= Cells View Components for Rails. == Overview Say you're writing a Rails online shop - the shopping cart is reappearing again and again in every view. You're thinking about a clean solution for that part. A mixture of controller code, before-filters, partials and helpers? No. That sucks. Take Cells. Cells are View Components for Rails. They look and feel like controllers. They don't have no +DoubleRenderError+. They are callable everywhere in your controllers or views. They are cacheable, testable, fast and wonderful. They bring back OOP to your view and improve your software design. == Installation It's a gem! Rails 3: gem install cells Rails 2.3: gem install cells --version 3.3.4 == Generate Creating a cell is nothing more than $ rails generate cell ShoppingCart display create app/cells/ create app/cells/shopping_cart create app/cells/shopping_cart_cell.rb create app/cells/shopping_cart/display.html.erb create test/cells/shopping_cart_test.rb That looks very familiar. == Render the cell Now, render your cart. Why not put it in layouts/application.html.erb for now?