require 'spec_helper' describe Sdk4me::Client do def client(authentication, options = {}) (@client ||= {})["#{authentication}-#{options}"] ||= begin options = { max_retry_time: -1 }.merge(options) options = if authentication == :api_token { api_token: 'secret' }.merge(options) else { access_token: 'secret' }.merge(options) end end end def credentials(authentication) if authentication == :api_token { basic_auth: %w[secret x] } else { headers: { 'Authorization' => 'Bearer secret' } } end end %i[api_token access_token].each do |authentication| context 'Sdk4me.config' do before(:each) do Sdk4me.configure do |config| config.max_retry_time = 120 # override default value (5400) if authentication == :api_token config.api_token = 'secret' # set value else config.access_token = 'secret' end end end it 'should define the MAX_PAGE_SIZE' do expect(Sdk4me::Client::MAX_PAGE_SIZE).to eq(100) end it 'should use the Sdk4me configuration' do client = expect(client.option(:host)).to eq('') # default value if authentication == :api_token expect(client.option(:api_token)).to eq('secret') # value set using Sdk4me.config else expect(client.option(:access_token)).to eq('secret') # value set using Sdk4me.config end expect(client.option(:max_retry_time)).to eq(120) # value overridden in Sdk4me.config end it 'should override the Sdk4me configuration' do client = '', api_token: 'unknown', block_at_rate_limit: true) expect(client.option(:read_timeout)).to eq(25) # default value expect(client.option(:host)).to eq('') # default value overridden in expect(client.option(:api_token)).to eq('unknown') # value set using Sdk4me.config and overridden in expect(client.option(:max_retry_time)).to eq(120) # value overridden in Sdk4me.config expect(client.option(:block_at_rate_limit)).to eq(true) # value overridden in end %i[host api_version].each do |required_option| it "should require option #{required_option}" do expect { => '') }.to raise_error("Missing required configuration option #{required_option}") end end it 'should require access_token' do expect { '', api_token: '') }.to raise_error('Missing required configuration option access_token') end [['', true, '', 443], ['', true, '', 777], ['', false, '', 80], ['', false, '', 777]].each do |host, ssl, domain, port| it 'should parse ssl, host and port' do client = host) expect(client.instance_variable_get(:@ssl)).to eq(ssl) expect(client.instance_variable_get(:@domain)).to eq(domain) expect(client.instance_variable_get(:@port)).to eq(port) end end end it 'should set the ca-bundle.crt file' do http ='') http.use_ssl = true on_disk = `ls #{http.ca_file}` expect(on_disk).not_to match(/cannot access/) expect(on_disk).to match(%r{/ca-bundle.crt$}) end describe 'headers' do it 'should set the content type header' do stub = stub_request(:get, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }).to_return(body: { name: 'my name' }.to_json) client(authentication).get('me') expect(stub).to have_been_requested end it 'should add the X-4me-Account header' do client = client(authentication, account: 'test') stub = stub_request(:get, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(headers: { 'X-4me-Account' => 'test' }).to_return(body: { name: 'my name' }.to_json) client.get('me') expect(stub).to have_been_requested end it 'should add the X-4me-Source header' do client = client(authentication, source: 'myapp') stub = stub_request(:get, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(headers: { 'X-4me-Source' => 'myapp' }).to_return(body: { name: 'my name' }.to_json) client.get('me') expect(stub).to have_been_requested end it 'should add a default User-Agent header' do client = client(authentication) stub = stub_request(:get, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(headers: { 'User-Agent' => "4me-sdk-ruby/#{Sdk4me::Client::VERSION}" }).to_return(body: { name: 'my name' }.to_json) client.get('me') expect(stub).to have_been_requested end it 'should override the default User-Agent header' do client = client(authentication, user_agent: 'Foo/1.0') stub = stub_request(:get, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(headers: { 'User-Agent' => 'Foo/1.0' }).to_return(body: { name: 'my name' }.to_json) client.get('me') expect(stub).to have_been_requested end it 'should be able to override default headers' do stub = stub_request(:get, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }).to_return(body: { name: 'my name' }.to_json) client(authentication).get('me', {}, { 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }) expect(stub).to have_been_requested end it 'should be able to override option headers' do stub = stub_request(:get, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(headers: { 'X-4me-Source' => 'foo' }).to_return(body: { name: 'my name' }.to_json) client(authentication, source: 'myapp').get('me', {}, { 'X-4me-Source' => 'foo' }) expect(stub).to have_been_requested end it 'should set the other headers' do stub = stub_request(:get, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(headers: { 'X-4me-Other' => 'value' }).to_return(body: { name: 'my name' }.to_json) client(authentication).get('me', {}, { 'X-4me-Other' => 'value' }) expect(stub).to have_been_requested end it 'should accept headers in the each call' do stub = stub_request(:get, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(headers: { 'X-4me-Secret' => 'special' }).to_return(body: [{ id: 1, subject: 'Subject 1' }, { id: 2, subject: 'Subject 2' }, { id: 3, subject: 'Subject 3' }].to_json) client(authentication).each('requests', { fields: 'subject' }, { 'X-4me-Secret' => 'special' }) do |request| expect(request[:subject]).to eq("Subject #{request[:id]}") end expect(stub).to have_been_requested end end context 'each' do it 'should yield each result' do stub_request(:get, '').with(credentials(authentication)).to_return(body: [{ id: 1, subject: 'Subject 1' }, { id: 2, subject: 'Subject 2' }, { id: 3, subject: 'Subject 3' }].to_json) nr_of_requests = client(authentication).each('requests', { fields: 'subject' }) do |request| expect(request[:subject]).to eq("Subject #{request[:id]}") end expect(nr_of_requests).to eq(3) end it 'should retrieve multiple pages' do stub_page1 = stub_request(:get, '').with(credentials(authentication)).to_return(body: [{ id: 1, subject: 'Subject 1' }, { id: 2, subject: 'Subject 2' }].to_json, headers: { 'Link' => '<>; rel="first",<>; rel="next",<>; rel="last"' }) stub_page2 = stub_request(:get, '').with(credentials(authentication)).to_return(body: [{ id: 3, subject: 'Subject 3' }].to_json, headers: { 'Link' => '<>; rel="first",<>; rel="prev",<>; rel="last"' }) nr_of_requests = client(authentication).each('requests', { per_page: 2 }) do |request| expect(request[:subject]).to eq("Subject #{request[:id]}") end expect(nr_of_requests).to eq(3) expect(stub_page1).to have_been_requested expect(stub_page2).to have_been_requested end end context 'get' do it 'should return a response' do stub_request(:get, '').with(credentials(authentication)).to_return(body: { name: 'my name' }.to_json) response = client(authentication).get('me') expect(response[:name]).to eq('my name') end describe 'parameters' do [[nil, ''], %w[normal normal], ['hello;<', 'hello%3B%3C'], [true, 'true'], [false, 'false'], [,'+', '%2B')], [,'%Y-%m-%d')], [,'%H:%M')], [['first', 'second;<', true], 'first,second%3B%3C,true']].each do |param_value, url_value| it "should cast #{}: '#{param_value}' to '#{url_value}'" do stub = stub_request(:get, "{url_value}").with(credentials(authentication)).to_return(body: { name: 'my name' }.to_json) client(authentication).get('me', { value: param_value }) expect(stub).to have_been_requested end end it 'should not cast arrays in post and put calls' do stub = stub_request(:post, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(body: { user_ids: [1, 2, 3] }, headers: { 'X-4me-Custom' => 'custom' }).to_return(body: { id: 101 }.to_json) client(authentication).post('people', { user_ids: [1, 2, 3] }, { 'X-4me-Custom' => 'custom' }) expect(stub).to have_been_requested end it 'should not cast hashes in post and put calls' do stub = stub_request(:patch, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(body: '{"contacts_attributes":{"0":{"protocol":"email","label":"work","uri":""}}}', headers: { 'X-4me-Custom' => 'custom' }).to_return(body: { id: 101 }.to_json) client(authentication).put('people/55', { contacts_attributes: { 0 => { protocol: :email, label: :work, uri: '' } } }, { 'X-4me-Custom' => 'custom' }) expect(stub).to have_been_requested end it 'should not double escape symbols' do stub = stub_request(:patch, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(body: '{"status":"waiting_for"}').to_return(body: { id: 101 }.to_json) client(authentication).put('people/55', { status: :waiting_for }) expect(stub).to have_been_requested end it 'should handle fancy filter operations' do now = stub = stub_request(:get, ">#{now.new_offset(0).iso8601.gsub('+', '%2B')}&id!=15").with(credentials(authentication)).to_return(body: { name: 'my name' }.to_json) client(authentication).get('people', { 'created_at=>' => now, 'id!=' => 15 }) expect(stub).to have_been_requested end it 'should append parameters' do stub = stub_request(:get, '!=15&').with(credentials(authentication)).to_return(body: { name: 'my name' }.to_json) client(authentication).get('people?id!=15', { primary_email: '' }) expect(stub).to have_been_requested end end end context 'patch' do %i[put patch].each do |method| it "should send patch requests with parameters and headers for #{method} calls" do stub = stub_request(:patch, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(body: { name: 'New Name' }, headers: { 'X-4me-Custom' => 'custom' }).to_return(body: { id: 1 }.to_json) client(authentication).send(method, 'people/1', { name: 'New Name' }, { 'X-4me-Custom' => 'custom' }) expect(stub).to have_been_requested end end end context 'post' do it 'should send post requests with parameters and headers' do stub = stub_request(:post, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(body: { name: 'New Name' }, headers: { 'X-4me-Custom' => 'custom' }).to_return(body: { id: 101 }.to_json) client(authentication).post('people', { name: 'New Name' }, { 'X-4me-Custom' => 'custom' }) expect(stub).to have_been_requested end end context 'delete' do it 'should send delete requests with parameters and headers' do stub = stub_request(:delete, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(headers: { 'X-4me-Custom' => 'custom' }).to_return(body: '', status: 204) response = client(authentication).delete('people', { id: 'value' }, { 'X-4me-Custom' => 'custom' }) expect(stub).to have_been_requested expect(response.valid?).to be_truthy expect(response.json).to eq({}) end end context 'attachments' do it 'should not log an error for XML responses' do xml = %(<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<details>some info</details>) stub_request(:get, '').with(credentials(authentication)).to_return(body: xml) expect_log('Sending GET request to', :debug) expect_log("XML response:\n#{xml}", :debug) response = client(authentication).get('me') expect(response.valid?).to be_falsey expect(response.raw.body).to eq(xml) end it 'should not log an error for redirects' do stub_request(:get, '').with(credentials(authentication)).to_return(body: '', status: 303, headers: { 'Location' => '' }) expect_log('Sending GET request to', :debug) expect_log('Redirect:', :debug) response = client(authentication).get('me') expect(response.valid?).to be_falsey expect(response.raw.body).to eq('') end it 'should not parse attachments for get requests' do expect(Sdk4me::Attachments).not_to receive(:new) stub_request(:get, ',/tmp/¬e=note%20%5Battachment:/tmp/third.gif%5D').with(credentials(authentication)).to_return(body: { id: 777, upload_called: false }.to_json) response = client(authentication).get('/requests/777', { note: 'note [attachment:/tmp/third.gif]', note_attachments: ['/tmp/first.png', '/tmp/'] }) expect(response.valid?).to be_truthy expect(response[:upload_called]).to be_falsey end %i[post patch].each do |method| it "should parse attachments for #{method} requests" do attachments = double('Sdk4me::Attachments') expect(attachments).to receive(:upload_attachments!) do |data| expect(data[:note_attachments]).to eq(['/tmp/first.png', '/tmp/']) data[:note_attachments] = 'processed' end expect(Sdk4me::Attachments).to receive(:new).with(client(authentication), '/requests/777') { attachments } stub_request(method, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(body: { note: 'note', note_attachments: 'processed' }).to_return(body: { id: 777, upload_called: true }.to_json) response = client(authentication).send(method, '/requests/777', { note: 'note', note_attachments: ['/tmp/first.png', '/tmp/'] }) expect(response.valid?).to be_truthy expect(response[:upload_called]).to be_truthy end end end context 'import' do before(:each) do csv_mime_type = ['text/csv', 'text/comma-separated-values'].detect { |t| MIME::Types[t].any? } # which mime type is used depends on version of mime-types gem @multi_part_body = "--0123456789ABLEWASIEREISAWELBA9876543210\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"type\"\r\n\r\npeople\r\n--0123456789ABLEWASIEREISAWELBA9876543210\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"#{@fixture_dir}/people.csv\"\r\nContent-Type: #{csv_mime_type}\r\n\r\nPrimary Email,Name\,Chess Cole\,Ed Turner\r\n--0123456789ABLEWASIEREISAWELBA9876543210--" @multi_part_headers = { 'Accept' => '*/*', 'Content-Type' => 'multipart/form-data; boundary=0123456789ABLEWASIEREISAWELBA9876543210', 'User-Agent' => "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/523.10.6 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0.4 Safari/523.10.6 4me/#{Sdk4me::Client::VERSION}" } @import_queued_response = { body: { state: 'queued' }.to_json } @import_processing_response = { body: { state: 'processing' }.to_json } @import_done_response = { body: { state: 'done', results: { errors: 0, updated: 1, created: 1, failures: 0, unchanged: 0, deleted: 0 } }.to_json } @import_failed_response = { body: { state: 'error', message: 'Invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 on line 2', results: { errors: 1, updated: 1, created: 0, failures: 1, unchanged: 0, deleted: 0 } }.to_json } allow(client(authentication)).to receive(:sleep) WebMock.disable_net_connect! end it 'should import a CSV file' do stub_request(:post, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(body: @multi_part_body, headers: @multi_part_headers).to_return(body: { token: '68ef5ef0f64c0' }.to_json) expect_log("Import file '#{@fixture_dir}/people.csv' successfully uploaded with token '68ef5ef0f64c0'.") response = client(authentication).import("#{@fixture_dir}/people.csv"), 'people') expect(response[:token]).to eq('68ef5ef0f64c0') end it 'should import a CSV file by filename' do stub_request(:post, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(body: @multi_part_body, headers: @multi_part_headers).to_return(body: { token: '68ef5ef0f64c0' }.to_json) response = client(authentication).import("#{@fixture_dir}/people.csv", 'people') expect(response[:token]).to eq('68ef5ef0f64c0') end it 'should wait for the import to complete' do stub_request(:post, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(body: @multi_part_body, headers: @multi_part_headers).to_return(body: { token: '68ef5ef0f64c0' }.to_json) progress_stub = stub_request(:get, '').with(credentials(authentication)) .to_return(@import_queued_response, @import_processing_response) .then.to_raise('network error')) .then.to_return(@import_done_response) # verify the correct log statement are made expect_log('Sending POST request to', :debug) expect_log("Response:\n{\n \"token\": \"68ef5ef0f64c0\"\n}", :debug) expect_log("Import file '#{@fixture_dir}/people.csv' successfully uploaded with token '68ef5ef0f64c0'.") expect_log('Sending GET request to', :debug) expect_log("Response:\n{\n \"state\": \"queued\"\n}", :debug) expect_log("Import of '#{@fixture_dir}/people.csv' is queued. Checking again in 30 seconds.", :debug) expect_log('Sending GET request to', :debug) expect_log("Response:\n{\n \"state\": \"processing\"\n}", :debug) expect_log("Import of '#{@fixture_dir}/people.csv' is processing. Checking again in 30 seconds.", :debug) expect_log('Sending GET request to', :debug) expect_log("GET request to failed: 500: No Response from Server - network error for ''", :error) expect_log('Sending GET request to', :debug) expect_log("Response:\n{\n \"state\": \"done\",\n \"results\": {\n \"errors\": 0,\n \"updated\": 1,\n \"created\": 1,\n \"failures\": 0,\n \"unchanged\": 0,\n \"deleted\": 0\n }\n}", :debug) response = client(authentication).import("#{@fixture_dir}/people.csv", 'people', true) expect(response[:state]).to eq('done') expect(response[:results][:updated]).to eq(1) expect(progress_stub).to have_been_requested.times(4) end it 'should wait for the import to fail' do stub_request(:post, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(body: @multi_part_body, headers: @multi_part_headers).to_return(body: { token: '68ef5ef0f64c0' }.to_json) progress_stub = stub_request(:get, '').with(credentials(authentication)).to_return(@import_queued_response, @import_processing_response, @import_failed_response) response = client(authentication).import("#{@fixture_dir}/people.csv", 'people', true) expect(response.valid?).to be_falsey expect(response[:message]).to eq('Invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 on line 2') expect(progress_stub).to have_been_requested.times(3) end it 'should not continue when there is an error connecting to 4me' do stub_request(:post, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(body: @multi_part_body, headers: @multi_part_headers).to_return(body: { token: '68ef5ef0f64c0' }.to_json) progress_stub = stub_request(:get, '').with(credentials(authentication)) .to_return(@import_queued_response, @import_processing_response) .then.to_raise('network error')) # twice expect { client(authentication).import("#{@fixture_dir}/people.csv", 'people', true) }.to raise_error(Sdk4me::Exception, "Unable to monitor progress for people import. 500: No Response from Server - network error for ''") expect(progress_stub).to have_been_requested.times(4) end it 'should return an invalid response in case waiting for progress is false' do stub_request(:post, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(body: @multi_part_body, headers: @multi_part_headers).to_return(body: { message: 'oops!' }.to_json) response = client(authentication).import("#{@fixture_dir}/people.csv", 'people', false) expect(response.valid?).to be_falsey expect(response.message).to eq('oops!') end it 'should raise an UploadFailed exception in case waiting for progress is true' do stub_request(:post, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(body: @multi_part_body, headers: @multi_part_headers).to_return(body: { message: 'oops!' }.to_json) expect { client(authentication).import("#{@fixture_dir}/people.csv", 'people', true) }.to raise_error(Sdk4me::UploadFailed, 'Failed to queue people import. oops!') end it 'should return the error response when the import state is set to error' do stub_request(:post, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(body: @multi_part_body, headers: @multi_part_headers).to_return(body: { token: '68ef5ef0f64c0' }.to_json) stub_request(:get, '').with(credentials(authentication)).to_return(body: { state: 'error', message: 'Too many import failures', logfile: 'foo' }.to_json) response = client(authentication).import("#{@fixture_dir}/people.csv", 'people', true) expect(response.valid?).to be_falsey expect(response[:message]).to eq('Too many import failures') expect(response[:logfile]).to eq('foo') end end context 'export' do before(:each) do @export_queued_response = { body: { state: 'queued' }.to_json } @export_processing_response = { body: { state: 'processing' }.to_json } @export_done_response = { body: { state: 'done', url: '' }.to_json } allow(client(authentication)).to receive(:sleep) end it 'should export multiple types' do stub_request(:post, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(body: { type: 'people,people_contact_details' }).to_return(body: { token: '68ef5ef0f64c0' }.to_json) expect_log("Export for 'people,people_contact_details' successfully queued with token '68ef5ef0f64c0'.") response = client(authentication).export(%w[people people_contact_details]) expect(response[:token]).to eq('68ef5ef0f64c0') end it 'should indicate when nothing is exported' do stub_request(:post, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(body: { type: 'people', from: '2012-03-30T23:00:00+00:00' }).to_return(status: 204) expect_log("No changed records for 'people' since 2012-03-30T23:00:00+00:00.") response = client(authentication).export('people',, 0o3, 30, 23, 0o0, 0o0)) expect(response[:token]).to be_nil end it 'should export since a certain time' do stub_request(:post, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(body: { type: 'people', from: '2012-03-30T23:00:00+00:00' }).to_return(body: { token: '68ef5ef0f64c0' }.to_json) expect_log("Export for 'people' successfully queued with token '68ef5ef0f64c0'.") response = client(authentication).export('people',, 0o3, 30, 23, 0o0, 0o0)) expect(response[:token]).to eq('68ef5ef0f64c0') end it 'should export with locale' do stub_request(:post, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(body: { type: 'translations', locale: 'nl' }).to_return(body: { token: '68ef5ef0f64c0' }.to_json) expect_log("Export for 'translations' successfully queued with token '68ef5ef0f64c0'.") response = client(authentication).export('translations', nil, nil, 'nl') expect(response[:token]).to eq('68ef5ef0f64c0') end it 'should wait for the export to complete' do stub_request(:post, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(body: { type: 'people' }).to_return(body: { token: '68ef5ef0f64c0' }.to_json) progress_stub = stub_request(:get, '').with(credentials(authentication)) .to_return(@export_queued_response, @export_processing_response) .then.to_raise('network error')) .then.to_return(@export_done_response) # verify the correct log statement are made expect_log('Sending POST request to', :debug) expect_log(%(Response:\n{\n "token": "68ef5ef0f64c0"\n}), :debug) expect_log("Export for 'people' successfully queued with token '68ef5ef0f64c0'.") expect_log('Sending GET request to', :debug) expect_log(%(Response:\n{\n "state": "queued"\n}), :debug) expect_log("Export of 'people' is queued. Checking again in 30 seconds.", :debug) expect_log('Sending GET request to', :debug) expect_log(%(Response:\n{\n "state": "processing"\n}), :debug) expect_log("Export of 'people' is processing. Checking again in 30 seconds.", :debug) expect_log('Sending GET request to', :debug) expect_log("GET request to failed: 500: No Response from Server - network error for ''", :error) expect_log('Sending GET request to', :debug) expect_log(%(Response:\n{\n "state": "done",\n "url": ""\n}), :debug) response = client(authentication).export('people', nil, true) expect(response[:state]).to eq('done') expect(response[:url]).to eq('') expect(progress_stub).to have_been_requested.times(4) end it 'should not continue when there is an error connecting to 4me' do stub_request(:post, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(body: { type: 'people' }).to_return(body: { token: '68ef5ef0f64c0' }.to_json) progress_stub = stub_request(:get, '').with(credentials(authentication)) .to_return(@export_queued_response, @export_processing_response) .then.to_raise('network error')) # twice expect { client(authentication).export('people', nil, true) }.to raise_error(Sdk4me::Exception, "Unable to monitor progress for 'people' export. 500: No Response from Server - network error for ''") expect(progress_stub).to have_been_requested.times(4) end it 'should return an invalid response in case waiting for progress is false' do stub_request(:post, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(body: { type: 'people' }).to_return(body: { message: 'oops!' }.to_json) response = client(authentication).export('people') expect(response.valid?).to be_falsey expect(response.message).to eq('oops!') end it 'should raise an UploadFailed exception in case waiting for progress is true' do stub_request(:post, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(body: { type: 'people' }).to_return(body: { message: 'oops!' }.to_json) expect { client(authentication).export('people', nil, true) }.to raise_error(Sdk4me::UploadFailed, "Failed to queue 'people' export. oops!") end it 'should return the error response when the export state is set to error' do stub_request(:post, '').with(credentials(authentication)).with(body: { type: 'people' }).to_return(body: { token: '68ef5ef0f64c0' }.to_json) stub_request(:get, '').with(credentials(authentication)).to_return(body: { state: 'error', message: 'Too many export failures', logfile: 'foo' }.to_json) response = client(authentication).export('people', nil, true) expect(response.valid?).to be_falsey expect(response[:message]).to eq('Too many export failures') expect(response[:logfile]).to eq('foo') end end context 'retry' do it 'should not retry when max_retry_time = -1' do stub = stub_request(:get, '').with(credentials(authentication)).to_raise('network error')) expect_log('Sending GET request to', :debug) expect_log("GET request to failed: 500: No Response from Server - network error for ''", :error) response = client(authentication).get('me') expect(stub).to have_been_requested.times(1) expect(response.valid?).to be_falsey expect(response.message).to eq("500: No Response from Server - network error for ''") end it 'should not retry 4 times when max_retry_time = 16' do stub = stub_request(:get, '').with(credentials(authentication)).to_raise('network error')) [2, 4, 8].each_with_index do |secs, i| expect_log('Sending GET request to', :debug) expect_log("Request failed, retry ##{i + 1} in #{secs} seconds: 500: No Response from Server - network error for ''", :warn) end expect_log('Sending GET request to', :debug) retry_client = client(authentication, max_retry_time: 16) allow(retry_client).to receive(:sleep) response = retry_client.get('me') expect(stub).to have_been_requested.times(4) expect(response.valid?).to be_falsey expect(response.message).to eq("500: No Response from Server - network error for ''") end it 'should return the response after retry succeeds' do stub = stub_request(:get, '').with(credentials(authentication)).to_raise('network error')).then.to_return(body: { name: 'my name' }.to_json) expect_log('Sending GET request to', :debug) expect_log("Request failed, retry #1 in 2 seconds: 500: No Response from Server - network error for ''", :warn) expect_log('Sending GET request to', :debug) expect_log(%(Response:\n{\n "name": "my name"\n}), :debug) retry_client = client(authentication, max_retry_time: 16) allow(retry_client).to receive(:sleep) response = retry_client.get('me') expect(stub).to have_been_requested.times(2) expect(response.valid?).to be_truthy expect(response[:name]).to eq('my name') end end context 'rate limiting' do it 'should not block on rate limit when block_at_rate_limit is false' do stub = stub_request(:get, '').with(credentials(authentication)).to_return(status: 429, body: { message: 'Too Many Requests' }.to_json) expect_log('Sending GET request to', :debug) expect_log('GET request to failed: 429: Too Many Requests', :error) response = client(authentication, block_at_rate_limit: false).get('me') expect(stub).to have_been_requested.times(1) expect(response.valid?).to be_falsey expect(response.message).to eq('429: Too Many Requests') end it 'should block on rate limit when block_at_rate_limit is true' do stub = stub_request(:get, '').with(credentials(authentication)).to_return(status: 429, body: { message: 'Too Many Requests' }.to_json).then.to_return(body: { name: 'my name' }.to_json) expect_log('Sending GET request to', :debug) expect_log('Request throttled, trying again in 300 seconds: 429: Too Many Requests', :warn) expect_log('Sending GET request to', :debug) expect_log(%(Response:\n{\n "name": "my name"\n}), :debug) block_client = client(authentication, block_at_rate_limit: true, max_retry_time: 500) allow(block_client).to receive(:sleep) response = block_client.get('me') expect(stub).to have_been_requested.times(2) expect(response.valid?).to be_truthy expect(response[:name]).to eq('my name') end it 'should block on rate limit using Retry-After when block_at_rate_limit is true' do stub = stub_request(:get, '').with(credentials(authentication)).to_return(status: 429, body: { message: 'Too Many Requests' }.to_json, headers: { 'Retry-After' => '20' }).then.to_return(body: { name: 'my name' }.to_json) expect_log('Sending GET request to', :debug) expect_log('Request throttled, trying again in 20 seconds: 429: Too Many Requests', :warn) expect_log('Sending GET request to', :debug) expect_log(%(Response:\n{\n "name": "my name"\n}), :debug) block_client = client(authentication, block_at_rate_limit: true) allow(block_client).to receive(:sleep) response = block_client.get('me') expect(stub).to have_been_requested.times(2) expect(response.valid?).to be_truthy expect(response[:name]).to eq('my name') end it 'should block on rate limit using Retry-After with minimum of 2 seconds when block_at_rate_limit is true' do stub = stub_request(:get, '').with(credentials(authentication)).to_return(status: 429, body: { message: 'Too Many Requests' }.to_json, headers: { 'Retry-After' => '1' }).then.to_return(body: { name: 'my name' }.to_json) expect_log('Sending GET request to', :debug) expect_log('Request throttled, trying again in 2 seconds: 429: Too Many Requests', :warn) expect_log('Sending GET request to', :debug) expect_log(%(Response:\n{\n "name": "my name"\n}), :debug) block_client = client(authentication, block_at_rate_limit: true) allow(block_client).to receive(:sleep) response = block_client.get('me') expect(stub).to have_been_requested.times(2) expect(response.valid?).to be_truthy expect(response[:name]).to eq('my name') end end context 'logger' do it 'should be possible to override the default logger' do logger =$stdout) logger_client = client(authentication, max_retry_time: -1, logger: logger) stub_request(:get, '').with(credentials(authentication)).to_return(body: { name: 'my name' }.to_json) expect_log('Sending GET request to', :debug, logger) expect_log(%(Response:\n{\n "name": "my name"\n}), :debug, logger) logger_client.get('me') end end end end