require_relative './generated_nodes' require 'jekyll' require 'safe_yaml' module JekyllThemeGuidesMbland module FrontMatter EXTNAMES = %w[.md .html].freeze def self.load(basedir) # init_file_to_front_matter_map is initializing the map with a nil value # for every file that _should_ contain front matter as far as the # navigation menu is concerned. Any nil values that remain after merging # with the site_file_to_front_matter map will result in a validation # error. init_file_to_front_matter_map(basedir) .merge(site_file_to_front_matter(init_site(basedir))) end def self.validate_with_message_upon_error(front_matter) files_with_errors = validate front_matter return if files_with_errors.empty? message = ['The following files have errors in their front matter:'] files_with_errors.each do |file, errors| message << " #{file}:" message.concat( { |error| " #{error}" }) end message.join "\n" unless message.size == 1 end def self.validate(front_matter) do |file, data| next [file, ['no front matter defined']] if data.nil? errors = missing_property_errors(data) + permalink_errors(data) [file, errors] unless errors.empty? end.compact.to_h end class << self private def init_site(basedir) Dir.chdir(basedir) do config = SafeYAML.load_file('_config.yml', safe: true) adjust_config_paths(basedir, config) site = site.reset site end end def adjust_config_paths(basedir, config) source = config['source'] config['source'] = source.nil? ? basedir : File.join(basedir, source) destination = config['destination'] destination = '_site' if destination.nil? config['destination'] = File.join(basedir, destination) end def site_file_to_front_matter(site) site_pages(site).map do |page| [page.relative_path,] end.to_h end # We're supporting two possible configurations: # # - a `pages/` directory in which documents appear as part of the regular # site.pages collection; we have to filter by page.relative_path, and we # do not assign a permalink so that validation (in a later step) will # ensure that each page has a permalink assigned # # - an actual `pages` collection, stored in a `_pages` directory; no # filtering is necessary, and we can reliably set the permalink to # page.url as a default def site_pages(site) pages = site.collections['pages'] if pages.nil? do |page| # Handle both with and without leading slash, as leading slash was # removed in v3.2.0.pre.beta2: # jekyll/jekyll/commit/4fbbeddae20fa52732f30ef001bb1f80258bc5d7 page.relative_path.start_with?('/pages/', 'pages/') || page.url == '/' end else { |page|['permalink'] ||= page.url } end end def init_file_to_front_matter_map(basedir) file_to_front_matter = {} Dir.chdir(basedir) do pages_dir = Dir.exist?('_pages') ? '_pages' : 'pages' Dir[File.join(pages_dir, '**', '*')].each do |file_name| extname = File.extname(file_name) next unless File.file?(file_name) && EXTNAMES.include?(extname) file_to_front_matter[file_name] = nil end end file_to_front_matter end def missing_property_errors(data) properties = %w[title permalink] { |p| "no `#{p}:` property" if data[p].nil? }.compact end def permalink_errors(data) pl = data['permalink'] return [] if pl.nil? errors = [] errors << "`permalink:` does not begin with '/'" \ unless pl.start_with? '/' errors << "`permalink:` does not end with '/'" unless pl.end_with? '/' errors end end end # Automatically updates the `navigation:` field in _config.yml. # # Does this by parsing the front matter from files in `pages/`. Preserves the # existing order of items in `navigation:`, but new items may need to be # reordered manually. def self.update_navigation_configuration(basedir) config_path = File.join basedir, '_config.yml' config_data = SafeYAML.load_file config_path, safe: true return unless config_data nav_data = config_data['navigation'] || [] NavigationMenu.validate_existing_data(nav_data) NavigationMenu.update_navigation_data(nav_data, basedir, config_data) NavigationMenuWriter.write_navigation_data_to_config_file(config_path, nav_data) end module NavigationMenu def self.validate_existing_data(nav_data) errors = [] validate_existing_data_impl(nav_data, errors) err_msg = "Existing navigation entries contain errors:\n " + errors.join("\n ") + "\n_config.yml not updated" abort err_msg unless errors.empty? end def self.validate_existing_data_impl(nav_data, errors) nav_data.each do |nav| if !nav['internal'] && nav['children'] errors << "#{nav['text']}: external navigation URLs " \ 'cannot have children' end validate_existing_data_impl(nav['children'] || [], errors) end end def self.update_navigation_data(nav_data, basedir, config_data) original = map_nav_items_by_url('/', nav_data).to_h updated = updated_nav_data(basedir) remove_stale_nav_entries(nav_data, original, updated) { |url, nav| apply_nav_update(url, nav, nav_data, original) } if config_data['generate_nodes'] GeneratedNodes.create_homes_for_orphans(original, nav_data) else check_for_orphaned_items(nav_data) end end def self.map_nav_items_by_url(parent_url, nav_data) nav_data.flat_map do |nav| url = File.join('', parent_url, nav['url'] || '') [[url, nav]].concat(map_nav_items_by_url(url, nav['children'] || [])) end end def self.updated_nav_data(basedir) front_matter = FrontMatter.load basedir errors = FrontMatter.validate_with_message_upon_error front_matter abort errors + "\n_config.yml not updated" if errors front_matter .values.sort_by { |fm| fm['permalink'] } .map { |fm| [fm['permalink'], page_nav(fm)] }.to_h end def self.page_nav(front_matter) url_components = front_matter['permalink'].split('/')[1..-1] result = { 'text' => front_matter['navtitle'] || front_matter['title'], 'url' => "#{url_components.nil? ? '' : url_components.last}/", 'internal' => true, } # Delete the root URL so we don't have an empty `url:` property laying # around. result.delete 'url' if result['url'] == '/' result end def self.remove_stale_nav_entries(nav_data, original, updated) # Remove old entries whose pages have been deleted original.each do |url, nav| if !updated.member?(url) && nav['internal'] && !nav['generated'] nav['delete'] = true end end original.delete_if { |_url, nav| nav['delete'] } nav_data.delete_if { |nav| nav['delete'] } nav_data.each { |nav| remove_stale_children(nav) } end def self.remove_stale_children(parent) children = (parent['children'] || []) children.delete_if { |nav| nav['delete'] } parent.delete 'children' if children.empty? children.each { |child| remove_stale_children(child) } end def self.apply_nav_update(url, nav, nav_data, original) orig = original[url] if orig.nil? apply_new_nav_item(url, nav, nav_data, original) else orig['text'] = nav['text'] orig.delete('generated') end end def self.apply_new_nav_item(url, nav, nav_data, original) parent_url = File.dirname(url || '/') parent = original["#{parent_url}/"] if parent_url == '/' nav_data << (original[url] = nav) elsif parent.nil? nav_data << nav.merge(orphan_url: url) else (parent['children'] ||= []) << nav end end def self.check_for_orphaned_items(nav_data) orphan_urls = { |nav| nav[:orphan_url] }.compact return if orphan_urls.empty? raise StandardError, "Parent pages missing for the following:\n " + orphan_urls.join("\n ") end end class NavigationMenuWriter def self.write_navigation_data_to_config_file(config_path, nav_data) lines = [] in_navigation = false do |line| in_navigation = process_line line, lines, nav_data, in_navigation end File.write config_path, lines.join end def self.process_line(line, lines, nav_data, in_navigation = false) if !in_navigation && line.start_with?('navigation:') lines << line << format_navigation_section(nav_data) in_navigation = true elsif in_navigation in_navigation = line.start_with?(' ', '-') lines << line unless in_navigation else lines << line end in_navigation end YAML_PREFIX = "---\n".freeze def self.format_navigation_section(nav_data) nav_data.empty? ? '' : nav_data.to_yaml[YAML_PREFIX.size..-1] end end end