// Foundation for Sites // https://get.foundation // Licensed under MIT Open Source //// /// @group functions //// /// Determine if a value is not falsey, in CSS terms. Falsey values are `null`, `none`, `0` with any unit, or an empty list. /// /// @param {Mixed} $val - Value to check. /// /// @returns {Boolean} `true` if `$val` is not falsey. @function has-value($val) { @if $val == null or $val == none { @return false; } @if type-of($val) == 'number' and strip-unit($val) == 0 { @return false; } @if type-of($val) == 'list' and length($val) == 0 { @return false; } @return true; } /// Determine a top/right/bottom/right value on a padding, margin, etc. property, no matter how many values were passed in. Use this function if you need to know the specific side of a value, but don't know if the value is using a shorthand format. /// /// @param {List|Number} $val - Value to analyze. Should be a shorthand sizing property, e.g. "1em 2em 1em" /// @param {Keyword} $side - Side to return. Should be `top`, `right`, `bottom`, or `left`. /// /// @returns {Number} A single value based on `$val` and `$side`. @function get-side($val, $side) { $length: length($val); @if $length == 1 { @return $val; } @if $length == 2 { @return map-get(( top: nth($val, 1), bottom: nth($val, 1), left: nth($val, 2), right: nth($val, 2), ), $side); } @if $length == 3 { @return map-get(( top: nth($val, 1), left: nth($val, 2), right: nth($val, 2), bottom: nth($val, 3), ), $side); } @if $length == 4 { @return map-get(( top: nth($val, 1), right: nth($val, 2), bottom: nth($val, 3), left: nth($val, 4), ), $side); } } /// Given border $val, find a specific element of the border, which is $elem. The possible values for $elem are width, style, and color. /// /// @param {List} $val - Border value to find a value in. /// @param {Keyword} $elem - Border component to extract. /// /// @returns {Mixed} If the value exists, returns the value. If the value is not in the border definition, the function will return a 0px width, solid style, or black border. @function get-border-value($val, $elem) { // Find the width, style, or color and return it @each $v in $val { $type: type-of($v); @if $elem == width and $type == 'number' { @return $v; } @if $elem == style and $type == 'string' { @return $v; } @if $elem == color and $type == 'color' { @return $v; } } // Defaults $defaults: ( width: 0, style: solid, color: #000, ); @return map-get($defaults, $elem); } /// Finds a value in a nested map. /// @link https://css-tricks.com/snippets/sass/deep-getset-maps/ Deep Get/Set in Maps /// /// @param {Map} $map - Map to pull a value from. /// @param {String} $keys... - Keys to use when looking for a value. /// @returns {Mixed} The value found in the map. @function map-deep-get($map, $keys...) { @each $key in $keys { $map: map-get($map, $key); } @return $map; } /// Casts a map into a list. /// @link http://hugogiraudel.com/2014/04/28/casting-map-into-list/ /// /// @param {Map} $map - Map to pull a value from. /// /// @returns {List} Depending on the flag, returns either $keys or $values or both. @function map-to-list($map, $keep: 'both') { $keep: if(index('keys' 'values', $keep), $keep, 'both'); @if type-of($map) == 'map' { $keys: (); $values: (); @each $key, $val in $map { $keys: append($keys, $key); $values: append($values, $val); } @if $keep == 'keys' { @return $keys; } @else if $keep == 'values' { @return $values; } @else { @return zip($keys, $values); } } @return if(type-of($map) != 'list', ($value,), $map); } /// Return a join of the two given strings `$str1` and `$str2`. /// If the two strings are not empty, they are separated by `$delimiter`. /// /// @param {String} $str1 [null] - First string to join. /// @param {String} $str1 [null] - Second string to join. /// @param {String} $delimiter [null] - Delimieter between `$str1` and `$str2`. /// /// @returns {String} Join of `$str1`, `$delimiter` and `$str2`. @function zf-str-join( $str1: null, $str2: null, $delimiter: null ) { $ret: ''; @if $str1 and str-length($str1) > 0 { $ret: $ret + $str1; @if $delimiter and str-length($delimiter) > 0 and $str2 and str-length($str2) > 0 { $ret: $ret + $delimiter; } } @if $str2 and str-length($str2) > 0 { $ret: $ret + $str2; } @return $ret; } /// Safely return a value from a map. /// /// @param {Map} $map - Map to retrieve a value from. /// @param {String} $key - Name of the map key. /// /// @returns {List} Found value. @function map-safe-get($map, $key) { @if (type-of($map) == 'map' or (type-of($map) == 'list' and length($map) == 0)) { @if (map-has-key($map, $key)) { @return map-get($map, $key); } @else { @error 'Key: `#{$key}` is not available in `#{$map}`'; } } @else { @error '`#{$map}` is not a valid map'; } } /// Convert the given `$val` to a Boolean. Empty values are considered as false. //// /// @access private /// /// @param {*} $val - Value to convert. /// /// @returns {Boolean} Converted Boolean value. @function -zf-bool($val) { @return $val != false and has-value($val); }