require "test_helper" describe "deprecated Rails load_path and deprecated connection configuration" do it "load_path" do assert_equal "./experiments", load_rails("", <<-RB) $stdout << Vanity.playground.load_path RB end it "settable load_path" do assert_equal "predictions", load_rails(%Q{\nVanity.playground.load_path = "predictions"\n}, <<-RB) $stdout << Vanity.playground.load_path RB end it "absolute load_path" do Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| assert_equal dir, load_rails(%Q{\nVanity.playground.load_path = "#{dir}"\n}, <<-RB) $stdout << Vanity.playground.load_path RB end end if ENV['DB'] == 'redis' it "default connection" do assert_equal "redis://", load_rails("", <<-RB) $stdout << Vanity.playground.connection RB end it "connection from string" do assert_equal "redis://", load_rails(%Q{\nVanity.playground.establish_connection "redis://"\n}, <<-RB) $stdout << Vanity.playground.connection RB end it "connection from yaml" do begin FileUtils.mkpath "tmp/config""tmp/config/vanity.yml", "w") do |io| io.write <<-YML production: adapter: redis host: somehost database: 15 YML end assert_equal "redis://somehost:6379/15", load_rails("", <<-RB, "production") $stdout << Vanity.playground.connection RB ensure File.unlink "tmp/config/vanity.yml" end end it "connection from yaml url" do begin FileUtils.mkpath "tmp/config""tmp/config/vanity.yml", "w") do |io| io.write <<-YML production: redis://somehost/15 YML end assert_equal "redis://somehost:6379/15", load_rails("", <<-RB, "production") $stdout << Vanity.playground.connection RB ensure File.unlink "tmp/config/vanity.yml" end end it "connection from yaml with erb" do begin FileUtils.mkpath "tmp/config" # Pass storage URL through environment like heroku does @original_redis_url = ENV["REDIS_URL"] ENV["REDIS_URL"] = "redis://somehost:6379/15""tmp/config/vanity.yml", "w") do |io| io.write <<-YML production: <%= ENV['REDIS_URL'] %> YML end assert_equal "redis://somehost:6379/15", load_rails("", <<-RB, "production") $stdout << Vanity.playground.connection RB ensure ENV["REDIS_URL"] = @original_redis_url File.unlink "tmp/config/vanity.yml" end end it "connection from redis yml" do begin FileUtils.mkpath "tmp/config" yml ="tmp/config/redis.yml", "w") yml << "production: internal.local:6379\n" yml.flush assert_match %r{redis://internal.local:6379/0\Z}, load_rails("", <<-RB) $stdout << Vanity.playground.connection RB ensure File.unlink yml.path end end end if ENV['DB'] == 'mongo' it "mongo connection from yaml" do begin FileUtils.mkpath "tmp/config""tmp/config/vanity.yml", "w") do |io| io.write <<-YML mongodb: adapter: mongodb host: localhost port: 27017 database: vanity_test YML end assert_equal "mongodb://localhost:27017/vanity_test", load_rails("", <<-RB, "mongodb") $stdout << Vanity.playground.connection RB ensure File.unlink "tmp/config/vanity.yml" end end unless ENV['CI'] == 'true' # See it "mongodb replica set connection" do begin FileUtils.mkpath "tmp/config""tmp/config/vanity.yml", "w") do |io| io.write <<-YML mongodb: adapter: mongodb hosts: - localhost port: 27017 database: vanity_test YML end assert_equal "mongodb://localhost:27017/vanity_test", load_rails("", <<-RB, "mongodb") $stdout << Vanity.playground.connection RB assert_equal "Mongo::ReplSetConnection", load_rails("", <<-RB, "mongodb") $stdout << Vanity.playground.connection.mongo.class RB ensure File.unlink "tmp/config/vanity.yml" end end end end it "connection from yaml missing" do begin FileUtils.mkpath "tmp/config""tmp/config/vanity.yml", "w") do |io| io.write <<-YML production: adapter: redis YML end assert_equal "No configuration for development", load_rails("\nbegin\n", <<-RB, "development") rescue => e $stdout << e.message end RB ensure File.unlink "tmp/config/vanity.yml" end end it "collection from vanity yaml" do begin FileUtils.mkpath "tmp/config""tmp/config/vanity.yml", "w") do |io| io.write <<-YML production: collecting: false adapter: mock YML end assert_equal "false", load_rails("", <<-RB) $stdout << Vanity.playground.collecting? RB ensure File.unlink "tmp/config/vanity.yml" end end it "collection true in production by default" do assert_equal "true", load_rails("", <<-RB) $stdout << Vanity.playground.collecting? RB end it "collection false in production when configured" do assert_equal "false", load_rails("\nVanity.playground.collecting = false\n", <<-RB) $stdout << Vanity.playground.collecting? RB end it "collection true in development by default" do assert_equal "true", load_rails("", <<-RB, "development") $stdout << Vanity.playground.collecting? RB end it "collection true in development when configured" do assert_equal "true", load_rails("\nVanity.playground.collecting = true\n", <<-RB, "development") $stdout << Vanity.playground.collecting? RB end it "playground loads experiments if connected" do assert_equal "{}", load_rails("", <<-RB) $stdout << Vanity.playground.experiments.inspect RB end it "playground does not instantiate connection if disabled" do begin ENV['VANITY_DISABLED'] = '1' assert_equal "false", load_rails("", <<-RB) Vanity.playground.experiments.inspect $stdout << !!Vanity.playground.connected? RB ensure ENV['VANITY_DISABLED'] = nil end end def load_rails(before_initialize, after_initialize, env="production") tmp ="test.rb") begin code_setup = <<-RB $:.delete_if { |path| path[/gems\\/vanity-\\d/] } $:.unshift File.expand_path("../lib") RAILS_ROOT = File.expand_path(".") RB code = code_setup code += load_rails_3_or_4(env) code += %Q{\nrequire "vanity"\n} code += before_initialize code += initialize_rails_3_or_4 code += after_initialize tmp.write code tmp.flush Dir.chdir "tmp" do open("| ruby #{tmp.path}").read end ensure tmp.close! end end def load_rails_3_or_4(env) <<-RB ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] ||= "#{ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE']}" require 'bundler/setup' if File.exists?(ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE']) ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = ENV['RACK_ENV'] = "#{env}" require "active_model/railtie" require "action_controller/railtie" Bundler.require(:default) module Foo class Application < Rails::Application config.active_support.deprecation = :notify config.log_level = :fatal config.eager_load = #{env == "production"} if Rails::Application.respond_to?(:eager_load!) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.silenced = true if ActiveSupport::Deprecation.respond_to?(:silenced) && ENV['CI'] end end RB end def initialize_rails_3_or_4 <<-RB Foo::Application.initialize! RB end end