# Microsoft Teams Incoming Webhook Ruby [![CI](https://github.com/pedrofurtado/microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/pedrofurtado/microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby/actions/workflows/ci.yml) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/pedrofurtado/microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby/branch/master/graph/badge.svg?token=R8QOY8Y6W8)](https://codecov.io/gh/pedrofurtado/microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby) [![Maintainability](https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/31748863989fd026ad25/maintainability)](https://codeclimate.com/github/pedrofurtado/microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby/maintainability) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby) [![Gem](https://img.shields.io/gem/dt/microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby.svg)]() [![license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/pedrofurtado/microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby.svg)]() [![contributions welcome](https://img.shields.io/badge/contributions-welcome-brightgreen.svg?style=flat)](https://github.com/pedrofurtado/microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby) [![Ruby Style Guide](https://img.shields.io/badge/code_style-rubocop-brightgreen.svg)](https://github.com/rubocop/rubocop) Ruby gem for integration with Microsoft Teams Incoming Webhook. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby' ``` And then execute: ```shell bundle install ``` Or install it yourself as: ```shell gem install microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby ``` ## Usage ### Configuration of Incoming Webhook connector on your Teams channels The first step before using this gem is to configure the connector inside your Teams channels. For this purpose, please check the official documentation from Microsoft. It's listed below some useful links: - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/webhooks-and-connectors/how-to/add-incoming-webhook - https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-365-pnp-blog/how-to-configure-and-use-incoming-webhooks-in-microsoft-teams/ba-p/2051118 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amvh4rzTCS0 After the configuration, keep your generated Incoming Webhook URL in a secret and secure way. You will use it (the URL) in next sections of README. ### Hello World message sending Once you have configured Incoming Webhook inside your Teams channels, you can send a very simple `Hello World` message: ```ruby require 'microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby' message = MicrosoftTeamsIncomingWebhookRuby::Message.new do |m| m.url = 'YOUR INCOMING WEBHOOK URL HERE' m.text = 'Hello World!' end message.send ``` Note that there are 2 keys that is the minimum required to define a valid message for Teams: - `url`: The URL of Incoming Webhook connector, generated via Microsoft Teams - `text`: The text of your message There are many other possible keys to be sent to Microsoft Incoming Webhook API. But pay attention to always send **at least** the 2 keys. ### Gem public interface The `MicrosoftTeamsIncomingWebhookRuby::Message` class has 3 main methods: - `new`: Initialization of object. You need to pass a block as parameter, containing the message structure. This structure will be converted automatically to JSON and be sent to Microsoft Incoming Webhook API. - `builder`: Message builder object, that allows add/redefine/remove fields arbitrarily. - `send`: Invocation of Incoming Webhook API, using HTTPS. ### Message structure The Microsoft Incoming Webhook API allows us to send a variety of fields, that will result in diferents cards displayed in Teams channels. Because of this, the gem will not enforce any schema in message structure. The only required parameters are `url` and `text`. Any other options will be accepted, considering that Microsoft Incoming Webhook API accepts it. The message structure and its fields can be defined in two moments: - Initialization of `MicrosoftTeamsIncomingWebhookRuby::Message` object - After object initialization, but before `send` method call 🚨 You can add/replace/remove any fields arbitrarily, but keeping at least the minimum required fields (`url` and `text`). Otherwise, an error will be generated when invoke `send` method. Below there are some examples of this manipulation: - Initialization of attributes in `MicrosoftTeamsIncomingWebhookRuby::Message` object ```ruby require 'microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby' message = MicrosoftTeamsIncomingWebhookRuby::Message.new do |m| m.url = 'YOUR INCOMING WEBHOOK URL HERE' m.text = 'Hello World!' m.my_arbitrary_field = 'My value' m.my_another_arbitrary_field = { my: 'value' } end message.send ``` - Addition of attribute after object initialization, but before `send` method call ```ruby require 'microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby' message = MicrosoftTeamsIncomingWebhookRuby::Message.new do |m| m.url = 'YOUR INCOMING WEBHOOK URL HERE' m.text = 'Hello World!' end message.builder.my_arbitrary_field = 'My value' message.builder.my_another_arbitrary_field = { my: 'value' } message.send ``` - Remotion of attributes after object initialization, but before `send` method call ```ruby require 'microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby' message = MicrosoftTeamsIncomingWebhookRuby::Message.new do |m| m.url = 'YOUR INCOMING WEBHOOK URL HERE' m.text = 'Hello World!' m.my_custom_field = 'My custom value' end message.builder.delete_field :my_custom_field message.send ``` - Redefinition of attributes after object initialization, but before `send` method call ```ruby require 'microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby' message = MicrosoftTeamsIncomingWebhookRuby::Message.new do |m| m.url = 'YOUR INCOMING WEBHOOK URL HERE' m.text = 'Hello World!' m.my_custom_field = 'My custom value' end message.builder.my_custom_field = 'Updated value' message.send ``` In case of keys that starts with **@**, it is necessary to use brackets notation: ```ruby require 'microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby' message = MicrosoftTeamsIncomingWebhookRuby::Message.new do |m| m.url = 'YOUR INCOMING WEBHOOK URL HERE' m.text = 'Hello World!' m['@my_field'] = 'Lorem ipsum' end message.builder['@my_another_new_field'] = 'Ipsum valorium' message.send ``` ### Error handling If the builder object turn itself invalid before invocation of `send` method, the gem will raise a `MicrosoftTeamsIncomingWebhookRuby::Message::Error::InvalidMessage` exception: ```ruby require 'microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby' message = MicrosoftTeamsIncomingWebhookRuby::Message.new do |m| m.url = 'YOUR INCOMING WEBHOOK URL HERE' m.text = 'Hello World!' end message.builder.delete_field :url begin message.send rescue MicrosoftTeamsIncomingWebhookRuby::Message::Error::InvalidMessage puts 'Your message structure is invalid!' end ``` ```ruby require 'microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby' begin message = MicrosoftTeamsIncomingWebhookRuby::Message.new do |m| m.my_only_one_field = 'Lorem ipsum' end rescue MicrosoftTeamsIncomingWebhookRuby::Message::Error::InvalidMessage puts 'Your message structure is invalid' end ``` If a non-successful response code be returned by API (1xx, 4xx or 5xx), the gem will raise a `MicrosoftTeamsIncomingWebhookRuby::Message::Error::FailedRequest` exception: ```ruby require 'microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby' message = MicrosoftTeamsIncomingWebhookRuby::Message.new do |m| m.url = 'YOUR INCOMING WEBHOOK URL HERE' m.text = 'My message' end begin message.send rescue MicrosoftTeamsIncomingWebhookRuby::Message::Error::FailedRequest puts 'Microsoft API is down, broken, or your network failed!' end ``` ## Examples You can build and send messages with any supported card fields provided by Microsoft: - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/webhooks-and-connectors/how-to/connectors-using - https://adaptivecards.io/samples - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook/actionable-messages/message-card-reference - https://amdesigner.azurewebsites.net - https://messagecardplayground.azurewebsites.net - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook/actionable-messages/adaptive-card - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/webhooks-and-connectors/what-are-webhooks-and-connectors We will provide below some ready-to-go examples to be used, based on API described in links above. ### Minimal ```ruby require 'microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby' webhook_url = 'YOUR INCOMING WEBHOOK URL HERE' message = MicrosoftTeamsIncomingWebhookRuby::Message.new do |m| m.url = webhook_url m.text = 'Minimal message!' end message.send ``` ### Theme color ```ruby require 'microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby' webhook_url = 'YOUR INCOMING WEBHOOK URL HERE' message = MicrosoftTeamsIncomingWebhookRuby::Message.new do |m| m.url = webhook_url m.text = 'Message with theme color!' m.themeColor = 'FF0000' end message.send ``` ### Title ```ruby require 'microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby' webhook_url = 'YOUR INCOMING WEBHOOK URL HERE' message = MicrosoftTeamsIncomingWebhookRuby::Message.new do |m| m.url = webhook_url m.text = 'Message with title!' m.title = 'My title' end message.send ``` ### Summary ```ruby require 'microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby' webhook_url = 'YOUR INCOMING WEBHOOK URL HERE' message = MicrosoftTeamsIncomingWebhookRuby::Message.new do |m| m.url = webhook_url m.text = 'Message with summary!' m.summary = 'My summary' end message.send ``` ### Potential action ```ruby require 'microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby' webhook_url = 'YOUR INCOMING WEBHOOK URL HERE' message = MicrosoftTeamsIncomingWebhookRuby::Message.new do |m| m.url = webhook_url m.text = 'Message with potential action!' m.potentialAction = [ { '@type': 'ActionCard', 'name': 'Answer', 'inputs': [ { '@type': 'TextInput', 'id': 'title', 'isMultiline': true, 'title': 'Your text here' } ], 'actions': [ { '@type': 'HttpPOST', 'name': 'Send my answer', 'isPrimary': true, 'target': 'https://example.com/example' } ] }, { '@type': 'HttpPOST', 'name': 'Make another action', 'target': 'https://example.com/example2' }, { '@type': 'OpenUri', 'name': 'Open a URL', 'targets': [ { 'os': 'default', 'uri': 'https://github.com/pedrofurtado/microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby' } ] } ] end message.send ``` ### Sections ```ruby require 'microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby' webhook_url = 'YOUR INCOMING WEBHOOK URL HERE' message = MicrosoftTeamsIncomingWebhookRuby::Message.new do |m| m.url = webhook_url m.text = 'Message with sections!' m.sections = [ { 'text': 'Lorem ipsum vastium', 'activityTitle': 'John Smith', 'activitySubtitle': '01/01/1990, 11:45AM', 'activityImage': 'https://connectorsdemo.azurewebsites.net/images/MSC12_Oscar_002.jpg', 'facts': [ { 'name': 'Repository:', 'value': 'my-repo' }, { 'name': 'Issue #:', 'value': '123456789' } ] } ] end message.send ``` ### Advanced ```ruby require 'microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby' webhook_url = 'YOUR INCOMING WEBHOOK URL HERE' message = MicrosoftTeamsIncomingWebhookRuby::Message.new do |m| m.url = webhook_url m.text = 'Advanced message' m['@type'] = 'MessageCard' m['@context'] = 'http://schema.org/extensions' m.themeColor = '0076D7' m.summary = 'Larry Bryant created a new task' m.sections = [ { 'activityTitle': 'Larry Bryant created a new task', 'activitySubtitle': 'On Project Tango', 'activityImage': 'https://teamsnodesample.azurewebsites.net/static/img/image5.png', 'markdown': true, 'facts': [ { 'name': 'Assigned to', 'value': 'Unassigned' }, { 'name': 'Due date', 'value': 'Mon May 01 2017 17:07:18 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)' }, { 'name': 'Status', 'value': 'Not started' } ] } ] m.potentialAction = [ { '@type': 'ActionCard', 'name': 'Add a comment', 'inputs': [ { '@type': 'TextInput', 'id': 'comment', 'isMultiline': false, 'title': 'Add a comment here for this task' } ], 'actions': [ { '@type': 'HttpPOST', 'name': 'Add comment', 'target': 'https://docs.microsoft.com/outlook/actionable-messages' } ] }, { '@type': 'ActionCard', 'name': 'Set due date', 'inputs': [ { '@type': 'DateInput', 'id': 'dueDate', 'title': 'Enter a due date for this task' } ], 'actions': [ { '@type': 'HttpPOST', 'name': 'Save', 'target': 'https://docs.microsoft.com/outlook/actionable-messages' } ] }, { '@type': 'OpenUri', 'name': 'Learn More', 'targets': [ { 'os': 'default', 'uri': 'https://docs.microsoft.com/outlook/actionable-messages' } ] }, { '@type': 'ActionCard', 'name': 'Change status', 'inputs': [ { '@type': 'MultichoiceInput', 'id': 'list', 'title': 'Select a status', 'isMultiSelect': 'false', 'choices': [ { 'display': 'In Progress', 'value': '1' }, { 'display': 'Active', 'value': '2' }, { 'display': 'Closed', 'value': '3' } ] } ], 'actions': [ { '@type': 'HttpPOST', 'name': 'Save', 'target': 'https://docs.microsoft.com/outlook/actionable-messages' } ] } ] end message.send ``` ## Execute tests/specs To execute gem tests locally, use Docker with the commands below: ```bash git clone https://github.com/pedrofurtado/microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby cd microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby docker build -t microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby_specs . # Then, run this command how many times you want, # after editing local files, and so on, to get # feedback from test suite of gem. docker run -v $(pwd):/app/ -it microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby_specs ``` ## Similar gems for reference There are similar and great open source libraries that shares the same purpose of this gem, such as: - https://github.com/toririn/teams_incoming_clients - https://github.com/shirts/microsoft-teams-ruby - https://github.com/oooooooo/msteams-ruby-client - https://github.com/eduardolagares/msteams_webhook - https://github.com/adventistmedia/msteams_notifier ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/pedrofurtado/microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [code of conduct](https://github.com/pedrofurtado/microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). ## Code of Conduct Everyone interacting in the microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the [code of conduct](https://github.com/pedrofurtado/microsoft_teams_incoming_webhook_ruby/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).