { typeIns: true, source: sourceEntry, index: index }; dataList.push(data); index++; } }); } if (compare) { compare.forEach(function(compareEntry) { var found = false; if (source) { source.forEach(function(sourceEntry) { if(sourceEntry[fieldname] === compareEntry[fieldname]) found = true; }); } if ( ! found) { var data = { typeDel: true, compare: compareEntry, index: index }; dataList.push(data); index++; } }); } var ret = ''; var length = dataList.length; for (var index in dataList) { if(index == (length - 1)) dataList[index]['_last'] = true; ret = ret + options.fn(dataList[index]); } return ret; } var diffMatchPatch = new DiffMatchPatch(); /** * Overwrite Colors */ DiffMatchPatch.prototype.diff_prettyHtml = function(diffs) { var html = []; var pattern_amp = /&/g; var pattern_lt = //g; var pattern_para = /\n/g; for (var x = 0; x < diffs.length; x++) { var op = diffs[x][0]; // Operation (insert, delete, equal) var data = diffs[x][1]; // Text of change. var text = data.replace(pattern_amp, '&').replace(pattern_lt, '<') .replace(pattern_gt, '>').replace(pattern_para, '¶
'); switch (op) { case DIFF_INSERT: html[x] = '' + text + ''; break; case DIFF_DELETE: html[x] = '' + text + ''; break; case DIFF_EQUAL: html[x] = '' + text + ''; break; } } return html.join(''); }; // Exports return Handlebars; });