module Fog module Storage class AWS class Real require 'fog/aws/parsers/storage/initiate_multipart_upload' # Initiate a multipart upload to an S3 bucket # # @param bucket_name [String] Name of bucket to create object in # @param object_name [String] Name of object to create # @param options [Hash]: # @option options [String] Cache-Control Caching behaviour # @option options [String] Content-Disposition Presentational information for the object # @option options [String] Content-Encoding Encoding of object data # @option options [String] Content-MD5 Base64 encoded 128-bit MD5 digest of message (defaults to Base64 encoded MD5 of # @option options [String] Content-Type Standard MIME type describing contents (defaults to MIME::Types.of.first) # @option options [String] x-amz-acl Permissions, must be in ['private', 'public-read', 'public-read-write', 'authenticated-read'] # @option options [String] x-amz-meta-#{name} Headers to be returned with object, note total size of request without body must be less than 8 KB. # # @return [Excon::Response] response: # * body [Hash]: # * Bucket [String] - Bucket where upload was initiated # * Key [String] - Object key where the upload was initiated # * UploadId [String] - Id for initiated multipart upload # # @see # def initiate_multipart_upload(bucket_name, object_name, options = {}) request({ :expects => 200, :headers => options, :bucket_name => bucket_name, :object_name => object_name, :method => 'POST', :parser =>, :query => {'uploads' => nil} }) end end # Real end # Storage end # AWS end # Fog