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The error was: %sCategoryChangeLogChanged lineCharacterClassicClassic color schemeCode BlockColorColor scheme used in the Kate text editorColor scheme using Tango color paletteColor to use for drawing the margin overlayColor to use for the right margin lineCommandCommand MacroCommentCommon DefinesCompiler DirectiveComplex numberConditional MacroConstantConstructorsControlDDOCTYPEDPatchDTDDark color scheme using the Tango color paletteData TypeData typeDateDecimalDecimal numberDeclarationDefaultsDefineDefinitionDefinition listDelimiterDiffDimensionDirectory MacroDocbookDocumentation commentDocumentation comment elementElement nameEmailEmphasisEncodingEntityEnumerated listErlangErrorEscapeEscaped CharacterExec parameterExternalFile AttributesFile DescriptorFloatFloating PointFloating Point numberFloating point numberFlow ConditionalForegroundForeground colorForeground setFormatFormatting ElementsFortran 95FunctionFunction NameFuture Reserved KeywordsGAPGUI ElementsGateGenerated ContentGroupGtkRCHOME and END keys move to first/last non whitespace characters on line before going to the start/end of the lineHTMLHaddockHaddock DirectiveHaskellHeaderHeader ElementsHeader PropertyHeredocHeredoc BoundHexHexadecimal numberHiddenHighlight Matching BracketsHighlight SyntaxHighlight current lineHyperlinked IdentifierHyperlinked Module NameIDLIdentifierIgnoreIncludeInclude StatementInclude directiveIncluded FileIndent WidthIndent on tabInline C CodeInline Documentation SectionInline Haddock SectionInline Math ModeInsert Spaces Instead of TabsInteger NumberItalicItalic setItemized listJavaJavascriptKateKeyKeywordKnown Property ValueLaTeXLabeled argumentLanguageLanguage idLanguage nameLanguage object to get highlighting patterns fromLanguage sectionLanguage specification directoriesLine DirectiveLine backgroundLine background colorLine background setList of directories and files where the style schemes are locatedList of directories where the language specification files (.lang) are locatedList of the ids of the available style schemesLiterate HaskellLocationLuaMSILMacrosMakefileMargin Line AlphaMargin Line ColorMargin Overlay AlphaMargin Overlay ColorMargin Overlay ToggleMargin positionMarkupMath ModeMaximum Undo LevelsMissing main language definition (id = "%s".)Module HandlerModule PathModule handlerMonospaceMultiline stringNamespaceNemerleNil ConstantNo idea what it isNote (FIXME, TODO, XXX, etc.)Null ValueNumberNumber of spaces to use for each step of indentNumber of undo levels for the bufferNumeric literalOCLObjectObjective CamlObjective-COblivionOcamldoc CommentsOctalOctal numberOctaveOperation operatorOperatorOther MacroOthersOthers 2Others 3PHPPOD EscapePOD headingPOD keywordPackage InfoParameterPascalPatternPerlPolymorphic VariantPosition of the right marginPredefined VariablePreprocessorPreprocessor directiveProcessing instructionPropertiesProperty NamePythonRRPM VariableRPM specReal numberRegular ExpressionRemoved lineReserved ClassReserved ConstantReserved IdentifierReserved keywordReturnRubySQLSchemeScheme idsScientificScope DeclarationScriptsSectionShebangShow Line MarkersShow Line NumbersShow Right MarginSignal NameSinceSmart Home/EndSourcesSpec MacroSpecial ConstantSpecial TokenSpecial VariableSpecial caseSpecial character (inside a string)Special constantStatementStorage ClassStrikethroughStrikethrough setStringStructural ElementsStyle schemeStyle scheme descriptionStyle scheme filenameStyle scheme idStyle scheme nameStyle scheme search pathSwitchSymbolSystem CommandTab WidthTagTangoTclTexinfoTranslationTransparency of the margin lineTransparency of the margin overlayTypeType OperatorsType VariableType, module or object keywordURLUnderlineUnderline setUnderlinedUnknown id '%s' in regex '%s'VB.NETVHDLVariableVariant ConstructorVerbatimVerilogWhether Redo operation is possibleWhether Undo operation is possibleWhether background color is setWhether bold attribute is setWhether foreground color is setWhether italic attribute is setWhether line background color is setWhether strikethrough attribute is setWhether the language should be hidden from the userWhether to display line marker pixbufsWhether to display line numbersWhether to display the right marginWhether to draw the right margin overlayWhether to enable auto indentationWhether to highlight matching bracketsWhether to highlight syntax in the bufferWhether to highlight the current lineWhether to indent the selected text when the tab key is pressedWhether to insert spaces instead of tabsWhether underline attribute is setWidget StateWidth of a tab character expressed in spacesXMLYaccat-rulesawkcontext '%s' cannot contain a \%%{...@start} commandduplicated context id '%s'gettext translationgrammargtk-docin regex '%s': backreferences are not supportedinvalid reference '%s'keywordlibtoolm4math-boundpatch-startpkg-configprintf Conversionshstring-conversionstyle override used with wildcard context reference in language '%s' in ref '%s'translator-creditsunknown context '%s'using \C is not supported in language definitionsProject-Id-Version: gtksourceview 0.9.2 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-26 17:43-0400 PO-Revision-Date: 2005-08-08 20:39-0500 Last-Translator: Adam Weinberger Language-Team: Canadian English MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit .desktop.iniAdaAdded lineAnchorArbitrary base numberAssignment OperatorAtomAttribute DefinitionAttribute NameAttribute ValueAttribute nameAttribute valueAuto IndentationBackgroundBackground colourBackground setBase-N IntegerBase-N numberBinary numberBoldBold setBooBooleanBoolean valueBuilt-in identifierBuilt-inBuilt-in ConstantBuilt-in FunctionBuilt-in ObjectBuiltin-function keywordCC#C++C/C++/ObjC HeaderCDATA delimiterCSSCan redoCan undoCannot create a regex for all the transitions. The syntax highlighting process will be slower than usual. The error was: %sCategoryChangeLogChanged lineCharacterClassicClassic colour schemeCode BlockColourColour scheme used in the Kate text editorColour scheme using Tango colour paletteColour to use for drawing the margin overlayColour to use for the right margin lineCommandCommand MacroCommentCommon DefinesCompiler DirectiveComplex numberConditional MacroConstantConstructorsControlDDOCTYPEDPatchDTDDark colour scheme using the Tango colour paletteData TypeData typeDateDecimalDecimal numberDeclarationDefaultsDefineDefinitionDefinition listDelimiterDiffDimensionDirectory MacroDocbookDocumentation commentDocumentation comment elementElement nameEmailEmphasisEncodingEntityEnumerated listErlangErrorEscapeEscaped CharacterExec parameterExternalFile AttributesFile DescriptorFloatFloating PointFloating Point numberFloating point numberFlow ConditionalForegroundForeground colourForeground setFormatFormatting ElementsFortran 95FunctionFunction NameFuture Reserved KeywordsGAPGUI ElementsGateGenerated ContentGroupGtkRCHOME and END keys move to first/last non-whitespace character on the line before going to the start/end of the lineHTMLHaddockHaddock DirectiveHaskellHeaderHeader ElementsHeader PropertyHeredocHeredoc BoundHexHexadecimal numberHiddenHighlight Matching BracketsHighlight SyntaxHighlight current lineHyperlinked IdentifierHyperlinked Module NameIDLIdentifierIgnoreIncludeInclude StatementInclude directiveIncluded FileIndent WidthIndent on tabInline C CodeInline Documentation SectionInline Haddock SectionInline Math ModeInsert Spaces Instead of TabsInteger NumberItalicItalic setItemized listJavaJavascriptKateKeyKeywordKnown Property ValueLaTeXLabelled argumentLanguageLanguage IDLanguage nameLanguage object to get highlighting patterns fromLanguage sectionLanguage specification directoriesLine DirectiveLine backgroundLine background colourLine background setList of directories and files where the style schemes are locatedList of directories where the language specification files (.lang) are locatedList of the IDs of the available style schemesLiterate HaskellLocationLuaMSILMacrosMakefileMargin Line AlphaMargin Line ColourMargin Overlay AlphaMargin Overlay ColourMargin Overlay ToggleMargin positionMarkupMath ModeMaximum Undo LevelsMissing main language definition (ID = "%s".)Module HandlerModule PathModule handlerMonospaceMultiline stringNamespaceNemerleNil ConstantNo idea what it isNote (FIXME, TODO, XXX, etc.)Null ValueNumberNumber of spaces to use for each step of indentNumber of undo levels for the bufferNumeric literalOCLObjectObjective CamlObjective-COblivionOcamldoc CommentsOctalOctal numberOctaveOperation operatorOperatorOther MacroOthersOthers 2Others 3PHPPOD EscapePOD headingPOD keywordPackage InfoParameterPascalPatternPerlPolymorphic VariantPosition of the right marginPredefined VariablePreprocessorPreprocessor directiveProcessing instructionPropertiesProperty NamePythonRRPM VariableRPM specReal numberRegular ExpressionRemoved lineReserved ClassReserved ConstantReserved IdentifierReserved keywordReturnRubySQLSchemeScheme IDsScientificScope DeclarationScriptsSectionShebangShow Line MarkersShow Line NumbersShow Right MarginSignal NameSinceSmart Home/EndSourcesSpec MacroSpecial ConstantSpecial TokenSpecial VariableSpecial caseSpecial character (inside a string)Special constantStatementStorage ClassStrikethroughStrikethrough setStringStructural ElementsStyle schemeStyle scheme descriptionStyle scheme filenameStyle scheme IDStyle scheme nameStyle scheme search pathSwitchSymbolSystem CommandTab WidthTagTangoTCLTexinfoTranslationTransparency of the margin lineTransparency of the margin overlayTypeType OperatorsType VariableType, module or object keywordURLUnderlineUnderline setUnderlinedUnknown ID '%s' in regex '%s'VB.NETVHDLVariableVariant ConstructorVerbatimVerilogWhether Redo operation is possibleWhether Undo operation is possibleWhether background colour is setWhether bold attribute is setWhether foreground colour is setWhether italic attribute is setWhether line background colour is setWhether strikethrough attribute is setWhether the language should be hidden from the userWhether to display line marker pixbufsWhether to display line numbersWhether to display the right marginWhether to draw the right margin overlayWhether to enable auto indentationWhether to highlight matching bracketsWhether to highlight syntax in the bufferWhether to highlight the current lineWhether to indent the selected text when the tab key is pressedWhether to insert spaces instead of tabsWhether underline attribute is setWidget StateWidth of a tab character expressed in spacesXMLYaccat-rulesAWKcontext '%s' cannot contain a \%%{...@start} commandduplicated context ID '%s'gettext translationgrammargtk-docin regex '%s': backreferences are not supportedinvalid reference '%s'keywordlibtoolm4math-boundpatch-startpkg-configprintf Conversionshstring-conversionstyle override used with wildcard context reference in language '%s' in ref '%s'Adam Weinberger unknown context '%s'using \C is not supported in language definitions