![Paratrooper](http://f.cl.ly/items/0Z1v1P1l1B1h1k1l2q0E/paratrooper_header.png) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/paratrooper.png)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/paratrooper) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/mattpolito/paratrooper.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/mattpolito/paratrooper) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/mattpolito/paratrooper.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/mattpolito/paratrooper) [![Gitter chat](https://badges.gitter.im/mattpolito/paratrooper.png)](https://gitter.im/mattpolito/paratrooper) Simplify your [Heroku][] deploy with quick and concise deployment rake tasks. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```shell gem 'paratrooper' ``` and then execute ```shell bundle ``` or install it yourself with ```shell gem install paratrooper ``` ## Usage Instantiate Paratrooper with the name of your heroku application. ```ruby Paratrooper::Deploy.new('amazing-app') ``` You can also provide a tag: ```ruby Paratrooper::Deploy.new('amazing-app', tag: 'staging') ``` or alternatively: ```ruby Paratrooper::Deploy.new('amazing-app') do |deploy| deploy.tag = 'staging' end ``` ## Authentication You can authenticate your Heroku account in a few ways: * Provide an API Key ```ruby Paratrooper::Deploy.new('app', api_key: 'API_KEY') ``` * Set an environment variable ```ruby ENV['HEROKU_API_KEY'] = 'API_KEY' Paratrooper::Deploy.new('app') ``` * Local Netrc file ```ruby Paratrooper::Deploy.new('app') ``` This method works via a local Netrc file handled via the [Heroku Toolbelt][] and is the default and preferred method for providing authentication keys. ## Git SSH key configuration If you use multiple SSH keys for managing multiple accounts, for example in your `.ssh/config`, you can set the `deployment_host` option: ```ruby Paratrooper::Deploy.new('app', deployment_host: 'HOST') ``` or alternatively: ```ruby Paratrooper::Deploy.new('amazing-app') do |deploy| deploy.deployment_host = 'HOST' end ``` This also works if you're using the [heroku-accounts](https://github.com/ddollar/heroku-accounts) plugin: ```ruby Paratrooper::Deploy.new('app', deployment_host: 'heroku.ACCOUNT_NAME') ``` ## Tag Management By providing tag options for Paratrooper, your code can be tagged and deployed from various reference points. ### Staging example ```ruby Paratrooper::Deploy.new("staging-app", tag: 'staging') ``` This will create/update a `staging` git tag at `HEAD`. ### Production example ```ruby Paratrooper::Deploy.new("amazing-production-app", tag: 'production', match_tag: 'staging' ) ``` or alternatively: ```ruby Paratrooper::Deploy.new('amazing-production-app') do |deploy| deploy.tag = 'production' deploy.match_tag = 'staging' end ``` This will create/update a `production` git tag at `staging` and deploy the `production` tag. ## Sensible Default Deployment You can use the object's methods any way you'd like, but we've provided a sensible default at `Paratrooper#deploy`. This will perform the following tasks: * Create or update a git tag (if provided) * Push changes to Heroku * Run database migrations if any have been added to db/migrate * Restart the application * Warm application instance ### Example Usage ```ruby require 'paratrooper' namespace :deploy do desc 'Deploy app in staging environment' task :staging do deployment = Paratrooper::Deploy.new("amazing-staging-app", tag: 'staging') deployment.deploy end desc 'Deploy app in production environment' task :production do deployment = Paratrooper::Deploy.new("amazing-production-app") do |deploy| deploy.tag = 'production' deploy.match_tag = 'staging' end deployment.deploy end end ``` ## Bucking the Norm Our default deploy gets us most of the way, but maybe it's not for you--we've got you covered. Every deployment method has a set of callback instructions that can be utilized in almost any way you can imagine. The `add_callback` method allows for the execution of arbitrary code within different steps of the deploy process. There are 'before' and 'after' hooks for each of the following: * setup * activate_maintenance_mode * update_repo_tag * push_repo * run_migrations * app_restart * deactivate_maintenance_mode * warm_instance * teardown ### Example Usage For example, say you want to let [New Relic][] know that you are deploying and to disable your application monitoring. ```ruby # lib/tasks/deploy.rake namespace :deploy do desc 'Deploy app in production environment' task :production do deployment = Paratrooper::Deploy.new("amazing-production-app") do |deploy| deploy.tag = 'production' deploy.match_tag = 'staging' deploy.add_callback(:before_setup) do |output| output.display("Totally going to turn off newrelic") system %Q[curl https://rpm.newrelic.com/accounts/ACCOUNT_ID/applications/APPLICATION_ID/ping_targets/disable -X POST -H "X-Api-Key: API_KEY"] end deploy.add_callback(:after_teardown) do |output| system %Q[curl https://rpm.newrelic.com/accounts/ACCOUNT_ID/applications/APPLICATION_ID/ping_targets/enable -X POST -H "X-Api-Key: API_KEY"] output.display("Aaaannnd we're back") end end deployment.deploy end end ``` Or maybe you just want to run a rake task on your application. Since this task may take a moment to complete it's probably a good idea to throw up a maintenance page. ```ruby # lib/tasks/deploy.rake namespace :deploy do desc 'Deploy app in production environment' task :production do deployment = Paratrooper::Deploy.new("amazing-production-app") do |deploy| deploy.maintenance = true deploy.add_callback(:after_teardown) do |output| output.display("Running some task that needs to run") deploy.add_remote_task("rake some:task:to:run") end end deployment.deploy end end ``` ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`). 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`). 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`). 5. Create new Pull Request. ## Thanks * [Rye Mason][] for the fantastic heading image. [Heroku]: http://heroku.com [Heroku Toolbelt]: http://toolbelt.heroku.com [New Relic]: http://newrelic.com [Rye Mason]: https://github.com/ryenotbread [`Paratrooper::Notifier`]: https://github.com/mattpolito/paratrooper/blob/master/lib/paratrooper/notifier.rb