# Imagine [![Travis CI Build Status](http://travis-ci.org/knewter/imagine.png)](http://travis-ci.org/knewter/imagine) A rails image gallery, that's mountable. Works on rails 3.1 at least :) It's still in active development. * [Github project](http://www.github.com/knewter/imagine) ## USAGE To use Imagine in your app, simply add it to your Gemfile. Then, mount it by: mount Imagine::Engine, :at => "/imagine" Install the migrations with: bundle exec rake imagine:install:migrations And run the migrations with: bundle exec rake db:migrate Finally, visit /imagine/albums in your browser to get started. ## TODO * Allow a user to choose the default display style at album level * API to define a default view for albums, images (so define a default plugin) * Provide a standard means of wrapping with authentication * Provide a happy-path for attaching albums polymorphically to other objects * Make it look a little prettier. Provide a stylesheet that you can include if you so desire. ## Plugins New album display types are specified in plugins. Plugins are just gems. There is a plugin shipped with the core project called `imagine_basic_list`. It should serve as a good template for building your own. There is another plugin called `orbit_view` that displays the album using jquery orbit. They're just rails engines, that have a bit of configuration logic to let Imagine know that they should be incuded in the template style lists. ## Testing I've got this set up to use spork, so just do the following: In one terminal, do: bundle exec spork rspec In another terminal, once that's done, you can: bundle exec rspec spec ## License This project uses MIT-LICENSE. ## Contributors Josh Adams (josh@isotope11.com) Some code (plugin system, .travis.yml) lifted ungraciously from http://github.com/resolve/refinerycms. Those guys are awesome.